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Review Chapter 18. avgapa,w. I love. daimo,nion. Demon. zhte,w. I seek. kale,w. I call. ti, u`mi/n dokei/ peri. tou/ cristou/È ti,noj ui`o,j evstinÈ le,gousin auvtw/| tou/ Daui,dÅ. “You Think”.
avgapa,w I love
daimo,nion Demon
zhte,w I seek
kale,w I call
ti, u`mi/n dokei/ peri. tou/ cristou/È ti,noj ui`o,j evstinÈ le,gousin auvtw/|\ tou/ Daui,dÅ “You Think” "What do you think about the Christ, whose son is He?" They said to Him, "The son of David." (Matthew 22:42)
le,gei auvtoi/j\ pw/j ou=n Daui.d evn pneu,mati kalei/ auvto.n ku,rion le,gwn\ He said to them, "Then how does David in the Spirit call Him 'Lord,' saying… (Matthew 22:43)
i=pen ku,rioj tw/| kuri,w| mou\ ka,qou evk dexiw/n mou( e[wj a'n qw/ tou.j evcqrou,j sou u`poka,tw tw/n podw/n souÈ “You sit” “right hand” (Matthew 22:44) “I put” “Enemies” “under”
eiv ou=n Daui.d kalei/ auvto.n ku,rion( pw/j ui`o.j auvtou/ evstin; If David then calls him 'Lord,' how can he be his son? (Matthew 22:45).
lale,w I speak
lalou/men We speak
auvtoi. evk tou/ ko,smou eivsi,n( dia. tou/to evk tou/ ko,smou lalou/sin kai. o` ko,smoj auvtw/n avkou,eiÅ They are of the world; therefore they speak of the world, and the world hears them. (1 John 4:5)
avmh.n avmh.n le,gw soi o[ti o] oi;damen lalou/men kai. o] e`wra,kamen marturou/men( kai. th.n marturi,an h`mw/n ouv lamba,neteÅ “We see” (John 3:11)
oi=da I know
avkou,w I hear
ble,pw I see
e;cw I have
lu,w I loose or destory
no,moj Law
o[pou Where
pisteu,w I believe
proswpon Face, appearance
o[tan Whenever
plei,wn / plei/on Larger More
plhro,w I fill
poie,w I do, make
thre,w I keep; I guard
to,te Then
tuflo,j blind
cara, Joy
cai,rw I rejoice
e;comen We have
e;cete You have
cai,rousin They rejoice
pisteu,eij You believe
avkou,ousin They hear
cai,romen We rejoice
avkou,ete Ya’ll hear
avpekri,qh o` o;cloj( Daimo,nion e;ceij\ The crowd answered, “you have a demon”
avlla. dia. th/j ca,ritoj tou/ kuri,ou VIhsou/ pisteu,omen But through the grace of the Lord Jesus we believe
evxousi,an e;cei o` ui`o.j tou/ avnqrw,pou the son of man has authority
Pisteu,eij toi/j profh,taijÈ You believe in the prophets?
ble,pete kai. avkou,ete to.n no,mon You see and you hear the law
pisteu,omen eivj to. o;noma tou/ ui`ou/ tou/ qeou/ We believe in the name of the Son of God
kai. avnqrwpoi evpi. th/j gh/j cai,rousin And men upon the earth rejoice
evcomen to.n no,mon tou/ Cristou/Å We have the law of Christ
ouv pisteu,ete, moi You do not believe me
su. pisteu,eij o[ti ei-j evstin o` qeo,j You believe that there is one God (James 2:19)
Ouvk e;cw a;ndra I do not have a man (husband)
ti, de. ble,peij to. ka,rfoj (splinter) to. evn tw/| ovfqalmw/| tou/ avdelfou/ sou; Why do you see the splinter in the eye of your brother?