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ENGINEERING GRAPHICS 1E7. Lecture 1: Introduction Lecturer: Dr. Bidisha Ghosh ( bghosh@tcd.ie ). Course Structure. Assessment. Examination: 65% of the overall mark 3 sections (A, B and C) 2 questions per section 3 questions to be answered, one from each section

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ENGINEERING GRAPHICS1E7 Lecture 1: Introduction Lecturer: Dr. Bidisha Ghosh (bghosh@tcd.ie)

  2. Course Structure

  3. Assessment • Examination: 65% of the overall mark • 3 sections (A, B and C) • 2 questions per section • 3 questions to be answered, one from each section • Dr B. Gosh : Sections A and B • Dr G. O’Donnell : Section C • Labs 35% - assessed by coursework • 10 % AutoCAD • 10 % Pspice • 10% D.O. Tutorials Dr B. Gosh • 5 % D.O. Assignment Dr G. O’Donnell

  4. Time Table

  5. Syllabus – Hand Drawing 1 • Basic Construction • Orthographic Projections • Isometric Projections • Auxiliary Views • Perspective : One-Point • Perspective : Two-Point

  6. Aim of the Course • Knowledge of engineering drawing instruments • Understanding and interpretation of technical drawings • Ability to develop projections of a 3D object

  7. Evaluation • Examination (Sections A & B) (2/3 of the total examination marks) • Continuous Assessment (10% of the total course marks) • four drawing office tutorials

  8. Technical drawing is the language of engineers and designers Waterfall M. C. Escher

  9. Topics of Interest • Drawing Instruments • Lines • Dimensioning

  10. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS 1 • Drawing Board

  11. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS 2 • Drawing Sheets

  12. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS 3 • Layout of a Drawing Sheet

  13. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS 4 • Tee square/ Drafting Machine

  14. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS 5 • Set squares (a pair)

  15. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS 6 • Irregular/ French curves

  16. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS 7 • Compasses • Divider • Protractor • Ruler/Scale • Pencil, Eraser


  18. DRAWING LINES 2 • Lines to aid understanding

  19. DIMENSIONING 1 Dimension Lines (DL) Position of DL

  20. DIMENSIONING 2 Alignment of DL DL of Small Features Dimensioning Angles Dimensioning Circles


  22. DIMENSIONING 4 Correct Practice of Dimensioning Drawing should only carry dimensions needed to manufacture

  23. Reference Books • Technical Draughtsmanship • By Eanna O’Broin • Engineering Drawing with Worked Examples • By M.A. Parker & F. Pickup • Technical Drawing • ByF. E. Giesecke, A. Mitchell, • H. C. Spencer, I. L. Hill, J. T. Dygdon, • J. E. Novak

  24. Assignment for Thursday! • Get your instruments sorted- buy them or borrow them

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