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Biblical Manhood . 24 JUNE 2012 Session4 Bill wilcox Allen bozarth. Back to the Basics.
Biblical Manhood 24 JUNE 2012 Session4 Bill wilcox Allen bozarth
Back to the Basics All the players knew that at the first team meeting, the legendary coach would waste no time getting straight to the point. Many of the men, half Lombardi’s age and twice his size, were openly fearful, dreading the encounter. The coach did not disappoint them, and, in fact, delivered his message in one of the great one-liners of all time. Football in hand, the great coach walked to the front of the room, took several seconds to look over the assemblage in silence, held out the pigskin in front of him, and said, “Gentlemen, this is a football.” In only five words, Lombardi communicated his point: We’re going to start with the basics and make sure we’re executing all the fundamentals.
Biblical Manhood • Syllabus • Session 4: • Calling Out of Sons
Calling Out of Sons • If a father doesn’t "call out" his son, who or what may be effected or impacted? the son, the church, the community, and the nation? • What attitude might a son develop if not “called out?”: I am to be comfortable & happy. • A mother’s role is that of a nurturer and care-giver. • If the mother’s role is the dominate role during the teen years, the son will develop an attitude that life is to be happy and comfortable and they will become... • Self-centered • Self-indulgent • Comfort-oriented
If a father doesn’t “call out” his son God’s way, his son may develop an attitude which says: Women are to be used. • A woman is the source of life, happiness, and comfort, not God • If the son grows up using his mother to secure his happiness and comfort, he’s practicing using a woman for selfish ends. • What would this make a man (young or old) vulnerable to?
If a father doesn’t call out his son God’s way, his son may develop an attitude which says: Men are independent, thus…Dad is independent of • God • Other men • Family
If a father doesn’t call out his son God’s way, his son may develop an attitude which says: Mom is responsible for the family. • If a son hears Dad say, "Go ask your mom." What is he to conclude? • They will become passive leaders in the family and expect their wives to handle all the problems with the children and home • End result: Propagation of an idea that manhood is destructive to the son, the family, the church, and the nation
If a father doesn’t call out his son God’s way, his son may be robbed of the significance of being called out by God. He’ll not even notice the importance of many Scriptures. • Not having an understanding of the calling out of sons by fathers, we are robbed of the significance and necessity of: • Being called out by God; Tim. 1:9; 2 Cor. 6: 16 -7:1 • Being called to be separate from the children of the world and the devil; 2 Cor. 6:17-7:1 • Being born by the Spirit of the Son; John 3:5; Gal. 3:26; 4:6; Rom. 8:14-17 • Robbed of the significance of Jesus’ call to a cause outside of ourselves; Luke 9:23-24
If a father doesn’t call out his son God’s way, his son’s heart may be hardened and not be prepared for the Lord. • The Spirit of Elijah which turns the hearts of the fathers to their sons also turns the hearts of the sons to their fathers so that the way of the Lord is prepared in their hearts for His coming; Luke 1:17 • A son who has been called out God’s way, has submitted himself to his father and his heart is soft and ready for the Lord.
So What? • Look at your dad as a son instead of as a man who was supposed to know what to do. If required, forgive him. • Most of the problems we face today are somehow linked to the failure of dads not calling out sons for many generations. • This helps us to understand ourselves as men • Hopefully it shows us the importance of our roles as fathers
Application How are/were sons called out in your town? In your church? What may occur in the life of a son if his father doesn’t call him out into manhood God’s Way?
Calling Out of Sons Part 2 As exemplified in the life of jesus
What insights can we gain from God’s word about how to call out our sons? • By the age of 12, a son needs to be involved with his dad. The world and man’s sin nature advise independence from dad and continued reliance upon mom. Luke 2:41-32 • A father needs to: • Establish his son’s identity with himself and his father’s house. The world and man’s sin nature will seek to provide an identity apart from his father. Luke 3:21-38 • Be his son’s source, to prepare the way for God being the source of his life. The world and man’s sin nature teaches that anything but God is a source of life. Luke 4:1 • Lead his son to be attentive to, depend upon, and obey his every word. The world and man’s sin nature says be independent and trust in yourself. Luke 4:2-4
What insights can we gain from God’s word about how to call out our sons? • A father must lead his son to confront: • Greed of his heart; wait on God’s provision in God’s timing. The world and man’s sin nature rationalizes a short cut to get possessions. Luke 4:5-8 • His sinful desire to glorify himself. The world and man’s sinful nature seek a short cut to glory--put on a show for all the world to see rather than wait on God’s timing and way to exalt you. Luke 4:9-12 • His own powerlessness and look to God for power. The world and a man’s sinful nature lead him to believe he has the power to do anything--anytime. Luke 4:13-14
Advertisers and marketers know where to aim their messages — directly at adolescent boys and young men. This particular segment of the population is inordinately attracted to material goods, popular entertainment, sporting events and other consumer options. The portrait of young manhood made popular in the media and presented as normal through entertainment is characterized by economic carelessness, self-centeredness and laziness.
A real man knows how to hold a job, handle money with responsibility, and take care of the needs of his wife and family. A failure to develop economic maturity means that these young men often float from job to job, and take years to "find themselves" in terms of career and vocation.
An extended adolescence marks a huge segment of today's young male population. Slothfulness, laziness and economic carelessness are marks of immaturity. A real man knows how to earn, manage and respect money. A Christian man understands the danger that comes from the love of money and fulfills his responsibility as a Christian steward.
Are you preparing your son to interview with: • His potential employer? • His potential future parents-in-law? • God the Father?
Session #5 Physical and Sexual Maturity 01 July 2012 Bill wilcox