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UNEP Barcelona Convention

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UNEP Barcelona Convention

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  1. UNEP / GEF / SP-MED-LME Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine EcosystemRegional Component: Implementation of agreed actions for the protection of the environmental resources of the Mediterranean Sea and its coastal areas.(EP/INT/602/GEF)GFCM/SCs meetings/Kavala, September 2007

  2. UNEP Barcelona Convention Mediterranean Action Plan (Athens) RAC/SPA (Tunis) Regional Activity Center for Specially Protected Areas SAP MED Strategic Action Plan to Address Pollution from Land-Based Activities SAP BIO Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation of the Biological Diversity FAO input on fisheries Strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean Sea Large Marine Ecosystem – Regional Component: Implementation of agreed actions for the protection of the environmental resources of the Mediterranean Sea and its coastal areas

  3. 12 eligible countries Libya Morocco Montenegro Syria Tunisia Turkey Albania Algeria Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia Egypt Lebanon The Palestinian Authority also participates Note: Country focal points belong to the Environment ministries, not Fisheries

  4. 4 Components 1: Integrated approaches for the implementation of the SAPs and NAPs: ICZM IWRM and management of coastal aquifers 2: Pollution from land based activities including Persistent Organic Pollutants: implementation of SAP MED and related NAPs. 3. Conservation of biological diversity: Implementation of SAP BIO and related NAPs 4. Project Co-ordination Replication and Communication Strategies Management and M&E

  5. Component 3. Conservation of biological diversity: Implementation of SAP BIO and related NAPs 3.1: Conservation of Coastal and Marine Diversity through Development of a Mediterranean MPA Network 3.2. Promote the Sustainable Use of Fisheries Resources in the Mediterranean through Ecosystem-based Management Approaches FAO/GFCM leadership in one sub-activity. Not GEF funded. RAC/SPA – WWF Leadership of the subcomponent FAO/GFCM leadership of the whole subcomponent

  6. MPAs on high seas 3.1 MPAs 3.1.2 New MPAs Identify EAF priorities 3 Implementation of SAP/BIO Apply EAF to research and management 3.2.1 EAF Legal reforms 3.2.2 Bycatch reduction Risk assessment 3.2 Fisheries Demonstrable solutions 3.2.3 Usustainable fishing practices Identify areas

  7. Subcomponent 3.1: Conservation of Coastal and Marine Diversity through Development of a Mediterranean MPA Network ........................... Activity 3.1.2: Identification and planning of new MPAs to extend the regional network and enhance its ecological representiveness ........................... Sub activity New fisheries-based MPAs in international waters (High Seas): Enhanced collaboration of riparian countries for the creation of up to 3 SPAMIs in international waters

  8. Sub-Component 3.2. Promote the Sustainable Use of Fisheries Resources in the Mediterranean through Ecosystem-based Management Approaches • Activity 3.2.1: Establishment of the ecosystem approach to fisheries management at regional and sub-regional levels • Activity 3.2.2: Reduction of bycatch of regionally important species at a fleet level • Activity 3.2.3: Identification and addressing of unsustainable fishing practices at regionally representative MPA sites

  9. Activity 3.2.1: Establishment of the ecosystem approach to fisheries management at regional and sub-regional levels Identify regional needs and priorities for mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into fisheries research and management in four countries (Tunisia, Turkey, Croatia, Montenegro): practical directions to enhance the full development of EAF-based research supporting the implementation of policies to address the impact of fisheries on marine biodiversity and ecosystems Implement biodiversity conservation and ecosystem approach into fisheries research and management in four countries (Tunisia, Turkey, Croatia, Montenegro): integration of ecosystem and environmental considerations in effective fisheries management policy. Development of legal and management reforms to ensure the long-term limitation of fishing impacts on biodiversity and marine ecosystems in four countries (Tunisia, Turkey, Croatia, Montenegro): Overall fishing impacts on biodiversity and marine ecosystems are greatly reduced over the long-term.

  10. Activity 3.2.2: Reduction of bycatch of regionally important species at a fleet level Risk assessment to prioritise regional threats to vulnerable fish and fisheries interactions with iconic vertebrate species in five countries (Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, priority will be given to the 3 countries involved in to assess the scale and drivers for the bycatch on vulnerable species (sharks, certain invertebrates, cetaceans, monk seals, sea turtles and seabird populations). 1 or 2 fishing metiers per country to be identified and targeted. Develop and implement demonstrable solutions to bycatch mitigation for protected / endangered species of fish and invertebrates and for iconic vertebrate species in two countries (Morocco, Algeria and Turkey): by-catch mortality on sharks, marine mammals, sea turtles and sea birds is significantly reduced.

  11. Activity 3.2.3: Identification and addressing of unsustainable fishing practices at regionally representative MPA sites Identification of significant fishing impacts in areas of particular vulnerability in five countries (Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, Algeria). The impact of towed gears on critical bottom habitats, forbidden fishing practices and protected species significant by-catch identified and mitigation approaches develolped with the support of stakeholders

  12. Budget and timetable • Budget FAO: 800 000 USD • Duration 5 years • Starting: now

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