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In the News: It’s Elementary!. Stacy Bodin Dozier Elementary. My goal here today is simple…. I want you to think of this presentation as “confetti” Brush off what you don’t want, pick up what you want to keep. or just leave it on the ground…. MY MESSAGE
Stacy Bodin Dozier Elementary
My goal here today is simple….I want you to think of this presentation as “confetti”Brush off what you don’t want,pick up what you want to keep.or just leave it on the ground…
MY MESSAGE “Born with a moderate hearing loss, I have always been at a disadvantage by society’s terms of hearing. Fitted with hearing aids at the age of thirty years old, I made a conscious effort to use my disability as an advantage in my classroom.” “In essence, I feel that just as my hearing aids are tools which have helped compensate for my hearing loss, I believe computers are tools which help students meet individual academic needs and challenges.”
Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. Henry Ford
K DOZ TV 2 Newscaston Stacy Bodin’s Home Pagehttp://www.vrml.k12.la.us/smbodin
“Where do I start?” • Decide what type of newscast you want. • If you are just starting, you may want to try a simple weather report first. • If you want a full news report, you need to form ideas of what it should or could look like. • Look at what child can do. Shy children often want to be involved, but may not want to speak. Allow them to film, help with the set, etc. • Look at GLE’s that could mesh the newscast to your State Expectations.
Starting Smaller: A Weather CastThough the undertaking of a multimedia project may seem overwhelming, it can be done successfully for the children to retain information. If the task is one that seems too large to handle, try having the children write a weather cast. Divide the students into groups and have each child, create symbols for their weather cast to place on a US Map. Also have a state map as well. Create a large National Map for the children to place their symbols on. A great activity is to have a US map on a computer and have the picture projected on the screen. The students can create a PowerPoint to during their report. A laptop and projector is can produce a nice weather background for the students to use in their reports.Give the students this assignment: What is the national weather like in the north, south, west and east? What is the state's weather like today? Create a 3 day forecast which includes: Highs, lows, weather patterns, use of terms north, south, east, west, nation, state, local, etc.
Louisiana State Second Grade GLE's ELA-English/Language Arts 10. Retell a story in sequence including main idea and important supporting details (ELA-1-E5) 11. Make statements about how previous reading and life experiences relate to information read in texts. (ELA-1-E6) 17c.Demonstrate understanding of information in texts by making simple inferences about information in texts (ELA-7-E1) 18. Discuss and choose the most appropriate solution to a problem in texts (ELA-7-E2) 20a. Apply basic reasoning skills, including discussing the relationship between cause-effect (ELA-7-E4)20b.Apply basic reasoning skills including, asking questions about texts read independently including why and how ELA-7E4)\ 38. Adjust speaking tone and volume to suit purpose, audience, and setting (ELA-4-E1) 40b. Tell and retell stories with supportive facts and details from the story (ELA-4-E3) 42. Deliver informal presentations that demonstrate an understanding of a topic (ELA-4-E4) 44. Use active listening strategies, including asking for clarification and explanations (ELA-4-E5) 45a.Give oral responses, including telling stories and personal experiences (ELA-4-E5) 45b. Give oral responses, including giving explanations and reports (ELA-4-E5) 46. Compare ideas from a wide variety of media (ELA-4-E6) 47. Discuss classroom procedures and rules and generate ideas for new procedures and rules (ELA-4-E7) 48. Identify the role of discussion leader, contributor, and active listener (ELA-4-E7) 52. Use technology to publish a variety of works, including simple research reports and book summaries (ELA-5-E4Louisiana State Second Grade GLE's-Social Studies2. Describe basic characteristics of maps and globes (G-1A-E1)3. Use cardinal directions to locate places on maps and places in the classroom, school, and community (G-1A-E2)4. Identify geographical features in the local region (G-1A-E2)7. Describe how location, weather, and physical environment affect where and how people live (G-1B-E1)9. Identify the human characteristics of the local community (G-1B-E2)10. Describe changes in the physical and human characteristics in the local community and why people modify the physical environment over time (G-1B-E3)16. Identify local community and parish laws, and the persons responsible for making and enforcing them (C-1A-E1)17. Identify the necessity of local government and how it helps meet the basic needs of society (C-1A-E2)18. Describe major responsibilities of local government (C-1A-E4)19. Identify key government positions at the local level, their powers, and limits on their powers (C-1A-E5)20. Explain how government officials at the local level are elected (C-1A-E6)46. Identify similarities and differences in communities over time (H-1A-E2)47. Identify sources where historical information can be found and how that information can be used (H-1A-E3)48. Locate general areas on maps and globes referenced in historical stories and legends (H-1A-E3)Families and Communities49. Compare and contrast the student’s daily life to that of parents, grandparents, and/or guardians (H-1B-E1)50. Identify and describe the significance of various community landmarks and symbols (H-1C-E2)
Louisiana State Second Grade GLE's-Social Studies2. Describe basic characteristics of maps and globes (G-1A-E1)3. Use cardinal directions to locate places on maps and places in the classroom, school, and community (G-1A-E2)4. Identify geographical features in the local region (G-1A-E2)7. Describe how location, weather, and physical environment affect where and how people live (G-1B-E1)9. Identify the human characteristics of the local community (G-1B-E2)10. Describe changes in the physical and human characteristics in the local community and why people modify the physical environment over time (G-1B-E3)16. Identify local community and parish laws, and the persons responsible for making and enforcing them (C-1A-E1)17. Identify the necessity of local government and how it helps meet the basic needs of society (C-1A-E2)18. Describe major responsibilities of local government (C-1A-E4)19. Identify key government positions at the local level, their powers, and limits on their powers (C-1A-E5)20. Explain how government officials at the local level are elected (C-1A-E6)46. Identify similarities and differences in communities over time (H-1A-E2)47. Identify sources where historical information can be found and how that information can be used (H-1A-E3)48. Locate general areas on maps and globes referenced in historical stories and legends (H-1A-E3)Families and Communities49. Compare and contrast the student’s daily life to that of parents, grandparents, and/or guardians (H-1B-E1)50. Identify and describe the significance of various community landmarks and symbols (H-1C-E2)Louisiana State Second Grade GLE's-MATH15. Read a thermometer in degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius and interpret the temperature (M-1-E)25. Collect and organize data using observations, surveys, and experiments (D-1-E)26. Construct and read line plots and tables (D-2-E)27. Interpret pictographs in which each picture represents more than one object (D-2-E)29. Solve logic problems involving two sets by using elementary set logic (i.e., and, or, and is/is not statements) (D-3-E) Louisiana State Second Grade GLE's-Science9. Express data in a variety of ways by constructing illustrations, graphs, charts, tables, concept maps, and oral and written explanations as appropriate (SI-E-A5) (SI-E-B4)40. Gather, record, and graph weather data (e.g., precipitation, wind speed, wind direction, temperature) using appropriate instruments (ESS-E-A4)41. Analyze recorded daily temperatures and weather conditions from newspapers, television, the Internet, and home/outdoor thermometers (ESS-E-A4)
What do I need to create a Newscast?Step 1:Materials • Journal or composition for notes to begin • Graphic Organizers (Webs to begin each segment) Helps build the process with the children
What do I need to create a Newscast? • Create a sign with News name (Example: K-DOZ TV2) • Signs for segments (National, State, Local, Parish, Weather, Sports, etc. • Create a back panels for back drop (Draped cheap material is great) • Need a white piece on the panel to use as a "white screen" to show segment names (Optional) • If you work on the above, create a Powerpoint Slide Show to display in the background as the reporters are reporting the news. • Get a desk or small table • Maps of US and State (for Weather)
What do I need to create a Newscast? • Get a digital video camera with appropriate extension cords and a tripod. • Have a digital video tape for the camera • Charge batteries for digital still camera • Charge battery for digital video camera • Digital Camera for photographs • Film, memory stick, floppies, etc. for pictures • Get a microphone if needed • Prepare a lap top or computer/Projector to generate the background pictures if necessary. • Great to have on hand: straight pins, safety pins, scissors, large tape (mailing), scotch tape, stapler, staples, etc. • If capturing the video footage, a firewire • CD or DVD, depending on what your choice • Computers
Step 2 Organizing/Brainstorming/Meeting • Decide what “your children will report.(Example: National, State, Local News, Weather, Sports, etc.) • Discuss topics for segments. This is usually done as a whole class and may take more than a day. Steer children toward obvious choices. National-Presidential News, State News-Something that ties into the Governor, Local – Area news (schools, etc.) • Decide if the children will interview someone. If so, the director can email the person and ask them if they would come to be part of the newscast. • Stress over and over that National means “Nation/USA” and “State Level news must be about their state, etc. • For younger students, the teacher needs to take notes. Older students could possibly take notes.
1. First Production Meeting (If possible, show a short newscast that is videoed or a children's newscast.) Teacher records information given for later use. Graphic organizers are excellent tools for each segment of the news. • Questions are presented and discussed. Question addressed were… • What is a newscast? • What happens on a news report? • Names some segments on the news you have seen. • What is National, State and Local News? • What is involved in weather and sports reports? • How does the news affect everyone? • How important are weather reports? • What kind of role do they play in our world? • Can you name some local news reporters? • Bring in school news • Have students bring in topics for the next meeting.
2. Second Production Meeting (Discussions-Decisions) • Ask the students for topics at the National Level (Use a US Map to explain National) • Ask the students for topics at the State Level (Use a state map to introduce State News) • Ask the students for topics at the Local Level (Use an area map to introduce Local-Parish News) • Ask the students for topics for school news • They vote on topics at each level. • List the levels National-State-Local-School-Weather-Sports-Special News on the board or on a chart and offer the opportunity for the children to volunteer for the roles in a newscast and how would the topics be researched. A director must also be chosen.
2. Second Production Meeting (Discussions-Decisions) • For the students not wishing to report, they may be used to help film, take pictures, build the set, etc. It is important that every child be offered the opportunity to participate. This is meant to be a positive activity. If a child is too shy for a speaking part, have them understand the importance of the "behind the scene" crew. Explain the production crew is just as important and the Anchor/Reporter Crew. • Once signed up, each group will meet and have a discussion on "how" to locate "FACTUAL" information about their topic. • The teacher should begin bookmarking "safe and appropriate sites" for the children to use as research. Here are a few sites that are geared for children. • The class needs to decide if a special guest will be interviewed. The director or Co Anchors may email questions to the guests ahead of time. • Reasearched topics should be printed for children to make general reports.
3. Third Production Meeting (Writing) • In groups, now the children begin trying to locate specific information for their report. Graphic organizers are excellent tools for each segment of the news to help gather thoughts. • Each group will need a leader and secretary. The leaders guides the discussions, while the secretary writes the information for the first rough draft. the report doesn't have to long, however it does have to be accurate. • Once the teacher reviews the written rough draft, the students will be allowed to type. (The groups should share in the typing. maybe a sentence or two if possible.) • The rough draft is printed and discussed. If time, the team proofreads it and corrects it. They may do this several times before the final draft is printed. It is crucial that they understand that proofreading and editing plays a critical role anytime something is written!
4. Compiling Reports- (Teacher compiles and creates a News Cast) • Students type reports on the computers. Then the teacher compiles information into one report. • Children with speaking parts will take home copies to practice at home for at least 2 nights.
5. Build Set • Create a sign with News name • Create a back panels for back drop (Draped cheap material is great) • Need a white piece on the panel to use as a "white screen" to show segment names • If you work on the above, create a Powerpoint Slide Show to display in the background as the reporters are reporting the news. • Get a desk or small table • Get a digital video camera with appropriate extension cords and a tripod. • Have a digital video tape for the camera • Charge batteries if necessary • Digital Camera for photographs • Get a microphone if needed. • Prepare a lap top or computer/Projector to generate the background pictures if necessary. • Great to have on hand: straight pins, safety pins, scissors, large tape (mailing), scotch
6. Practice Run of Newscast Have the students practice their parts the day before filming to assure smoother taping segments.
8. Preparing to create and CD or DVD (Optional) • To create a CD or DVD, the teacher may use Movie Maker with Windows XP machines or use a program such as Adobe Premiere.
9. Capturing and Editing • Capture the footage using a fire wire and edit in the Movie Maker or other filming program. You may need to contact your Technology Leader in your area for assistance in working with this.
11. Assessing their Newscast • To conclude the project, the students were asked to write brief summaries were learned from creating and producing their own newscast. • As a culminating a unique K-DOZ NEWSCAST (computer generated) book was created explaining the production process.