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Introductions: President: Beverly Watson Vice President: Alissa Oppenheimer

Introductions: President: Beverly Watson Vice President: Alissa Oppenheimer Secretary: Tristan Fulwider Treasurer: Rachel Furtado Historian /Public Relations Officer: Angela Munoz Advisors: Dr. Batcheldor and Dr. Wood. The Fairy of Eagle Nebula. Student Astronomical Society Information

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Introductions: President: Beverly Watson Vice President: Alissa Oppenheimer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introductions:President: Beverly WatsonVice President: Alissa Oppenheimer Secretary: Tristan FulwiderTreasurer: Rachel FurtadoHistorian /Public Relations Officer: Angela Munoz Advisors: Dr. Batcheldor and Dr. Wood The Fairy of Eagle Nebula

  2. Student Astronomical Society Information - Club Meetings: Every other Monday at 8pm Olin Physical Sciences—Room 140- Star Parties - Public Lectures and Observing

  3. Upcoming Events -Barrier Island Star Party: Friday, September 2nd Setup at 6:30-7pm, Take down 9-10pm Volunteers and car-pool plan • -President's Picnic: • Saturday, October 1st • Setup at 10am, Event 12-4pm • Volunteers • -Observe the Moon Night: • Saturday October 8th • -Erna Nixon Star Party: • Saturday November 5th • Setup at 4-4:30pm • Need volunteers

  4. Juno -Launched Aug 5th atop Atlas 5 rocket -5 year journey to Jupiter -Should reach Jupiter July 2016 -Will orbit Jupiter for 1 Earth year -$1.1 billion mission.

  5. New Pluto Moon: -July 20th, Hubble discovered 4th moon around the dwarf planet Pluto, -Named P4 for now -Good news for New Horizons probe launched Jan. 2006 set to reach Pluto July 2015 -After Pluto it will investigate other Kuiper Belt objects.

  6. Asteroid Companion of Earth: -July 27th -Named 2010TK7, 1000 feet across -Potentially easier to reach than the moon and might be loaded with elements that are rare on Earth -Was hard to detect because it is 50 million miles ahead of Earth on orbit which makes it close to the Sun.

  7. Landing site for next Mars mission: -July 22nd -$2.5 billion mission set to launch rover Curiosity in late November to Gale crater. -3 different kinds of environmental settings; most promising is at base of mountain where there are signatures of clay and sulfate salts which are known to form in water.

  8. Dawn Spacecraft: -Aug. 11th -Launched September 2007 -Arrived in orbit around asteroid Vista July 2011 and began its year long mission to spy of the giant space rock in August. -It will move to bigger asteroid, Ceres, afterwards and is set to arrive in 2015.

  9. Closest Supernova in 25 Years - Aug. 23rd -Pinwheel Galaxy, 23 million light-years away (in Ursa Major) -Named PTF 11lky -Type 1a Supernova that’ getting brighter by the day. Soon, it may even be bright enough to see with binoculars. -These explosions occur when a white dwarf exceeds its weight limit

  10. Thank You!!!

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