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Teacher Support and Evaluation Plan. Bridgeport Public Schools 2014-2015. As a result of today’s session, you will be able to: Explain key components of Bridgeport’s 2014-15 Teacher Support and Evaluation Plan;
Teacher Support and Evaluation Plan Bridgeport Public Schools 2014-2015
As a result of today’s session, you will be able to: • Explain key components of Bridgeport’s 2014-15 Teacher Support and Evaluation Plan; • Know what you will have to do to be successful: Write measurable learning objectives as required in this plan; and • Review and understand practice standards that will be used to evaluate performance Today’s Objectives
Teacher Evaluation Components Student OutcomesIndicators • Student growth and development (45%) • Whole School Student Learning Indicator (5%) Teacher Practice Indicators • Observation of teacher performance and practice (40%) • Parent Feedback (10%) TEVAL - Pg. 3
Process and Timeline: The annual evaluation process between the teacher and an evaluator (principal or designee) is anchored in three conferences, which guide the process at the beginning, middle and end of the year. TEVAL - Pg. 4
Goal Setting and Planning: Completed by November 15th Orientation on Process: Discussion of roles and responsibilities to be scheduled as a 3-hour training occurring during the Professional Development prior to the opening of the 2014-2015 school year. Teacher Reflection and Goal Setting: Teacher examines student data, survey results, school-wide goal, CCT Rubric, or other district approved rubric, to draft a proposed performance and practice focus area, a parent feedback goal, and two SLOs for the school year. Goal Setting Conference: The evaluator and the teacher meet to discuss the Teacher’s proposed focus area, goals and objectives in order to arrive at mutual agreement about them. TEVAL - Pg. 4
Mid Year Check-In: Completed by February 15th • Reflection and Preparation: The teacher and evaluator collect and reflect on relevant material to date about the teacher’s practice and student learning in preparation for the check-in. • Mid-Year Conference: The evaluator and the teacher complete at least one mid-year check-in conference during which they review evidence related to the teacher practice focus area and progress towards the SLOs and other goals. TEVAL - Pg. 5
End of Year Review: Completed by June 15th TEVAL - Pg. 5
Tenured Observations - Unannounced TEVAL - Pg. 12
Observations (Formal and Informal) TEVAL - Pg. 11
Peer Observers TEVAL - Pg. 6
Review of Practice TEVAL - Pg. 14
Component #1Observation, Teacher Performance and Practice 40% Observation, Teacher Performance and Practice TEVAL - Pg. 9
CCT Rubric for Effective Teaching 2014 – At a Glance TEVAL - Pg. 10
Setting Goals for Teacher Practice Teacher develops 1-3 SMART goalsthat address Teacher Practice and are aligned to the CCT Rubric for Effective Teaching 2014 SMART Goal Example for Teacher Performance and Practice I will increase/improve my ability to deliver effective vocabulary instruction through personal research and professional development opportunities by June 2015. S=Specific M=Measurable A=Aligned and Attainable R=Results-Oriented T=Time-Bound TEVAL - Pg. 15
Calculating Individual Teacher Evaluation Rating for Teacher Practice Component Evaluator collects evidence on teacher practice through observations and interactions. Using the CCT Rubric, ratings are determined by analyzing the evidence from observations. TEVAL - Pg. 15 - 17
Component #2Parent Feedback 10% Parent Feedback TEVAL - Pg. 17
Parent Feedback Process A parent survey will be conducted at the district/school level. One school-level goal based on the district survey feedback will be determined by the principal. Each teacher identifies one personal goalrelated to the parent engagement goal and sets improvement targets. Evaluator and teacher measure progress on growth targets. Evaluator determines a teacher’s summative rating based on the four performance levels. TEVAL - Pg. 17 - 18
Survey data showed 63% of parents at Main Street School don’t feel that communication at the school is consistent. • School Level Goal: Improve home-school communication at Main Street School. • Individual Goal: Teacher will create monthly newsletters that will highlight student work, class news, and upcoming events (10 total). Teacher will distribute information to parents through paper copies and email. Examples of Parent Feedback Goals
Component #3Student Growth and Development – 45% Student Growth and Development TEVAL - Pg. 19
Based on teacher’s assignment, students and context. • Carefully planned, long-term academic objectives. • Reflect high, yet attainable, expectations for learning or improvement and aim for mastery of content or skill development. • Measured by Indicators of Academic Growth and Development (IAGDs), which include specific assessments/measures of progress and targets for student mastery or progress. Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) TEVAL - Pg. 19
SLO Phase 1: Review data SLO Phase 2: Set goals for student learning SLO Phase 3: Monitor student progress SLO Phase 4: Assessstudentoutcomesrelativetogoals SLO Process The SLO process will support teachers in using a planning cycle that will be familiar to most educators: • Developing SLOs is a process rather than a single event. • The purpose is to craft SLOs that serve as a reference point throughout the year as teachers document their students’ progress toward achieving the IAGD targets. • Teachers may develop them through consultation with colleagues in the same grade level or teaching the same subject. • The final determination of SLOs and IAGDs is made through mutual agreement between the teacher and his/her evaluator. TEVAL - Pg. 20
Guiding Questions for Student Learning Objectives (SLO) What are the objectives for student learning? What is the rationale for choosing these objectives? How will we know when objectives are met?
Includes broad goal statements about the knowledge and skills students should demonstrate as a result of instruction; • Addresses the central purpose of the teacher’s assignment; • Takes into account baseline data on student performance from a number of data sources; • Pertains to a large proportion of a teacher’s students, including specific target groups; • Reflects significant growth of content mastery or skill development; and • Reflects attainable, but ambitious goals for student learning. What Makes a Good Student Learning Objective? (SLO) TEVAL - Pg. 21
A broad goal (SLO) for student learning that addresses a central purpose; • A rationale that explains why this is an important area of improvement; and • At least one IAGD which is the specific evidence, with a quantitative target, that will demonstrate whether the objective was met. ( Multiple IAGDs may be used) Objectives Will Include
Student Learning Objective (SLO 1) • SLO 1 is a learning objective based on the school-wide goal that supports the school-wide need. • This goal identifies core ideas, domains, knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire for which baseline data indicate a need.
Goal • All students will improve their reading comprehension of informational text, as measured by their ability to use explicitly stated information to answer questions about the text, identify the general topic of a text, and make inferences and/or draw conclusions about central ideas that are relative to the text. (CCSS, Reading for Informational Text, Key Ideas and Details) Rationale • Our school reading data (Language Arts) suggests that reading comprehension is an area of relative weakness among our students. A closer analysis of school-wide data indicates that comprehension of informational text is an issue. Given the emphasis on reading of information text in the CCSS, it was agreed that this is an important area of focus right now. * Other examples on p. 22 of the Teacher Evaluation & Support Plan. Example of SLO 1Grade 4
Student Learning Objective (SLO 2) • SLO 2 is a learning objective that will address a central purpose of the teacher’s assignment and it should pertain to a meaningful proportion of his/her students, related to data; • Each SLO should reflect high expectations for student learning and should be aligned to relevant state, national (e.g., common core), or district standards for the grade level or course; and • SLO 2 is measured by both standardized and non-standardized indicators.
Examples of SLO 2 Based On Student Data TEVAL - Pg. 22
SLO (Student Learning Objective) • Teacher will develop SLO and teacher and evaluator will agree upon the SLO using all student information available. IAGD (Indicators of Academic Growth and Development) • Teacher and evaluator will also agree upon Indicators of Academic Growth and Development (IAGD) that incorporate specific evidence and have quantitative targets that demonstrate whether the SLO was met. SLO and IAGD
Are based on results of assessments, which may include standardized and non-standardized measures; • May require consultation with colleagues with more expertise to determine appropriate measures and targets; • Indicator statements for the teacher evaluation should follow SMART Goal language: Specific/Strategic, Measurable, Aligned/Attainable, Results-Oriented and Time-Bound; and • Multiple IAGDs may be used. What are Indicators of Academic Growth and Achievement? (IAGDs) TEVAL - Pg. 22
Learning Content: What does the baseline data indicate you need to focus on with your students? • Population: What students will this objective address? • Interval of Instructional Time: How long is the interval of instruction (i.e., weeks, quarters, semesters, school year)? • Assessment: How are you going to measure student growth? • Expected Gain or Growth: How much are your students going to grow? Consider These Components When Writing an IAGD:
Examples of SLO 2 and IAGDsNon-Standardized SLOs and IAGDs See additional SLO’s with corresponding IAGD’s on pg. 25 of the TEVAL Plan
Evaluators will review the evidence and the teacher’s self-assessment and assign one of four ratings to each SLO: Exceeded (4 points), Met (3 points), Partially Met (2 points), or Did Not Meet (1 point). These ratings are defined as follows: Rating Teacher Performance on SLOs as Measured by IAGDs TEVAL - Pg. 27
Average of the two SLO scores; and • Individual SLO ratings and Student Growth and Development rating will be shared and discussed with teachers during the End-of-the-Year Conference. Final Student Growth & Development Rating TEVAL - Pg. 28
Component #4Whole School Student Learning Indicator 5% Whole School Student Learning Indicator TEVAL - Pg. 28 - 32
Shall be equal to the aggregate rating for multiple student learning indicators established for his/her administration’s evaluation rating. • Will be based on the School Performance Index (SPI) when made available. Whole School Student Learning Indicator TEVAL - Pg. 28
Observation of teacher performance and practice: Evaluators use the CCT rubric to determine ratings and score for each domain. 40% • Parent Feedback: Evaluators assign a rating and score value aligned to the teacher’s progress to goal.10% • Student growth and development: Evaluators assign a rating and score value aligned to the school’s progress to meeting the SPI goal. 45% • Whole School Student Learning: Evaluators assign a rating and score value aligned to the school’s progress toward goal. 5% Summative Teacher Evaluation Scoring TEVAL - Pg. 29
How each component is calculated Rating Table Teacher Practice Related Indicators TEVAL - Pg. 30
Rating Table Student Outcome Related Indicators TEVAL - Pg. 31
Matrix Used to Determine Teacher’s Final Rating TEVAL - Pg. 32
Teacher Evaluation Process Orientation – Aug. 25 – 27 Teachers Learn about the teacher evaluation plan. Reflection – Sept./Oct. Teachers continue to analyze student data, school data and survey results. Goal Setting – Oct. 15 Teacher will draft goals that address teacher practice, student achievement and school culture. Goals: SLO1 and SLO2 Practice Goal Parent Survey Goal Formal and Informal Observations - Oct. to May Mid-Year Check In – Jan./Feb. 15th Teacher and evaluator reflect and collect evidence to-date. A review of progress is made and an adjustment of goals may be determined. Teacher Self Assessment – May 15 Teachers submit evidence of performance and a self-reflection to evaluator. Scoring May-June 15 Evaluator reviews evidence and scores all material. Final Ratings – June 15 Evaluator and teacher review the final ratings.