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3 rd Marking Period Bellringers

3 rd Marking Period Bellringers. Bellringer 11.4.13. What do you know about Newton’s Laws and what do you want to know about Newton’s Laws? Must write at least 3 complete sentences. . Bellringer 11.5.13. Describe Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion. . Bellringer 11.6.

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3 rd Marking Period Bellringers

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  1. 3rd Marking Period Bellringers

  2. Bellringer 11.4.13 • What do you know about Newton’s Laws and what do you want to know about Newton’s Laws? • Must write at least 3 complete sentences.

  3. Bellringer 11.5.13 • Describe Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion.


  5. Assignment 11.6 • Wednesday Nov. 6, 2013: Warm up- Choose one of Newton’s Law and apply it to your drive to school this morning.  • Assignment: students will create a foldable with 3 sections labeled: • Law of Inertia • Law of Mass and Acceleration • Law of Action and Reaction.   • Students will need to include the definition of each, draw a picture and then write a 4-6 sentence scenario about each Law.      • Students will need to use their powerpoint notes to fill in the foldable. • HW: Students will need to review their notes from MOTION and Newton’s Laws (they should have foldables from both units) to help them be successful on tomorrow.

  6. Thursday, Nov. 7, 2013 • Today the students will be taking a quiz. They are NOT allowed to write on the test. • Warm-up: Students will have 10 minutes to study (please watch the time, if students come in rowdy then do NOT allow them time to study). Materials: students will ONLY need a pencil. • (Please make sure that ALL backpacks and purses are in the back of the classroom). • If you announce it then it should not be a problem for this is standard procedures. • You may have a student pass out the scantrons. • The test are numbered 1-28, please make sure that at the end of each class you get ALL of the test back. • Actively monitor students by walking around the room periodically to ensure that all students are on task working. • If a student talks during the quiz please write their name down and they will get a zero.

  7. Friday, Nov. 9 • Students will work in their groups on their projects. • Please give each group a Newton’s Law MENU • (I have posted the groups on my EDMODO page for the students to view as well but please announce)

  8. Bellringer 11.11 • Students will get with groups and brainstorm Newton’s Laws Menu for 10 minutes.

  9. Approval/Denial • Students need to have materials listed they will be need to make their project successful. Students may choose from the following: • Plastic tubing • Foam tube insulation • Marbles of different masses • Meter sticks • Rulers • Stop watches • Toy cars • Ramps • Film canisters • Alka-seltzers • Ballons • Straws • Tape • Calculators • Coke bottles

  10. Presentation Expectations • You will have 5 minutes to do last minute touch ups. • 5 minutes will be used to take the survey. All surveys must be turned in BEFORE presentations begin. • There will be 2 minutes between groups to allow the next group to set up. • Do NOT talk while other groups are presenting or work on projects; you will lose points. • I am excited to hear about what you have learned this past week! I am very impressed by the work! GREAT JOB to all!

  11. 11.18 • What do you know about Pangea and The Theory of Plate tectonics? • Must write minimum of 5 sentences

  12. 8.9 a&bTeks • Describe the historical development of evidence that supports plate tectonics. Relate plate tectonics to the formation of crustal features.

  13. Plate Tectonics Stations • Station 1- Research historical figures that contributed to the theory of plate tectonics • Station 2- Play-doh (place mat) and plate tectonic model + BYOD Q-Code reader • Station 3- Create a foldable that describes the 3 plate boundaries and draw a picture that relates to each. • Station 4- Pangea Puzzle (make sure you know what Pangea means and label your continents) • Station 5- Plate Boundaries Card Sort Vocab & yellow vocab. • Station 6- Pangea Puzzle con’t (needs to be cut & pasted in PANGEA format in composition notebook)

  14. 12.2 • Welcome Back! • Describe in detail your Thanksgiving break! Must be at least 5 sentences….

  15. Bellringer 12.3 • Which of the following geographical features would likely form when two plates collide? • Trench • Mid ocean ridge • Transform fault • Delta

  16. Bellringer 12.4 • What do you know about topographic maps`? • What do you want to know about topographic maps?

  17. Bellringer • What does this image mean to you?

  18. Bellringer 12.11 Where would the youngest ocean floor be found? A I B II C III D IV

  19. Bellringer 12.12 Where would the oldest ocean floor be found? I II III IV

  20. Bellringer 12.13 Which area on the terrain above would show an area with a convergent plate boundary? F) A G) B H) C J) D

  21. Bellringer 12.16.13 Using the piece of topographic map below, in which direction would you expect a delta to be formed? A to the left B to the right C to the top D to the bottom

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