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Lee County Library System (LCLS). November 17, 2009 Sheldon Kaye, Library Director. LCLS Mission. Strengthening our community by informing and enriching individuals. Core Organizational Values. Ensure equal and open access. Defend intellectual freedom and the right to privacy.
Lee County Library System (LCLS) November 17, 2009 Sheldon Kaye, Library Director
LCLS Mission Strengthening our community by informing and enriching individuals.
Core Organizational Values • Ensure equal and open access. • Defend intellectual freedom and the right to privacy. • Ensure that an individual’s economic status does not deter library use. • Commit to meeting customer needs. • Foster a climate of mutual respect and trust. • Value and support individual initiative. • Promote cooperation, collaboration and connections. • Promote reading and life-long learning. • Practice financial accountability. • Support the county’s vision, mission and values.
Major Core Programs & Services Collections Facilities Circulation Technology Outreach Reference Programming
Major Core Programs & Services Collections Total Physical Collection :1,568,422 Includes: 983,056 Books 13,168 Books on CD 142,964 DVDs 36,943 Music CDs 1,388 Playaways (Digital Audio Players) 212 Assistive Technology Devices 4,228 Magazine/Newspaper Subscriptions 30,645 Talking Books materials
Major Core Programs & Services Collections Total Virtual Collection: 87,064 Includes: 71,989 e-Books 12,020 Downloadable Audio books 578 Downloadable Music titles 2,333 Downloadable Videos 144 Databases
Major Core Programs & Services Facilities On average 10,069 people a day visit the Lee County Library System facilities. Those facilities consist of…
6 Regional Libraries: Opening 12/5/09
Major Core Programs & Services Circulation 2 AMH systems 28 self-check machines
Major Core Programs & Services Technology Our Integrated Library System (ILS) is used to unify circulation, acquisition and catalog functions. 518 public access computers (431 Internet access)
Major Core Programs & Services Technology 1,976,462 visits to the library website in FY2008/2009
Major Core Programs & Services Outreach Talking Books circulation – 77,447 (FY08/09) Books By Mail circulation – 23,107 (FY08/09) Bookmobile circulation – 30,089 (FY07/08)
Major Core Programs & Services Reference You can ask a question by: Visiting in person at all locations Calling Telephone Reference Using e-mail Using chat In FY2008/2009, we answered 305,853 questions
Major Core Programs & Services Programming
State Mandated State Aid Operating Grant Funding (s.257.17) criteria: Library Manager with an ALA accredited MLS degree and 2 years of FT professional experience; Library must: have one library or branch library open 40 hours per week, provide free service, expend funds centrally and in the manner prescribed by the Division of Library and Information Services, provide reciprocal borrowing, have a long range plan, annual plan of service and annual budget, and complete an annual application for grant. Free library service (s.257.25) shall constitute as a minimum the free lending of library materials that are made available for circulation and the free provision of reference and information services. Library Registration and Circulation Records are required to be confidential and exempt from the provisions of s.119.07(1) and s.24a of the State Constitution. Comprehensive Plan required Standards by 2010: Collection Size of 2.8 items/capita (currently 2.6/capita) Building size level of .6 square feet/capita (currently .4 sq. ft/capita) Accurate assessment of the information needs of various community constituencies: Survey Fort Myers-Lee County Library serve as the central county resource for reference facilities and services Programs of cooperation and collaboration with universities are established and carried out Interlibrary loan programs enhanced through program expansion and automation. BoCC Directed Commitment to regional library development
LCLS services enhanced by support from: 12 Friends’ groups/organizations Library Advisory Board Library System Foundation of Lee County, Inc. Community volunteers (1,425 individuals contributed 28,030 hours of service in FY08/09)
Five Year History Explanations of usage increase include: • Availability of A-V materials • Virtual access to library resources • Wide use of computers in libraries/Wi-Fi at all locations • User oriented collection development • Economy Declines in revenues have led to: -Decreased size of staff -Decreased spending on materials -Decreased number of programs -Reallocation of service hours
Where are we today? POSITIONS 250 approved positions (207 FT – 43 PT) 4 positions are vacant
Where are we today? Recent cost reductions Eliminated out of county travel Eliminated individual membership fees Relocated the Talking Books Library to Northwest Regional Library (formerly located in a leased location) Decreased materials budget by 31% Reduced use of on-call staff /Budget reduced by 71% Decreased programming budget by 79%
Where are we today? Efficiency improvements Installing Automated Materials Handling (AMH) equipment Utilizing Self-Check equipment Implementing Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology Holding staff meetings online to reduce local travel expenses. Staffing the new Northwest Regional Library with existing staff
Major Department Issues • Decreased staffing levels vs. library usage increases • Increased demand for remote use of library resources • Mastering/keeping up with technology • Public sentiment for upgraded facilities for North Fort Myers and Bonita Springs. • Monitoring population growth in order to anticipate future service needs. • Impact of e-government. 7. Reliance on reserves to offset operating expenses.
Where are we going? Collections Maintain print resources. Emphasize virtual resources including the LCLS web site, databases and downloadable content.
Where are we going? Facilities Exploit and expand efficiencies already initiated, such as off site monitoring of energy use and green building features. Introduce floating collections – decrease use of courier service
Where are we going? Circulation Higher proportion of self check transactions. Continued increase in circulation transactions. Smaller service desks and roving staff. Measure and increase use of virtual resources.
Where are we going? Technology Keep up with latest information technology to meet increased public demand. Continue to use technology to streamline workflow operations. Increase virtual presence. Exploit and expand efficiencies already initiated, such as self-check, AMH, RFID.
Where are we going? Outreach Continue extending library services to populations that don’t have ready access to facilities. These include: Economically disadvantaged Individuals with disabilities Homebound Individuals developing English skills Senior Living center residents Incarcerated individuals
Where are we going? Reference Continue to provide answers using both print and electronic resources to answer library users’ questions in person, by telephone, or on-line. Continue to provide remote access to virtual reference resources. Teach customers how to use information technology resources independently. Smaller service desks and roving staff.
Where are we going? Programming Ensure that programs are designed to meet the needs of the community.
Where are we going? To be valued by everyone as indispensable in providing connections between the community, its people, and resources. (BHAG from 2007-2012 Strategic Plan)
Where are we going? Options for enhanced/new revenues: Match millage with operating expenses Increase fines and fees Apply for grants to support programming Seek additional support from Friends groups
Where are we going? Options for reductions: Further reduction in staffing levels Further reduction in hours of service Close facilities
Action Requested From Board Support the creation of a business plan to bring spending and income into alignment.