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Gathered responses from 393 surveys at workshops, fair, and online to determine community preferences for the next 20 years in Jefferson County. Topics include new housing, development, parks, recreational areas, job types, transportation, and resource protection.
Goals and Objectives Survey • Total of 393 Surveys • Responses collected at • Two July workshops • Jefferson County Fair • Online survey
What would like to see more of in Jefferson County in the next 20 years? (Please select no more than two choices)
Question 5: As a result of the population growth mentioned in question 3, it is projected that an additional 6,000 to 12,000 new residences will need to be constructed. While some of this can be accommodated on unbuilt lots in approved developments, additional housing may be required. What types of new housing should be constructed in Jefferson County to accommodate new residents? (Please select no more than two)
Question 6: With an increasing number of residents, it is expected that additional non-residential development will take place within Jefferson County. If this development occurs, how should it look? (please select one)
Question 7: Should the majority of new development take place in areas currently served by public sewer and water providers (such as the Jefferson County Public Service District, Charles Town Utilities Incorporated, or by the Corporation of Shepherdstown?)
Question 8: Should the majority of new Parks and Recreational areas in Jefferson County be:
Question 9: Where do you think that new trails in Jefferson County should be located (these could be walking trails, bicycle trails, trails for horseback riding, or a mixture of the above?) (Please select no more than two)
Question 10: What types of Park and Recreational facilities should be constructed in Jefferson County over the next two decades? (Please select no more than two)
Question 11: What types of Natural Resources should the County focus on protecting? (Please select no more than two)
Question 12: While there is a desire for the protection of Jefferson County's historic resources, limited funding is available to do so. Based on this, what two types of Historic Resources should the County prioritize for protection? (Please select no more than two)
Question 13: It is projected that approximately 10,000 new jobs will be created within Jefferson County between 2013 and 2035. What types of businesses should Economic Development efforts be focused on in Jefferson County? (Please select no more than three)
Question 14: Based on future growth projections, both within Jefferson County and within the Eastern Panhandle, there will be additional demands on the County’s transportation network. With that in mind, what should local, state, and federal agencies be focused on in serving the transportation needs of the County and the region? (Please select no more than two)
Online Survey Assessment of Goals • Based on Respondents interested in specific goal • Graded on a 1 to 5 scale (1 being not interested and 5 being very interested) • 122 Respondents • Divided into Five Elements
Economic Development, Employment, and Infrastructure Element
Cultural, Historic, and Natural Resources, and Recreation Element