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Ch. 8: Hamilton Equations of Motion Sect. 8.1: Legendre Transformations. Lagrange Eqtns of motion: n degrees of freedom (d/dt)[ ( ∂ L/ ∂ q i )] - ( ∂ L/ ∂ q i ) = 0 (i = 1,2,3, … n) n 2 nd order , time dependent, differential equations.
Ch. 8: Hamilton Equations of MotionSect. 8.1: Legendre Transformations • Lagrange Eqtns of motion: n degrees of freedom (d/dt)[(∂L/∂qi)] - (∂L/∂qi) = 0(i = 1,2,3, … n) • n 2nd order, time dependent, differential equations. The system motion is determined for all time when 2n initial values are specified: n qi’s & n qi’s • We can represent the state of the system motion by the time dependent motion of a point in an abstract n-dimensional configuration space(coords = n generalized coords qi). • PHYSICS:In the Lagrangian Formulation of Mechanics,a system with n degrees of freedom = a problem inn independent variables qi(t). The generalized velocities, qi(t) are simply determined by taking the time derivatives of the qi(t). The velocities are not independent variables.
Hamiltonian Formulation of Mechanics • Hamiltonian Mechanics: A fundamentally different picture! • Describes the system motion in terms of 1st order, time dependent equations of motion. The number of initial conditions is, of course, still 2n. • We must describe the system motion with2n independent1st order, time dependent, differential equations expressed in terms of2n independent variables. • We choose n of these =n generalized coordinates qi. • We choose the other n =n generalized (conjugate) momenta pi.
Hamiltonian Mechanics: • Describes the system motion in terms of n generalized coordinates qj & n generalized momenta pi. It gets 2n1st order, time dependent equations of motion. • Recall that byDEFINITION:The generalized Momentumassociated with the generalized coordinate qj: pi (∂L/∂qi) • (q,p) “conjugate” or “canonical” variables. • See footnote, p 338, which discusses the historical origin of the word “canonical”.
Legendre Transformations • Physically,the Lagrange formulation assumes the coordinates qiare independent variables & the velocities qi are dependent variables & only obtained by taking time derivatives of the qi once the problem is solved! • Mathematically, the Lagrange formalism treats qi& qias independent variables. e.g., in Lagrange’s equations, (∂L/∂qi) means take the partial derivative of L with respect to qikeeping all other q’s &ALSOall q’s constant. Similarly (∂L/∂qi) means take the partial derivative of L with respect to qikeeping all other q’s &ALSOall q’s constant. • Treated as a pure math problem, changing from the Lagrange formulation to the Hamilton formulation corresponds to changing variables from (q,q,t)(q,q, independent)to (q,p,t)(q,p independent)
To change from the Lagrange to the Hamilton formulation • Change (or transform) variables from (q,q,t)(q,q, independent) to (q,p,t)(q,p independent). • Mathematicians call such a procedure a Legendre Transformation.Pure math for a while: • Consider a functionf(x,y)of 2 independent variables(x,y) The exact differential of f: df u dx + v dy Obviously: u (f/x) v (f/y) • Now, change variables to u & y, so that the differential quantities are expressed in terms of du & dy. Let g = g(u,y) be a function defined by g f - ux
Change from f(x,y)df u dx + v dy u (f/x) v (f/y) • To g(u,y) f - ux. The exact differential of g: dg df - u dx - x du = v dy – x du Obviously: v (g/x) x - (g/u) • This is a Legendre Transformation.Such transformations are used often in thermodynamics. See examples in Goldstein, pp 336 & 337.
Change from the Lagrange to the Hamilton formulation. Changing variables from(q,q,t)(q,q, independent) to (q,p,t)(q,p independent)is aLegendre Transformation. However, it’s one where many variables are involved instead of just 2. • Consider the Lagrangian L = L(q,q,t)(n q’s, n q’s) The exact differential of L (sum on i): dL (L/qi)dqi + (L/qi)dqi + (L/t)dt (1) • Canonical Momentumis defined:(d/dt)[(∂L/∂qi)] - (∂L/∂qi) = 0 pi (L/qi) pi (L/qi) (2) • Put (2) into (1): dL= pidqi + pidqi + (L/t)dt (3)
dL= pidqi + pidqi + (L/t)dt (3) • DefinetheHamiltonian Hby theLegendre Transformation:(sum on i) H(q,p,t) qipi– L(q,q,t) (4) dH = qidpi + pidqi – dL (5) • Combining (3) & (5): dH = qidpi - p dqi - (L/t)dt (6) • Since H = H(q,p,t) we can also write: dH (H/qi)dqi + (H/pi)dpi + (H/t)dt (7) • Directly comparing (6) & (7) qi(H/pi), - pi(H/qi), - (L/t) (H/t)
Hamiltonian H:(sum on i) H(q,p,t) qipi– L(q,q,t) (a) qi(H/pi) (b) - pi(H/qi) (c) - (L/t) (H/t) (d) • (b) & (c) together Hamilton’s Equations of Motion or theCanonical Equations of Hamilton • 2n 1st order, time dependent equations of motionreplacing then 2nd orderLagrange Equations of motion
Discussion of Hamilton’s Eqtns • Hamiltonian: H(q,p,t) = qipi– L(q,q,t) (a) Hamilton’s Equations of Motion: qi=(H/pi) (b), - pi =(H/qi) (c), -(L/t) = (H/t) (d) • 2n 1st order, time dependent equations of motion replacing the n 2nd order Lagrange Eqtns of motion. • (a): A formal definition of the Hamiltonian H in terms of the Lagrangian L. However, as we’ll see, in practice, we needn’t know L first to be able to construct H. • (b): qi=(H/pi): Gives qi’s as functions of (q,p,t). Given initial values, integrate to getqi= qi(q,p,t) They form the “inverse” relations of the equations pi= (L/qi) which give pi= pi(q,q,t). “No new information”.
Hamiltonian: H(q,p,t) = qipi– L(q,q,t) (a) Hamilton’s Equations of Motion: qi=(H/pi) (b), -pi =(H/qi) (c), - (L/t) = (H/t) (d) • (b): qi=(H/pi): qi= qi(q,p,t). “No new info”. • This is true in terms of SOLVING mechanics problems. However, within the Hamiltonian picture of mechanics, where H = H(q,p,t) is obtained NO MATTER HOW (not necessarily by (a)), this has equal footing (& contains equally important information as (c)). • (c): pi= - (H/qi): Given the initial values, integrate to getpi= pi(q,p,t) • (d): -(L/t) = (H/t): This is obviously only important in time dependent problems!
Recall the “energy function” h from Ch. 2 (Eq. (2.53):Define the Energy Functionh: h qi(L/qi) - L = h(q1,..qn,q1,..qn,t) • The Hamiltonian H & the energy function h have identical (numerical) values. However,they are functions of different variables! h h(q,q,t) while H = H(q,p,t) NOTE!!!!!A properHamiltonian(for use in Hamiltonian dynamics) isALWAYS (!!!!)written as a function of the generalized coordinates & momenta: H H(q,p,t). Similarly, a properLagrangian(for use in Lagrangian dynamics) isALWAYS (!)written as a function of the generalized coordinates & velocities:L L(q,q,t)
TO EMPHASIZE THIS: Consider a single free particle (p = mv): Energy = KE = T = (½)mv2only. So, h = T and H = T But, if it is a PROPER HAMILTONIAN (!!!), can it be written H =(½)mv2? NO!!!!!!HMUST be expressed in terms of the momentum p, NOTthe velocity v! So the PROPER HAMILTONIAN(!!!)is H = p2/(2m) !!!!!
Recipe for Hamiltonian Mechanics • Hamiltonian: H(q,p,t) = qipi– L(q,q,t) (a) Hamilton’s Equations of Motion: qi=(∂H/∂pi) (b), - pi =(∂H/∂qi) (c), - (∂L/∂t) = (∂H/∂t) (d) • Recipe:(CONSERVATIVE FORCES!) 1. Set up the Lagrangian, L = T – V = L(q,q,t) 2.Compute n conjugate momenta using:pi (∂L/∂qi) 3.Form the Hamiltonian H from (a). This is of the “mixed” form H = H(q,q,p,t) 4.Invert the npi (∂L/∂qi) to get qi qi(q,p,t). 5. Apply the results of 4to eliminate the qi from H to get a proper HamiltonianH = H(q,p,t). Then & only then can you properly & correctly use (b) & (c) to get the equations of motion!
If you think that this is a long, tedious process, you aren’t alone!Personally, this is why I prefer the Lagrange method! • This requires that you set up the Lagrangian first! • If you already have the Lagrangian, why not go ahead & do Lagrangian dynamics instead of going through all of this to do Hamiltonian dynamics? • Further, combining the 2n 1st order differential equations of motion qi=(H/pi) (b) & - pi =(H/qi) (c) gives the SAME n 2nd order differential equations of motion that Lagrangian dynamics gives! • However, for many physical systems of interest, it is fortunately possible to considerably shorten this procedure, even eliminating many steps completely!
Hamiltonian Mechanics (In Most Cases of Interest!) • We’ve seen (in Ch. 2)that in many cases: The Lagrangian = a sum of functions which are homogeneous in the generalized velocities of degree 0, 1, & 2. That is (schematically): L = L0(q,t) + L1(q,t)qk+ L2(q,t)qkqm • Use this form to construct the Hamiltonian: H = qipi– L(q,q,t) H = qipi– [L0(q,t) + L1(q,t)qk+ L2(q,t)qkqm] • We’ve also seen (in Ch. 2) thatin many cases:The equations defining the generalized coordinates don’t depend on the time explicitly: L2(q)qkqm = T(the kinetic energy) & L1= 0 • We’ve also seen (in Ch. 2)that in many cases: The forces are conservative & a potential V exists: L0 = - V
We’ve seen (in Ch. 2) thatin many cases: All of the conditions on the previous slide hold simultaneously. H = T + V That is, in this case, the Hamiltonian is automatically the total mechanical energy E • If that is the case, we can skip many steps of the recipe and write H = T + V immediately. Express T in terms of theMOMENTApi(not the velocities qi !)! Often it is easy to see how the pidepend on the qi& thus its easy to do this. Once this is done, we can go ahead & do Hamiltonian Dynamics without ever having written the Lagrangian down!!
Often, we can go further! For large classes of problems, the 1st & 2nd degree Lagrangian terms can be written (sum on i): L1(q,t)qk + L2(q,t)qkqm = qiai(q,t) + (qi)2Ti(q,t) So: L = L0(q,t) + qiai(q,t) + (qi)2Ti(q,t) (A) • If the Lagrangian can be written in the form of (A), we can do the algebraic manipulations in steps 2-5 in the recipe in general, once & for all. Do this by matrix manipulation!