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The Epistemic Categories of Postmodernism and the Alienation of Human Being

This research paper explores the impact of postmodernism on human existence by analyzing epistemic changes in literature and the legitimacy of postmodernism in Romanian space. It delves into the shift from modernity to postmodernism, the function of art, and the existential themes prevalent in postmodern literature.

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The Epistemic Categories of Postmodernism and the Alienation of Human Being

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  1. The epistemic categories of postmodernism and thealienation of human being Ph.D. Anca-Narcisa Leizeriuc Faculty of Letters “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” UniversityofIasi

  2. This paper seeks to determine: • Whetherthepostmodern phenomenon, in generally, appears as a continuation of modernity or as a crash of level. • How the epistemic changes affect thehuman being as it canbeseenin literature. • Ifthe postmodernism hasits legitimacy in the Romanian space since the third wave of post-industrial civilization is absent here. Objectives

  3. Starting from postmodern theorists studies (Jean-François Lyotard, Michel Foucauld, Alvin Toffler) there were synthesized the epistemic changes. • An applied study on the cultural dimension of existence, namely the Romanian literature, highlights how postmodernism appear in this space. Methodology

  4. Is a cultural and social phenomenon, generated by the epistemic depth categories (Foucauld, 1992). • The third wave of the post-industrial civilizationaffects the “infosphere” level (Toffler, 1983). • The new epistemic model of knowledge is the pluralism (with his relativism and fragmentary ) and refuses any discourse of legitimacy. The postmodernism

  5. The text is seen as a fragment of a universal text. • The literature uses the media, the internet, and the virtual book; therefore the art infuses in the social body and serves the common taste. • The function of art is reconsidered: it is no longer theeducation, but only the textual pleasure. The function of art in postmodernity

  6. The substance and the main subject of the literary creation are the meaningless of existence and the vacuum. • Without rejecting the tradition, the postmodernism is accepting a peaceful coexistence with the tradition, treated with irony or a parody spirit. The epistemic change in literature

  7. The death of art or itssilencemeans in postmodern literature: (a) the negative echo of language, autodestructive, nihilist; (b) itspositivestillness, self-transcendent, sacramental, plenary(Hassan, 1971).

  8. There is no metaphysical truth but a multitude of points of view. • As a prisoner of the reality, the human being has no longer the possibility to dream at his ideals or to communicate with the transcendent.

  9. The existentialism and the nihilism are leading to the alienation of being seen as "a floating entity” (Cărtărescu, 1999). • A show of anatomical metaphors and visceral fantasy, where the eye is the essential organ takes place.

  10. The split between postmodernism and modernism seems to be a literary continuity. • The new humanism of postmodernism captures human alienation, the anonymous individuals depending on the real world and even the robotization of human being. • The Romanian literary postmodernism has emerged not as a phenomenon of imitation in relation to Anglo-American postmodernism, but as an organic evolution of Romanian Literature. Conclusions

  11. Barthes, Roland, Plăcerea textului, traducere de Marian Papahagi, postfață de Ion Pop, Editura Echinox, Cluj, 1994. • Bădărău, Gheorghe, Postmodernismul românesc, Institutul European, Bucureşti, 2007. • Călinescu, Matei, Cinci feţe ale modernităţii. Modernism, avangardă, decadenţă, kitsch, postmodernism, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2005. • Cărtărescu, Mircea, Postmodernismul românesc, Editura Humanitas, Bucureşti, 1999. • Diaconu, Mircea, Poezia posmodernă, Editura Aula, Brașov, 2002. • Foucault, Michel, in Sean Burke, The Death and Return of Author. Criticism and Subjectivity in Barthes, Foucault and Derrida, Edinburg University Press, Edinburg, 1992. Bibliography

  12. Hassan, Ihab, „POSTmodernISM”, The postmodern Turn. Essay in Postmodern TheoryandCulture, Ohio State Univ. Press, 1987. • Hassan, Ihab, The dismemberment of Orpheus. Toward a postmodern literature, Oxford University Press, New York, 1971. • Kristeva, Julia, Problèmes de la structuration du texte, în Tel quel. Théorie d’ensemble, Seuil, Paris, 1968. • Lyotard, Jean-François, Condiţia postmodernă. Raport asupra cunoaşterii, Editura Babel, Bucureşti, 1993. • Manolescu, Nicolae, Faruri, vitrine, fotografii, Poeme de amor, Totul, Levantul, în Literatura românăpostbelică, Editura Aula, Braşov, 2001. • Muşina, Alexandru, Sinapse, Editura Aula, Braşov, 2001. • Petrescu, Liviu, Poeticapostmodernismului, EdituraParalela 45, Piteşti, 1998. • Toffler, Alvin, Al treilea val, Editura Politică, București, 1983. • Vattimo, Gianni, Sfârşitulmodernităţii, EdituraPontica, Constanța, 1993.

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