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Handheld Gizmos – Mobile Technology

1985 mobility in a suit case http://www.galaxyphones.co.uk/mobile_phones_history09.asp. Introduction Mobile Basics – Zeke Crater Palm – Zeke & Leslie Johnston Windows Mobile 5 – Bill Corey & Cyril Oberlander. Handheld Gizmos – Mobile Technology.

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Handheld Gizmos – Mobile Technology

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  1. 1985 mobility in a suit case http://www.galaxyphones.co.uk/mobile_phones_history09.asp • Introduction • Mobile Basics – Zeke Crater • Palm – Zeke & Leslie Johnston • Windows Mobile 5 – Bill Corey & Cyril Oberlander Handheld Gizmos – Mobile Technology Gartner Dataquest, June 2004 predicted by 2006 64.4 million mobile computing devices (laptops & handhelds) will be shipped worldwide. However in Dec. 2005, Nokia estimated that 780 million mobile units will be sold for 2005, and predicts that in 2008, the market will have 3 billion mobile subscribers. http://www.mobilemonday.net/mm/story.php?story_id=4538 Pew Research Center reported that in 2004, 66% of American adults had a cell phone, and Jupiter Research recently estimated the US has 195 million cell phones.

  2. Who said mobile technology is easy?

  3. Emergent Technology Implementation Plan • Visioning a mobile future for Libraries • Validate concepts with capabilities & technical requirements with limited deployment • Evaluate: • Software (bundled & 3rd party) • Hardware • Need & fit with organization, users, etc. • Support, security, resources, etc. • Training • Service and workflow • Research potential Project Librarian Anywhere

  4. Industrial Smartphone – Bill Corey • Symbol MC70 • Barcode Scanner • Windows Mobile 5 • Voice Activated Commands • Touch Screen & more… • Consumer Smartphone – Cyril Oberlander • HP iPAQ 6945 • Camera Phone • Windows Mobile 5 • Touch Screen & more… Project… Librarian Anywhere

  5. Symbol MC70 • Challenges: • Network Access • Active Sync • Opportunities: • LEO Whois • Virgo / Bibliographic & Item Verification • Driving, Directions, Locations

  6. Goal of Librarian Anywhere with a Symbol MC70 • TX123 .V32 • Tipping Point • 2005 • Alderman 1 Old • View Details • Look Up Virgo • Cancel • Note • Inventory • Barcode Prints necessary LEO or ILL shipping receipts Scanning the barcode updates Sirsi & ILLiad, and…

  7. Mobile Interface between User, Staff, & Systems Sirsi Workflows ILLiad Database NCIP or API • Mobile Paging & Updating System • Paging list on mobile smart phone. • Staff update by scanning barcode. • Delivery Slip is printed on mobile printer. • Script runs (when wireless signal is available) • Update request on ILLiad. • Check out Item ID to User ID on Sirsi. • Item is ready for delivery. • Why Mobile Update? • Benefits: • Update list dynamically • Communication tool with distributed staff • Improve problem solving; check current status, etc. • Print only when needed • Reduced turn-around times • Reduced handling of materials • Synchronize updating in parallel systems

  8. Why Consider an Industrial Smartphone? • They are not your desktop, tablet or umpc • They do not run Windows XP • They don’t do all those things you can do with your desktop computer. • They are innovative, forward-looking, beautifully designed, durable, and potentially extremely productive devices that could change how we all do our jobs.

  9. Capabilities of Industrial Smartphone The Power of a …. • Cell phone • PDA • Computer • Scanner • Imager

  10. It Can Print, Scan, Image, Record, File, Speak, Call Your Co-Workers, Organize

  11. All in one handheld unit Designed to withstand all-day, everyday use in almost any environment

  12. Deliver true anywhere anytime wireless WAN/LAN/PAN voice and data communicationsIncluding: voice functionalitydata captureand the POWERto run nearly any application


  14. Why should we learn new technologies? • Prepare for the future • Be forward thinking • More productive It can provide everything our mobile task workers need to achieve a new level of enterprise productivity Whether they are delivering books or other library materials, working at a circulation desk, in the stacks shelving, responding to a patrons reference question, scanning material to be placed on Toolkit, assisting a student working on a research project, or trying to track down that elusive book for a faculty member

  15. Emerging Technologiesin the UVA Library of Today • Mobile Technologies Symbol MC70 • VoIP - Voice over Internet Protocol Skype • Social Networking Software & Services You Tube Blogs

  16. How Do We Change Our Behavior? We Have to Learn the New Technologies • We Need to be Flexible • We Need to Think Outside the Box • We Need to Change How We Perceive Things • We Need to Unlearn What We Know • We Need to Unlearn How We Know

  17. Why is it a SteepLearningCurve? We Know Windows XP We are familiar and comfortable with XP • Word • Excel • Powerpoint • Access • Outlook We can use XP as a baseline….

  18. Windows Mobile 5 is Different The rules and habits are different That little X in the upper right corner doesn’t close the program, it just closes the window. Programs must be stopped or they will continue to run in the background, draining the battery. ActivSync connects the device to a host computer. Remember the battery, just like with a laptop. Familiar programs are similar, but….

  19. Microsoft Offers Lots of Assistance

  20. Microsoft ActiveSync

  21. Connects You and Organizes

  22. ActiveSync Shows What You Have on the Desktop

  23. Shows the Files on Device

  24. And Can Even Convert Files to Acceptable Formats!

  25. Symbol MC70 Questions?

  26. Some features to test: • Camera (still & video), Voice Recorder, etc. • 3rd Party & some built in Applications: • Personal Information Management (Passwords, etc.) • Address Book • Communicate: Email, SMS, Instant Message, VoIP, Voice Commands, etc. • Lists, Tasks, Calendar, etc. • scanR: online service that converts mobile photos to PDF files. • Internet Browsers: IE, next to test: minimo (mozilla), Opera, etc. • RSS Readers: NewsBreak, Google, etc. • Electronic books: Microsoft, Tiny eBook Reader, Thesaurus, Dictionaries, etc. • Music or TV: Windows Media Player, mobiTV, etc. • Pocket Controller • Directions: Googlemaps, etc.and more… HP iPAQ 6945 Features

  27. Create Tasks that gives reminders Tasks & Annoying/Helpful Reminders Auto-Word Tab to use Qwerty Touch screen or pad or write

  28. 3rd Party Voice Command Software

  29. Doesn’t work With CorpTime or Google Calendar, but like Tasks, it syncs up with Outlook & your PC’s Calendar Calendar

  30. Educational Software: concept maps on handhelds

  31. Mobile RSS, News, Blogs, Portals, etc. Maps with Satellite & Map Information with keys for Next turn

  32. Mobile Content Providers Text Auto-Scroll

  33. UVA E-Text Library Mobile Content Providers

  34. Publishers going Mobile

  35. Photo & Imaging Features Digital Camera & Video Basic Image Tool

  36. Email Images… Geo Tagged New Partnerships for communities of content

  37. Librarian Anywhere • Do we know which software or technology to choose? • None will last, but… • By rolling that rock up the hill, we gain expertise (successes and failures) that help us plan and prepare for a future not so frequently behind the desk.

  38. “Creating a usable interface for this next generation of mobile devices will require the formation of multidisciplinary teams… As the feature sets, menu items and functionality become more complex, the techniques required to create effective end-user experiences will become more disciplined and focused.” Adobe Acrobat, “Creating an Effective Mobile User Experience,”http://www.adobe.com/uk/products/golive/pdfs/mobile_experience_wp.pdf Designing for the Mobile User Experience

  39. Worldcat.org What does your website look like on this device?

  40. Hong Kong Polytechnic University: Pao Yu-kong Library AirPAC catalog:http://library.polyu.edu.hk/airpac Univ. of Hong Kong – My Mobile Library: http://lib.hku.hk/mylib@hand/ European & Asian Libraries early to go Mobile

  41. Ball State University’s Mobile Computing Project:http://www.infotoday.com/il2006/presentations/B303_Faust.pps More Mobile Libraries http://www.bsu.edu/library/mobile/

  42. Mobile Contents Service guide at the Seoul National University Library in Korea shows how to access Library databases and services Cultivate Mobile Possibilities with Users Guides are helpful, but Annotation can be engaging Mobile Possibilities… BBC News 3/24/06 Japanese comics go mobile… “Catering to the drudge of the daily commute,”… subscription services enable some 20K users online titles to read, comment, and revise…

  43. We are moving from ubiquitous information to ubiquitous connectivity. Knowledge of and engagement with emergent mobile technology and service is not easy, but it is fast defining choices users are making across the globe. Librarian Anywhere

  44. Adobe Acrobat, “Creating an Effective Mobile User Experience,” http://www.adobe.com/uk/products/golive/pdfs/mobile_experience_wp.pdf • Farwell, Jennifer, “Ditch Your Notebook for a Smartphone?,” PC Today, Jan. 2007, http://www.pctoday.com/Editorial/article.asp?article=articles/2007/t0501/07t01/07t01.asp&guid= • Fox, Megan K., “PDAs, Handhelds and Mobile Technologies in Libraries,” http://web.simmons.edu/~fox/pda/ • Hou, Jiang-Liang, Shih-Ting Yang, “A mobile knowledge carrier with personalized knowledge provision,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 51, 2006, p. 44-57. • Kolari, Juha, et al., “Context-Aware Services for Mobile Users: Technology and User Experiences,” VTT Publications 549 • Library Sites: • Univ. of Hong Kong: http://lib.hku.hk/mylib@hand/ • Univ. of Texas Health Science Center, PDA resources: http://www.library.uthscsa.edu/internet/pda.cfm?type=PPC • Royer, Virginia & Jeff Royer, “What a Concept! Using Concept Mapping on Handheld Computers,” Learning & Leading with Technology, vol. 31 (5), Feb. 2004. • Smith, Michael, Barbara Pietraszewski, “Enabling the roving reference librarian: wireless access with tablet PCs,” Reference Services Review, vol. 32 (3), 2004, p. 249-255. • Univ. of Hong Kong Libraries, “My Library @ Hand HKUL,” http://lib.hku.hk/mylib@hand/ Resources of Interest

  45. Librarian Anywhere Resources specific to Smartphones: Mobile Monday: http://www.mobilemonday.net/mm/ Google Mobile: http://www.google.com/support/mobile/ Yahoo Mobile: http://sites.mobile.yahoo.com/ Widsets (widgets for Mobile Phones): https://www.widsets.com/index Windows Mobile 5: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile Windows Mobile Software: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/catalog/cataloghome.aspx Much more on my Delicious on Mobile Technology: http://del.icio.us/InterlibraryLoan/mobile

  46. Thank YouQuestions?

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