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LANGUAGE OF LOVE. THE LANGUAGE OF LOVE. A DIFFICULT MATTER. TABLE OF CONTENTS. What does the language of love refer to ? Why does the language of love is a difficult matter ? Why do language of poetry is particularly suitable to express feelings ?

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  2. TABLE OF CONTENTS • Whatdoes the languageof love referto? • Whydoes the languageof love is a difficultmatter? • Why do languageofpoetryisparticularlysuitableto express feelings? • What are love’s mainsymbols? Whichcoloursoften coincide with the feeling? • What are the maindifferencesbetween the formsofcourting and the languageof love today and in the Renaissance?

  3. Whatdoes the languageof love referto? • Itrefersto the languageusedmainly in sonnets, tragedies and all the lyricpoetry. • Itconsistsofall the rethoricalchoices, syntacticaldevices and narrative processeswhichbetter express feelings and emotionallymove the reader. • Shakespeare’s way ofwritingis a clearexampleofit, because the languageheuses in hisdialogueexchanges are oftenlinkedwith body. 3

  4. Whydoes the languageoflove isa difficultmatter? • Becauseit can hidevariousmeanings, construable in differentwaysbyeveryone, depending on one’s nature or accordingtocircumstances. • Love isanemotion: it’s hard, and much more was in the Renaissance, tostudyimpartiallysomethinglinkedwithfeelings. • First reflectionsaboutpsychoanalysisweremade in XVII centurybyLeibniz and afterby Freud, so in the Renaissance love was a new “problem” to tackle. 4

  5. Whydoeslanguageofpoetryisparticularlysuitableto express feelings? • Languageofpoetryis a rethoricallanguage, so itbetterrespondtothisnecessity. • Languageofpoetryis full offiguresofspeech, which can disguisedeepideasbelowtheirliteralmeaning. • Languageofpoetryallowsmanypoetslike Shakespeare tomake the readeremotionallymoved: hisstories end tragically, likemanydramaticplays. 5

  6. What are love’s mainsymbols? • Love is the word used to refer to an emotion of a strongattraction or personal attachment. • Its archetypal symbol is a red heart. Why? The heart is supposed to be the core of emotions: it’s at the center of our body and conciliates not only love, but also anger, fear, happiness, melancholy exc. • Other items like chains or padlocks are often used to express the concept of bond. 6

  7. Whichcoloursoften coincide with the feeling? • Whensomeonespeaksabout love people often link the feeling with red. Why? • Red is the colourofourheart and more preciselyofblood: it can recallto a link or a relationship. • Red givesalso the idea ofpassion; for the samereason on St. Valentine’s Daycouplesgiveeachother a red rose, as a pawnof love. 7

  8. What are the maindifferencesbetween the formsofcourting and the languageof love today and in the Renaissance? • Renaissance covers the periodfrom the XIV to the XVII century. • Todaywe live in the XXI century. • The time gap isaboutfive-sixcenturies. • One can inferwhich the maindifferences are due to the differentages. 8

  9. Formsofcourtingtoday • Today’s formsofcourting, especiallybetweenteenagers, are: speakingto the boy/girl, texting (sendingemoticons), body language, lookingafter one’s appearance. • Besidestoday a girl can court a boy too. 9

  10. Formsofcourting in the Renaissance • In the Renaissance onlymenusedto court: women’s way ofcourtingwasapparently a responseto a men’s courting. • A man usedto court a woman withpassionateconsiderations, usinglanguageofreligion, whichwitnessed a high way toapproach. • In Romeo and Julietby Shakespeare the “knight” notices the “lady” and approachestoherwithclearreligiousreferencesto show hisaristocracy. 10

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