Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther king Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 and died on April 4, 1968. Martin was an American clergyman, protester, and well-known leader in the African American civil rights movement. Martin had a dream….and his dream was forEVERYBODYto be treated the same, no matter what color you were or anything that people would make fun of you, he wanted our nation to be peaceful without any racism-also equal rights for all citizens. I think it’s important for us to be following Martin’s dream, because without his speech and without him being alive back then, I think we would still be fighting for our equal rights and to be treated the same as others no matter what race you are.
I think…… ……That if Martin Luther King Jr. was still alive today, he would say that his dream would be half fulfilled. And that reason is because till this day people still dislike other colored people, and they have no heart for someone that is just the same as they are! It’s really sad for someone to be cruel and not accept anybody who they are no matter what the differences are between them and yourself!
Stop Racism! Racism ruins A LOT of lives! It affects you and makes you feel worthless and left out. We should all try to stop racism no matter what the situation is! It’s the right thing to do! Come to think of it; I think racism is like bullying! Bullying: You get physical, you pick on everybody, you talk bad stuff about everybody for no reason [depends if they said or did something to you but still no reason]. But you see bullying is an ugly thing that you can do, and it’s similar to racism, because when you do and talk stuff about anybody you include racism in it, and that’s really bad. Your hurting other people of what you say that could offend them.
Why let racism bring you down? Have you ever asked yourself some questions about why your colors different? I have, and these are some of the questions I have asked myself, “ Why was I born this color? What is the purpose of my color? What is the purpose of me being here on this earth with this color?” I still don’t know why to the questions I have, but I think the color we are right now is something unique about us. I think our color means something, and has a purpose of why our color is on the skin of us! But take my advice, and ask yourself, “Why let racism bring you down”? We should stand up for ourselves and unite against racism! Martin Luther King Jr. taught us better than that!
A link to my Voki! My Voki!