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Office of Primary Care and Rural Health State Primary Care Grants Program. Title 26, Chapter 18, Part 3 Rule number: R434-30
Office of Primary Care and Rural HealthState Primary Care Grants Program • Title 26, Chapter 18, Part 3 • Rule number: R434-30 • The goal of the State Primary Care Grants Program is to make primary health care services available to Utah’s low income, uninsured or underinsured individuals who are not eligible for Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, PCN or SCHIP. • The Program helps to provide these individuals with a medical home by contracting (for the completion of primary care projects) with public, and private not-for-profit safety net providers, including community, migrant and homeless health centers, public health departments; and private not-for-profit health care agencies.
State Primary Care Grants Program • Primary health care means: a) basic and general health care services given when a person seeks assistance to screen for or to prevent illness and disease, or for simple and common illnesses and injuries; and (b) care given for the management of chronic diseases. • "Primary health care services" include, but are not limited to: (a) services of physicians, all nurses, physician's assistants, and dentists licensed to practice in this state under Title 58; (b) diagnostic and radiologic services; (c) preventive health services including, but not limited to, perinatal services, well-child services, and other services that seek to prevent disease or its consequences; (d) emergency medical services; (e) preventive dental services; and (f) pharmaceutical services.
State Primary Care Grants Program In awarding grants, the department shall consider the extent to which the applicant: • demonstrates that the area or a population group to be served under the application has a shortage of primary health care and that the services will be located so that they will provide assistance to the greatest number of persons residing in such area or included in such population group; • utilizes other sources of funding, including private funding, to provide primary health care; • demonstrates the ability and expertise to serve traditionally medically underserved populations including persons of limited English-speaking ability, single heads of households, the elderly, persons with low incomes, and persons with chronic diseases; • demonstrates that it will assume financial risk for a specified number of medically underserved persons within its catchment area for a predetermined level of care; and:
State Primary Care Grants Program • the reasonableness of the cost of the services to be given; • degree to which primary health care services are provided comprehensively; extent to which supplemental services are provided, and extent to which services are conveniently located; • demonstrated ability and willingness of applicant to systematically review the quality of care; • commitment of applicant to sustain or enhance primary health care capacity for underserved, disadvantaged, and vulnerable populations; • degree to which the application is feasible, clearly described, and ready to be implemented.
State Primary Care Grants Program • Summary of Application Narrative Requirements: • Paragraph describing the parent agency • Description of project target population, as well as assessment of need for this population • Project objectives • Description of evaluation/quality review program • Description of any innovative aspects to complete proposed project • Description of existing/future partnerships, collaborations, use of volunteers, etc. • Description of project sustainability (e.g. a plan of financing for the target population) • Project budget narrative
State Primary Care Grants Program Other required application items: • Summary sheet • Services to be provided • Projections (expected number of users, encounters, etc.) • Copy of sliding fee scale • Copy of balance sheet • Copy of proof of not-for-profit status
State Primary Care Grants Program • 34 awards were made in State Fiscal Year 2007 • Average award: $40,454 • Applications will be sent to our mailing list, but you may also request an application by calling Erin Olsen at (801) 538-6214, or email to elosen@utah.gov • There will be a Q&A conference call to address applicants’ issues. • Expected contract period will be July, 2007 – June 2008.
Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program • Title 26, Chapter 46 • Rule number: R434-30 • Definitions. • (1) "Health care professional" means a physician, physician assistant, nurse, dentist, mental health therapist, or other health care professional designated by the department by rule. • (2) "Underserved area" means an area designated by the department as underserved by health care professionals, based upon the results of a needs assessment developed by the department in consultation with the Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program Advisory Committee created under Section 26-46-103.
Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program • Since 1990 the program has assisted in the placement of 347 health care professionals, including 7 dentists, 25 mental health therapists, 197 nurses, 93 physicians, and 25 physician assistants. Twenty-two (22) rural counties and three (3) urban counties have been served by the placement of these health care professionals. All award recipients agreed to serve a minimum two (2) year service obligation, with the hopes that they will remain and continue to serve medically underserved populations in Utah communities upon completion of their service obligation.
Utah Health Care Workforce Financial Assistance Program • Health Care Professional and Employment Site Applications are accepted between January 1st and are due no later than March 15th. Applications are reviewed in May, and award recommendations are made and announced in June. • Utah Nursing Schools/Training Institutions can also apply to have nurse educators/instructors (master's and/or PhD) received educational loan repayment. The nursing school/training institution must complete an application to the Program. • For further information, call Erin Olsen at (801) 538-6214 or e-mail elolsen@utah.gov
Office of Primary Care and Rural Health Other programs/activities administered by the Office: • Conrad State 30 J-1 Visa Waiver Program • National Health Service Corps • Workshops, including recruitment and retention, customer service, cultural competency and board training • HPSA and MUA/P designations • Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Critical Access Hospital) Program • Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program • Bleeding Disorders Program • Please visit our website at http://health.utah.gov/primarycare