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WELCOME SEMESTER 2014 A. Professor: Jorge Contreras Díaz English IV and VI. RULES IN THE CLASSROOM. - GET ON TIME TO CLASS. (15 Min. Tolerance 2hrs and 5 min 1hr. 3 delays you lose your complete participation 4 you lose an assistance.).

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  2. Professor: Jorge Contreras Díaz English IV and VI

  3. RULES IN THE CLASSROOM - GET ON TIME TO CLASS. (15 Min. Tolerance 2hrs and 5 min 1hr. 3 delays you lose your complete participation 4 you lose an assistance.) - DO NOT USE YOUR CAP OR SUNGLASSES. - BRING YOUR BOOK. (If you forget your book everything has to be done on your notebook but if you lose your time you can’t stay in class.) - DO NOT USE CELLPHONE OR ANY ELECTRONIC DEVICE. (if the teacher catches you using earphones you leave the class and get a less participation point) - DO NOT ENTER TO CLASS EATING OR DRINKIN G ANYTHING . (Except water.) - RESPECT YOUR CLASSMATES AND TEACHER. (If you don't ,you go out of class. If you persist, you will be expulsed of class.) - STAY ON YOUR PLACE ASSIGNED BY THE TEACHER.

  4. Be Competent Book Costo$ 187.00 Banco : HSBC México S.A. No. cuenta : 4045011517 Beneficiario: Macmillan Publishers S.A. de C.V.

  5. EVALUATION • Exam 30% (only if you attendance to class at least • 80%) • MPO 10% ( delivered before the exam is applied) • Sails of the Book or exercises in class 20% • Project 40% (at the end of every partial) • Participation 10% (Extra point)

  6. 1st Evaluation February 4thto March 7th Exam: March 10th to 14th 2nd Evaluation March 17th to May 2nd Exam: May 5th to 9th 3rd Evaluation May 12th to June 13th Exam: June 16th to 20th IMPORTANTE Para tenerderecho a examendebescumplir con el 80% de asistencia

  7. Redes sociales www.englishacademybachilleres19.weebly.com Facebook: englishacademybachilleres

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