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As you come in,. Materials: Grab a packet, paper and pencil Plan: Return lab practical and cumulative quiz Learn about ionic bonding Homework: 7-1 & 7-3 Practice Problems Assessment: Polyatomic Ion Quiz - FRIDAY. Unit Four: Bonding/Nomenclature.
As you come in, • Materials: • Grab a packet, paper and pencil • Plan: • Return lab practical and cumulative quiz • Learn about ionic bonding • Homework: • 7-1 & 7-3 Practice Problems • Assessment: • Polyatomic Ion Quiz - FRIDAY
Unit Four: Bonding/Nomenclature GPS SC1: Students will analyze the nature of matter and its classifications.
Ionic Bond • Ionic bond: the electrostatic force that holds oppositely charged particles together in an ionic compound • Compounds that contain ionic bonds are called ionic compounds. • Ionic compounds form between metals and nonmetals.
Criss-Cross Method for Writing Chemical Formulas • Let’s predict the formula for the stable ionic compound that contains: • calcium ion and phosphide • aluminum ion and sulfate • tin(II) and carbonate
Valence Electrons & Stability Review • Let’s talk about the formulas that you just completed. • Questions to ALWAYS ask yourself after criss-crossing: • How many of the cations are in the compound? • How many of the anions are in the compound? • Is the ratio (AKA formula unit) reduced? • Are transition metals involved?
What is the chemical formula for sodium hypochlorite? iRespond Question Multiple Choice F FAAB3991-5386-AC4B-BB47-A52F5D8AAEA0 A.) NaCl B.) NaClO C.) NaClO2 D.) NaClO3 E.) Na(ClO)
What is the chemical formula for sodium acetate? iRespond Question Multiple Choice F 7A290303-58FE-B945-A558-E63B061C1EC5 A.) Na2C2H3O B.) (Na)(C2H3O2) C.) NaC2H3O2 D.) Na3C2H3O2 E.) NaCHO
What is the chemical formula for tin(IV) oxide? iRespond Question Multiple Choice F 82F2CB0B-1B3B-DF49-B135-7B93A3EF7994 A.) Sn4O B.) Sn4O2 C.) Sn2O D.) Sn2O4 E.) SnO2
What is the chemical formula for magnesium oxide? iRespond Question Multiple Choice F E1CC6316-9ACB-F044-BFC3-1EDE379323F4 A.) MnO B.) MnO2 C.) MgO D.) Mg2O2 E.) MgO2
What is the chemical formula for nickel(II) nitrate? iRespond Question Multiple Choice F 6A4727B6-E917-C645-BCF1-0671B166C95D A.) Ni2NO3 B.) Ni1NO32 C.) NiNO3 D.) (Ni)(NO3)2 E.) Ni(NO3)2
What is the chemical formula for magnesium phosphate? iRespond Question Multiple Choice F 5165E0D9-45FB-EF40-9EB8-77B068200690 A.) MgP B.) Mg3P2 C.) MgPO4 D.) Mg2(PO4)3 E.) Mg3(PO4)2
Writing Ionic Compound Names from the Formulas • When given a formula, analyze the ions. • Identify the two ORIGINAL ions that were criss-crossed to give the formula. • “Backwards criss-crossing” or “un-criss-crossing” will NOT work in many cases! • You’ll have to work harder than that!
Practice Writing Names from Chemical Formulas • Write the name of the compound that is represented by the following formulas: • MgCl2 • Na2SO4 • PbS • Cu2SO3
A few more… • FeSO4 • NiNO3 • CrClO3 • FeO • Sn2S
Name the following compound: PbS iRespond Question Multiple Choice F 3FB364E5-C5F2-DA40-A9D8-FF54A1F547CC A.) lead sulfur B.) lead sulfide C.) lead (I) sulfide D.) lead (II) sulfide E.) lead sulfate
Name the following compound: Cu2CO3 iRespond Question Multiple Choice F 1929127E-8E2A-8541-9E33-9E481F84296A A.) copper carbonate B.) copper (I) carbonate C.) copper (II) carbonate D.) copper (II) carbonate (III) E.) copper carbontrioxide
Name the following compound: CrPO4 iRespond Question Multiple Choice F BEBFB6B0-F26B-DC41-B427-42ADB2146B20 A.) chromium phosphate B.) chromium (I) phosphate C.) chromium (II) phosphate D.) chromium (III) phoshate E.) chromium (IV) phosphate
Name the following compound: NiSO4 iRespond Question Multiple Choice F 67C781D7-A40E-FD47-A890-319C139AB3FF A.) nickel sulfate B.) nickel (I) sulfate C.) nickel (II) sulfate D.) nickel (III) sulfate E.) nickel (IV) sulfate
Name the following compound: Al2(SO4)3 iRespond Question Multiple Choice F B940D1EE-6C72-7F4C-B327-4A0B1EBB9898 A.) aluminum (III) sulfate B.) aluminum sulfate C.) aluminum (II) sulfate D.) aluminum sulfite E.) aluminum sulfide
Name the following compound: KBr iRespond Question Multiple Choice F 7B74BE42-F826-854D-A49D-C1DDE7B776B9 A.) potassium bromide B.) potassium (I) bromide C.) potassium bromite D.) potassium bromate
Name the following compound: TiO2 iRespond Question Multiple Choice F BF4E0959-7A7D-EF47-8421-4292A0A717D1 A.) titanium oxide B.) titanium (II) oxide C.) titanium (IV) oxide D.) titanium oxide (II)
Name the following compound: Cr2SO3 iRespond Question Multiple Choice F FAF600D7-AD3D-DA48-9699-17C433A95EB2 A.) chromium (II) sulfate B.) chromium (II) sulfite C.) chromium (I) sulfite D.) chromium sulfate E.)
Write the chemical formula for zinc selenide. iRespond Question Multiple Choice F 22E75BC6-684F-4C4C-810A-AD6391DDD620 A.) ZnSe B.) Zn2Se C.) ZnSe2 D.) Zn2Se2 E.)
Write the chemical formula for calcium nitrate. iRespond Question Multiple Choice F 34AFBE46-B89D-1540-AD53-D98E2973D59C A.) CaNO3 B.) CaNO2 C.) Ca(NO3)2 D.) Ca(NO2)2 E.) Ca3N2
Write the chemical formula for cobalt(III) phosphide. iRespond Question Multiple Choice F 08C9ACB3-CE5D-C24A-9A8A-949F076DC8CB A.) Co3P B.) Co3P3 C.) CoP D.) CoPO3 E.) CoPO4
Formula unit ratios form beautiful crystals…Ionic compounds are crystals! In Nature
What You’ll See in Our Lab Ionic compound solids that form when two solutions are mixed precipitate Separation line “Snow Globe” effect Paint effect
Forming Ionic Compounds Pre-Lab • Lab Purpose: To write formulas and names of 20 ionic compounds; to see ionic compounds formed in the lab • Lab Safety: Wear goggles and apron. Avoid contact with chemicals. Wash your hands after the lab. Do not mix up the pipettes. • Lab Procedure: Note the layout of the test tubes. Place 4-5 drops of each chemical into the well-plate. • Lab Report: Turn in your data table on Monday. • Post-Lab Clean-up: Place your well-plate on the table beneath the goggle cabinet. Wipe down your station.
Physical Properties of Ionic Compounds WHY? Applying heat to melt sodium chloride Applying a current to test conductivity of sodium chloride
Why do atoms bond? • Remember that ionic compounds form by gaining and losing electrons. • Covalent compounds form when 2 atoms both need electrons. • They can both achieve the full octet by sharing electrons.
What is a covalent bond? • Covalent bond: chemical bond that results from sharing electrons • Covalent bonding generally occurs when elements are relatively close together on the periodic table. • The majority of covalent bonds form between nonmetallic elements…often groups 4A to 7A.
Naming Covalent Compounds • First, you must be sure that the compound is COVALENT by analyzing the formula. • Second, you use prefixes to communicate the number of atoms of each element that form the compound. • Example: H2O = dihydrogen monoxide
Prefixes • Six = hexa • Seven = hepta • Eight = octa • Nine = nona • Ten = deca • One = mono • Two = di • Three = tri • Four = tetra • Five = penta NEVER USE MONO ON THE FIRST ELEMENT NAME. ALWAYS USE THE -IDE ENDING ON THE SECOND ELEMENT NAME.
Name the following compound: P4S5 iRespond Question Multiple Choice F C908769F-99E7-5C40-8BB8-7E708DAE4525 A.) phosphorus sulfide B.) tetraphosphorus pentasulfur C.) tetraphosphorus pentasulfide D.) tetraphosphide pentasulfide E.) phosphorus (IV) sulfide
Name the following compound: SeF6 iRespond Question Multiple Choice F 3DA7319B-5C50-9C40-B50C-1C83BD029A3E A.) selenide fluoride B.) selenium fluorine C.) monoselenium hexafluoride D.) selenium hexafluoride E.) monoselenide hexafluoride
What is the chemical formula for dinitrogen trioxide? iRespond Question Multiple Choice F FC671842-660B-AD4D-BA78-86341802C10B A.) NO B.) N2O C.) N2O2 D.) N2O3 E.) N3O2
As you come in, • Materials: • Keep your phone. If you don’t have a smart phone, grab a laptop and login. • Plan: • Socrative app and Edmodo app • Take Ionic Compound Quiz • Get test results back • Learn how to name acids (Take Socrative quiz) • Learn how to draw Lewis structures • Assessments: • Covalent & Acids Naming/Formula-writing Quiz - Tomorrow
Add App • It’s FREE. Don’t worry! • Search app store for “Socrative Student” • Install app • If you don’t have a smart phone, don’t worry! You’ll use a laptop in class later to do the same activities.
Add App • It’s FREE, too. • Enable you to do practice quizzes or watch preview videos on your phone. • Search app store for “Edmodo” • Install app • Again, you can do the same thing on a computer. Don’t worry if you don’t have a smart phone!
DEVICE DOWN • Cell phone goes FACE DOWN on the top corner of your desk. • It stays there until Mrs. Tarvin gives the DEVICE UP signal. • Any deviation from the rule: phone to the pocket at front of room & use a laptop instead
DEVICE DOWN • Ionic Compound Quiz • Need: Pencil/pen & periodic table • After the quiz, look over your Periodic Table test results. We’ll go over the test on Friday since your cumulative quiz is Monday. • If you have time, practice naming and writing formulas for covalent compounds in your practice packet.
Naming Acids • Acids are compounds that contain hydrogen ion bonded to an anion, except water. • Two types of acids: • Binary Acids - “Hydro____ic acid” • Examples: HCl, HBr, H2S, • Oxyacids - “_____ic acid” OR “____ous acid” • Examples: H2SO4, HNO3, HC2H3O2 • ic = ate anion; ous = ite anion
DEVICE UP • Open the Socrative App. • On a laptop: m.socrative.com • Enter the room #: 189001 • Wait for me to start the activity. • You’ll practice naming acids with 5 multiple choice questions.
Lewis Structures • Lewis structures: electron-dot diagrams show how electrons are arranged in molecules (AKA covalent compounds) • Diagrams show ONLY valence electrons. • Dashes represent “bonding pairs” • Dots represent “lone pairs” or “nonbonding pairs”. • Brackets and charge signify polyatomic ions.
How to Draw Lewis Structures • Find the total # of valence electrons in the molecule. • Divide this number by 2. This is the number of bonding pairs. • Arrange the elements to show a central atom and terminal atoms. The central atom is usually first in the formula, and hydrogen is always terminal. • Place one bonding pairs between the central atom and each terminal atom. • Place the remaining pairs around the terminal atoms…if they need more electrons. Put the rest around the central atom. • Check to be sure that multiple bonds don’t exist.
Analyze the Structure • Lewis structures are drawn to predict the type of covalent bond. • Polar covalent: One atom has a significantly higher electronegativity than the other atom. The bonding electrons are shared UNEVENLY as a result. • Nonpolar covalent: The atoms have similar electronegativity values, so the bonding electrons are shared EVENLY.
Determine Polarity • Draw the Lewis Structure. • Look at the central atom. • Does it have a surrounding atom that differs from the others? • Does it have a lone pair of electrons? • If yes to either, then the molecule is polar. Polar molecules WILL dissolve in water which is significant in MANY situations.