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This overview provides an update on the physics program, detector design, and accelerator concepts of the SuperB project. It also discusses the results from the Frascati tests of the Crab Waist principle and the guiding principles of the project.
The SuperB Projectoverview Marcello A. GiorgiUniversità di Pisa e INFN Pisa IRC 2nd. Review Meeting – Roma April 29,2008 Marcello A. Giorgi
First IRC meeting In the agenda of the first meeting; • Project outlook. • Physics program. • Detector design. • Accelerator Concepts, Parameters, New Ideas. • Budget estimate The focus was mostly on Physics and Detector since the accelerator innovative concept was based on simulations, that we intended to validate with a machine experiment at LNF. In this meeting : • Update on physics and detector • Update on accelerator • Focus on the results from the Frascati tests of Crab Waist principle Marcello A. Giorgi
Guiding principles Flavour Physics was recently in the front line of the stage thanks to the e+ e- factories. What in the next decade will e+ e- factories say about new physics and contribute as complementary to LHC and LHCb ? A LOT! Providing they can produce more than 5 10 10 and 10 11 b, c and t pairs in 5 years and from then accumulate 4-5 10 10 more/year. AND AT WITH A REASONABLE ELECTRICITY BILL! Marcello A. Giorgi
HAWAII 2005 II Joint Meeting Babar-Belle on Super BFactory • At that time it was clear that: • A Super BFactory was not possible in Slac • PEPII was not likely running too long • The possible road to High Lumi was HIGH CURRENT • No technology ready for detectors with expected BKG if luminosity higher than 5 10 35. MORE IMPORTANT: for some of us the needed integrated luminosity to hit the target of New Physics is >50 ab-1 and peak>10 36, better 3-5 times higher. BUT ! ! DISTRESS ! ! Marcello A. Giorgi
From Linear Super Bfactory to SuperB Initial proposal was very exotic (linear colliding machine with recicling in damping rings), but seemed to us VERY APPEALING FOR PHYSICS since it was promising high lumi with low currents (low BKG and LOW WALL POWER! ) It was unfeasible and after the first 2 SuperB workshops the conceptual design was converging to the present. Marcello A. Giorgi
geometrical Reduction factor Luminosity • For gaussian bunches: Ne+ ( Ne- ) is the number of positrons (electrons) in a bunch fcoll is the collision frequency σx (σy) is the horizontal (vertical) r.m.s. size at the I.P. Rl is the Luminosity Reduction factor by incomplete overlap: crossing angle and “hour glass” effect. • TRADITIONAL (brute force): increase the numerator Currents increase: from 1A on 2 A up to 4.1 A on 9.4 A- Wall Plug Power, HOM,CSR: hard to surpass 5 1035 cm2s-1Crab Crossing to increase Rland to optimize beam dynamic • SuperB: decrease the denominator (same currents as PEP-II) Bunch sizes: from σy = 3μm down to σy = 40 nm Luminosity: 1036 cm2s-1 ( baseline) . Crab Waist and large Piwinsky angle to optimize beam dynamic Marcello A. Giorgi
Right solution? It appeared as the solution for the high luminosity at a reasonable wall power (≤ 30 MW as in PEPII) BUT: To proceed the validation of simulations was necessary. The large Piwinski angle scheme and crab waist needed to be tested. Preliminary results on test are now available Marcello A. Giorgi
Physics on CDR (comparisons with 50 ab-1) Marcello A. Giorgi
UTfit as now and with SuperB 1 ab-1 50 ab-1 With 50 ab-1 gis measured at 1° level Triangle vertex Determined by N.P. free processes • Theoretical uncertainties on sides could be reduced: (V.Lubicz, SuperB IV Villa Mondragone nov.2006) • Vub : 2% (excl.) 2% (incl.)Vcb : 1% (excl.) 0.5% (incl.) Marcello A. Giorgi
The case for a high luminosity flavour factory • Prejudice: if there is New Physics at the TeV scale it must have a flavor/CP structure • New heavy quanta can be detected through precision measurement of processes involving loop diagrams • Statistics of O(50 ab-1) is necessary to reduce the experimental error below the theoretical uncertainty for the most sensitive analyses • Physics reach is complementary to LHC-LHCb: • many rare decays are not accessible at LHC; • sensitivity to off-diagonal term of squark mixing matrix, • test of LFV in t decays Marcello A. Giorgi
CPV in rare decays (PENGUINS) Marcello A. Giorgi
Rare Decays Marcello A. Giorgi
SuperB Physics case • There is a solid case for a SuperB collecting between 50 and 100 ab-1 ( 5. 1010 -10 11 B, charm, t pair) • Precision measurements allowing to detect discrepancies from the standard model • Reduced theoretical uncertainties will allow this in many channels • Rare decay measurementsstudy • Lepton flavour violation • In addition: possibility to run at tau/charm threshold, polarized beam • Complementarity with LHC has been studied in the CERN workshop Flavour Physics in the era of LHC . • (M.Mangano,T.Hurth to be published soon as CERN yellow report) • See in addition to SuperB CDR: • The Discovery Potential of a Super B Factory (Slac-R-709) • Letter of Intent for KEK Super B Factory (KEK Report 2004-4 ) • Physics at Super B Factory (hep-ex/0406071) • SuperB report (hep-ex/0512235) • Many documents available at the URL : www.pi.infn.it/SuperB • BUT MORE IMPORTANT…… THE UNEXPECTED DISCOVERY FROM A FRONTIER MACHINE Marcello A. Giorgi
Sharpening on the Physics Reach of SuperB Physics Retreat in Valencia Jan.7-15,2008 Following informal suggestions of IRC. Update on physics (potential discovery of New Physics with a 75 ab-1 in 5 years ) for B, Charm, Tau’s and new Spectroscopy . Examine carefully the potential benefits of running at 4GeV c.m.s. Energy and of the Polarization. Organize the preparation of the simulation tools to evaluate the correct experimental sensitivity to the most relevant physics channels The report is now in the final editing stage. Marcello A. Giorgi
After Valencia Physic Retreat some highlight b Marcello A. Giorgi
(B PHYSICS) Comparison 10ab-1 with 75 ab-1 In CDR all comparisons for 50 ab-1 Marcello A. Giorgi
The GOLDEN channel for the given scenario Not the GOLDEN channel for the given scenario but can show experimentally measurable deviation from SM. X GOLDEN MODES X X X- CKM X X X- CKM X Marcello A. Giorgi
Comparison with charged Higgs mass 2 Higgs-doublet model . Bound on M H+ = 295 GeV at 95% CL. Comparison with 1/R in minimal Universal Extra Dimension model Marcello A. Giorgi
(B PHYSICS) Comparison 10ab-1 with 75 ab-1 Determination of Susy mass insertion parameter (d13)LL with 10 ab-1 and 75 ab-1 Marcello A. Giorgi
more The best UL < 14 10-6 SM BF= 4 10-6 Marcello A. Giorgi
SNOWMASS points SPS4 ruled out by present values of Bsg. Flavour has a great impact already in MFV! SPS1a is the least favorable for flavour, but SuperB can say at the level of 2 s in several channels as Bsg, Btn, BXS l+l- Marcello A. Giorgi
2 ab-1 10 ab-1 75ab-1 200 ab-1 20 40 60 20 40 60 MORE.. B t n and B m ncombination exclusion plots in [ M(H+), tan b] R= (B l n)/ (B l n )SM in 2HDM with m(H+)=500 GeV BF of Bt n is higher than Bm n, but With the B beam method and high lumi the use of Bm n is almost systematic free due to a cleaner identification of the lepton. Marcello A. Giorgi
COMPLEMENTARY FLAVOUR meas. AND LHC IF LHC DISCOVERS SUPERSYMMETRY Red are LHC+EW constraints+SuperB Blue is LHC alone Marcello A. Giorgi
BaBar result Excluded region Belle result Lepton Flavour Violation The B factories are also factories (+ -) = 0.89 nb at s = M() Total sample of ~1.5 billion taus 90% CL limits Br ( - e-g ) < 12 x 10-8 Br (-m- g ) < 4.1 x 10-8 Br ( - e- g ) < 11 x 10-8 Br ( - m- g ) < 6.7 x 10-8 R.Barlow ICHEP06 Marcello A. Giorgi
TAU LFV (use of polarization) Polarization is only partially used in this estimate. An optimization of the BKG rejection is in progress. But Pol. helps to discriminate models. In some model there is a strong effect on the angular distribution of m from signal: Marcello A. Giorgi
Comparison with Snowmass points on Tau using also polarization SuperB with 75 ab-1, evaluation assuming the most conservative scenario about syst. errors LFV 5s disc 1÷2 Marcello A. Giorgi
<1 Make use of all the informations (total x-section,angular distribution, f-b asymmetry. Measure Re and Im parts Tau g-2 Start with the expt. with m Marcello A. Giorgi
CHARM Mixing from Dalitz analysis Results from Belle Marcello A. Giorgi
CPV in Charm CP violation can be studied in high statistics as: • Indirect in the mixing • Direct in the decay With very high statistics at Y4S together with tau and B physics BUT time dependent analysis is needed for CP violation in the interference mixing-decay,for it runs at charm threshold production are needed in asymmetric factory mode . D0K+K- and D0p+p- can be studied with time dependent analysis and ff can be extracted. Marcello A. Giorgi
options • Dedicated runs at the tau/charm threshold feasible • Electron polarization scheme is very important ( ≥ 80%) • Polarized electron source • Electron spin manipulation to provide longitudinal polarization @ IP Marcello A. Giorgi
SOME UPDATE ON Super B Marcello A. Giorgi
LEB HEB Machine Parameters (slightly different from CDR) 150m needed for Polarization Asymmetric bunch size to optimize beam lifetime (Toushek effect) Baseline Circumference was 2200 m Marcello A. Giorgi
SuperB parameters with higher Wall Power Doubling currents with a factor 2 in Wall power we can double the luminosity Marcello A. Giorgi
Total length 1800 m 20 m 280 m Lattice layout, PEP-II reuse Dipoles Available Needed Quad. • All PEP-II magnets are used, dimensions and fields are in rangeRF requirements are met by the present PEP-II RF system Marcello A. Giorgi
>80ab-1 in 7th year SuperB expected LUMI After 7th year integrated Luminosity can grow at rate of 40 ab-1/year Marcello A. Giorgi
INGREDIENTS for the proof of principle Very low emittance project (John Seeman talk) Test on CRAB WAIST (see M. Biagini, P.Raimondi talks) Polarization (a lot to be done see U.Wienands talk) Marcello A. Giorgi
MEMO for IRC and P5 Marcello A. Giorgi
ON DETECTOR Marcello A. Giorgi
Babar and Belle designs have proven to be very effective for B-Factory physics Follow the same ideas for SuperB detector A SuperB detector is possible with today’s technology. Main issues: Machine backgrounds – somewhat larger than in Babar/Belle Beam energy asymmetry – a bit smaller Strong interaction with machine design Try to reuse parts of Babar as much as possible Quartz bars of the DIRC Barrel EMC CsI(Tl) crystal and mechanical structure Superconducting coil and flux return yoke. SuperB Detector • Moderate R&D and engineering required • Small beam pipe technology • Thin silicon pixel detector for first layer • Drift chamber CF mechanical structure, gas and cell size • Photon detection for DIRC quartz bars • Forward PID system (TOF or focusing RICH) • Forward calorimeter crystals (LSO) • Minos-style scintillator for Instrumented flux return • Electronics and trigger • Computing – large data amount Marcello A. Giorgi
Detector Layout – Reuse parts of Babar (or Belle) BASELINE OPTION Marcello A. Giorgi
Detector R&D Progress Test beam goals for 2008-2010 • Silicon Vertex Tracker • MAPS pixel devices: resolution, efficiency, readout speed • Advanced trigger systems (Associative Memories) • Drift Chamber • Cell size, shape, and gas mixture • Particle ID system (forward system) • Radiators (Aerogel, NaF) • Photon detector (MCP, MAPMTs, SiPM) • Timing for TOF system • Electromagnetic Calorimeter • Forw: LYSO Crystals leakage, resolution, mechanical structure • Back: Lead-scintillator calorimeter resolution • Instrumented Flux Return • Scintillator, fibers, photon detector, readout electronics • Detection efficiency, time/space resolution • Integrated slice • Track trigger, material in front of EMC, timing for TOF, forward PID options Lots of progress • R&D technical progress in all detector subsystems • Started the definition of strategies for Electronics and DAQ design • Large computing effort for simulation • Subdetector groups are building up collaboration • SuperB is included in the DevDet FP7 proposal • Improve infrastructure for detector R&D • Mainly focused on improving LNF Beam test facility • Electronics and software network Marcello A. Giorgi
Progress in simulation • Development of both fast (parametrized) and full (Geant4) simulation programs started. • Reuse Babar code where possible • Remove dependencies from private Babar code to allow redistribution to outside Babar • Use more modern approach to geometry description (GDML, developed for LHC) • Fast simulation targeted at physics benchmarking • Geant4 simulation targeted at backgrounds Geant4 Model Marcello A. Giorgi
Background simulation • Lattice “MAD” decks can be transformed into G4 geometry • Machine elements and apertures are then introduced into the full simulation for evaluation of backgrounds • Touchek background simulation is benchmarked with Dafne results • Good agreement • Optimization of collimators is needed after each lattice adjustement Background rate in the KLOE forward calorimeter vs. position of the internal jaw of a collimator Marcello A. Giorgi
ON THE SITE Marcello A. Giorgi
TOR VERGATA site, close to LNF Ring length =1650m+150m for polarization Marcello A. Giorgi
…and now…. Marcello A. Giorgi
Twice to ECFA From Manchester (‘07) : to Lisboa (’08) : REPORT BASED ON CDR Ecfa has appointed a subcommittee chaired by T. Nakada as a contact group with SuperB Marcello A. Giorgi
After the present phase If we receive green light from IRC we would consider ended the CDR phase. The SuperB community is ready to start the organization towards the preparation of a TDR. We need the set up of the structure of the collaboration including governance rules. Marcello A. Giorgi
After the present phase Build the technical structure for the machine and detector project : • Collect resources for the machine design. • Organize the project group for site and infrastructure. • Organize the detector community for the next steps. • Prepare test of subdetectors. • Build the s/w tools (not only simulations) for detector optimization and for physics. Marcello A. Giorgi
After the present phase Machine-Detector-Physics as closely interleaved in SuperB. The coordination of the project as whole is necessary and it will continue in the future. An oversight body reflecting in its composition the international inspiration of the SuperB enterprise would be more than useful. A MAC to periodically monitor the machine progress would be necessary as well as the monitoring of the detector project and construction. Marcello A. Giorgi