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NHSScotland Shared Support Services Programme

NHSScotland Shared Support Services Programme. ‘The Way Forward’ - Presentation to the Audit Committee Forum Edinburgh 4 th June 2008. John Francis, Programme Director. Goal and Contents. Contents. Outcome of the Business Case Consultation Design of the Way Forward

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NHSScotland Shared Support Services Programme

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  1. NHSScotland Shared Support Services Programme ‘The Way Forward’ - Presentation to the Audit Committee Forum Edinburgh 4th June 2008 John Francis, Programme Director NHSScotland Shared Support Services

  2. Goal and Contents Contents • Outcome of the Business Case Consultation • Design of the Way Forward • Current status and benefits • Controls & Assurance Issues • Discussion Goal • To bring the Forum up to speed on the current status of the SSS Programme • To highlight any Controls & Assurance issues NHSScotland Shared Support Services

  3. Outcome of the Full Business Case Consultation (February 2007) • Split support for progressing with the FBC : • Too ambitious • Too quick • Economic benefits inadequate • Broad support for shared working and common systems and processes • SGHD asked for a way forward based on consensus to be developed NHSScotland Shared Support Services

  4. Guiding Principles for the Way Forward • Building on the wide support for common systems and processes, and the principle of shared services • Building confidence by: • Proving and, where agreed, implementing the new ways of working • Quantifying the actual economic and qualitative benefits achievable • Understanding impacts on staff, customers and other stakeholders • De-risking the migration to the new ways of working • Revisiting the proposals for the final configuration of SSS in light of the above • Giving Health Boards time to deal with the people issues using existing local policies and processes • Partnership working at all stages • Health Boards accountable for delivery as appropriate, supported by the Project team ‘Way Forward’ proposals were issued to Health Board on this basis in September 2007 NHSScotland Shared Support Services

  5. Decision point on final configuration of SSS supported by a Revised Business Case SSS Foundation/Pathfinder Phase Pathfinder (Volunteers) e.g. new end to end processes After successful Pathfinders, decision on how best to achieve benefits e.g. local implementation, consortium approach or as part of move to SSS 18 months Ongoing benefits tracking, sharing of best practice and intelligence gathering re the final outcome Foundation (all Boards) e.g. common finance system, common chart of accounts, PO coverage Time Boards Underpinned by an Accountability Framework, full Project Plans and team-working across NHSS NHSScotland Shared Support Services

  6. Current Status • All Health Boards fully signed up to the Way Forward proposals • All have endorsed the 3-way accountability framework between SGHD, Health Boards and NSS • The Scottish Government Health Directorate (SGHD) has formally approved the next phase of the SSS Programme and funded its delivery up to September 2009 • Foundation targets set and being delivered against e.g. 15 Boards using the common version of the Finance System with full migration by October 2008 • Pathfinder areas identified and underway e.g. eInvoicing and eExpenses • Funding of £450,000 has been approved to support Pathfinder work in Consortia (mainly for new posts) • New national Groups have been established to co-ordinate and share experience to maximise benefits NHSScotland Shared Support Services

  7. Five-Consortia Approach • Five groups or ‘consortia’ of Boards have been formed, which recognise the benefits of collaborative working. These take their titles from the lead Board: • Ayrshire & Arran - A&A, Dumfries & Galloway, Lanarkshire, Shetland, Orkney, Health and National Education Scotland • Greater Glasgow & Clyde - standalone • Tayside – Tayside, Fife, Forth Valley, Western Isles, Scottish Ambulance Service, Borders and Highland • NSS – NSS, Quality Improvement Scotland, NHS 24, State Hospital, Grampian and National Waiting Times Centre • Lothian – standalone (but close to deciding to move to the NSS Consortium for the new Finance System) NHSScotland Shared Support Services

  8. Benefits to date • Cash & time savings of £2.9m recurring made to date • At least £3.5m recurring Cash & Time savings forecast for the Way Forward phase • Time savings for automated staff rostering and eExpenses yet to be fully quantified • £2.2m one-off savings in the cost of the new Finance System (versus Health Boards continuing to source individually) • Systems on a more stable platform, good practice being shared, management of the key system suppliers improved NHSScotland Shared Support Services

  9. Controls & Assurance Issues (1) Modernisation of Support Services Steering Group ‘Accountability Framework’ SGHD Programme Delivery Accountability NSS Internal Audit NSS Board Health Boards Support QA Group remit updated to focus on a clear Quality Plan Programme Board QA Group Design Authority • New Programme Governance & Assurance structure: NHSScotland Shared Support Services

  10. Controls & Assurance Issues (2) • The Programme’s process designs have had detailed C&A review done • Audit recommendations arising from the implementation of the new Finance System will be addressed across all installations e.g. security access • Consortium working introduces ‘service audit’ requirement where system support and/or services are being provided by the ‘host’ Board (Experience of NSS and Tayside being used to develop best practice) NHSScotland Shared Support Services

  11. Questions and Discussion NHSScotland Shared Support Services

  12. John Francis  Programme Director NHS Scotland Shared Support Services  E-mail: john.francis@finance.csa.scot.nhs.uk Contact details NHSScotland Shared Support Services

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