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Grappa : Gr id a ccess p ortal for p hysics a pplications

Grappa : Gr id a ccess p ortal for p hysics a pplications. Shava Smallen Extreme! Computing Laboratory Department of Physics Indiana University. Outline. GriPhyN Grappa XCAT Science Portal project Demo Future Directions Virtual Data Browser. GriPhyN : Gri d Phy sics N etwork.

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Grappa : Gr id a ccess p ortal for p hysics a pplications

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  1. Grappa: Grid access portal for physics applications Shava Smallen Extreme! Computing Laboratory Department of Physics Indiana University

  2. Outline • GriPhyN • Grappa • XCAT Science Portal project • Demo • Future Directions • Virtual Data Browser

  3. GriPhyN: Grid Physics Network • Many many participating people and institutions • Targets data-intensive applications • ATLAS, CMS, LIGO, and SDSS • 90% of data is derived • Provide a set of tools for collaborative data analysis • Virtual data - transparency with respect to location and materialization

  4. Simplified View Applications Athena App2 App1 Information Services Planner Catalog Services GriPhyN/Grid Services Replica Management Monitoring Reliable Transfer Service Executor Policy/Security storage Resources storage storage

  5. Data X orig Data X copy1 Data X copy2 Indiana Boston Oklahoma Virtual Data Catalogs Transparency with respect to location Transparency with respect to materialization Derived Metadata Catalog Metadata Catalog Higgs particle, proton center of mass, etc Derived Data Catalog Replica Catalog Random seed, number of events Transformation Catalog Athena version, pythia, atlfast, application model, etc. Virtual Data Language

  6. Motivation for Grappa • Lots of GriPhyN/Grid services • Requires a good deal of expertise – more than what many users want to know • Common approach is a Grid portal • Provide a portal interface by which physicists can launch and manage applications and data over the Grid

  7. XCAT Science Portal • Framework for building personal science portals • A science portal is an application-specific Grid portal • Active notebook • HTML pages to describe the features of the notebook and how to use it • HTML forms which can be used to launch parameterizable scripts (transformation) • Parameters stored in a sub-notebook (derivation)

  8. Scripts • Very flexible • Jython - access to Java classes • Globus Java CoG kit • XCAT • XMESSAGES • Not every user has to write scripts • Notebooks can be shared among users • Import/export capability

  9. XCAT Science Portal Architecture User’s Web Browser Portal Web Server (tomcat server + java servlets) GSI Authentication Jython Intepreter Notebook Database Grid

  10. Athena Notebook Demo Graphical way to submit jobOptions file • Log in using GSI credential • Select athena notebook from desktop • Content pages describing athena and how to use the notebook • Resource management via “Add Resource” and “ Check Resources” • Submit job options file via “Submit Athena Job”

  11. Boston University IUPUI • Stage directory • Results directory • Monitor simple status of job (i.e., pending, active, done) BNL University of Oklahoma Indiana University Indiana University

  12. Demo • Available via Pacman under grappa-demo • Further information and installation instructions available at: • > pacman –fetch –install grappa-demo http://iuatlas.physics.indiana.edu/grappa

  13. Where next? • Interface to GriPhyN and other Grid services (i.e., Virtual Data Language, Magda, EDG, etc.) • Only focused on execution management • (Still can make improvements here) • Centered around notebook abstraction • Is this an appropriate abstraction for data management too?

  14. Grid

  15. Virtual Data Browser • A browser interface which can be used to search and create virtual data • Functionality analogous to that of a web browser • Create virtual data (e.g., Netscape composer) • Navigate virtual data (e.g., point n’ click links) • Search virtual data (via search engines – Yong Zhao – U. of Chicago) • Bookmarks to virtual data (or transformations) • User profile – resource mgmt, credential mgmt, home

  16. Next step • Write up design specification for VDB • Probably develop code from scratch • Jetspeed looks promising • Keep script functionality • Replace notebook database with virtual data catalogs • Interface to Virtual Data Language

  17. More Information • Acknowledgements: • IU Physics • Rob Gardner, Lisa Ensman, Fred Leurhing • Extreme Computing Lab • US ATLAS testbed sites • Grappa web page: • Email: ssmallen@cs.indiana.edu • http://iuatlas.physics.indiana.edu/grappa

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