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“ Whose bed have your boots been under ?” ( By Shania Twain) Present Perfect Continuous

“ Whose bed have your boots been under ?” ( By Shania Twain) Present Perfect Continuous. BEFORE LISTENING - DISCUSSION In small groups , discuss and rank the items below 1-4 according to how much they contribute to the end of a relationship . Be prepared to explain your choice .

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“ Whose bed have your boots been under ?” ( By Shania Twain) Present Perfect Continuous

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Whosebedhaveyour boots beenunder ?” (By Shania Twain) PresentPerfectContinuous

  2. BEFORE LISTENING- DISCUSSION In smallgroups, discussandranktheitemsbelow 1-4 accordingtohowmuchtheycontributetotheendof a relationship. Be preparedtoexplainyourchoice. ( ) Lackof romance ( ) Lackofmoney ( ) Cheating ( ) Routine

  3. Listen to the song and find out why she is upset.

  4. “Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under?” (Shania Twain) CHORUS: Whose bed have your boots been under? Whose bed have your boots been under? And whose heart did you steal, I wonder? This time did it feel like thunder, baby? Whose bed have your boots been under? Don't look so lonely, don't act so blue I know I'm not the only girl you run to I know about Lolita, your little Spanish flame I've seen you around with Rita The redhead down the lane CHORUS: Whose bed have your boots been under? And whose heart did you steal I wonder? This time did it feel like thunder, baby? And who did you run to? And whose lips have you been kissin'? And whose ear did you make a wish in? Is she the one that you've been missin', baby? Well whose bed have your boots been under? I heard you've been sneaking around with Jill And what about that weekend with Beverly Hill And I've seen you walking with long legs Louise And you weren't just talking last night with Denise So next time you're lonely, don't call on me Try the operator, maybe she’ll be free • CHORUS: • Whose bed have your boots been under? • And whose heart did you steal I wonder? • This time did it feel like thunder, baby? • And who did you run to? • And whose lips have you been kissin'? • And whose ear did you make a wish in? • Is she the one that you've been missin', baby? • Well whose bed have your boots been under?

  5. What do you think the song is about? Cheating

  6. AFTER LISTENING: DISCUSSION In pairs or in small groups, discuss the following questions: • Have you ever been cheated on? • 2. Do you know anybody who has been cheated on? • What did he/she do? • 3. How would you feel if your boyfriend/girlfriend cheated on you? What would you do? • 4. Is cheating something possible to forgive?

  7. AFTER LISTENING: OPINION BOARD Write whatyouropinionisabout “cheating”. (Askyourteacher for help ifnecessary.) Cheatingisnot cool because...

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