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Computer Graphics CSC 830. Lecture notes 2 OpenGL. What is OpenGL?. It is NOT a language. It is a Graphics Rendering API (Application Programmer’s Interface) that is a set of function with well defined interface.
Computer GraphicsCSC 830 Lecture notes 2 OpenGL
What is OpenGL? • It is NOT a language. • It is a Graphics Rendering API (Application Programmer’s Interface) that is a set of function with well defined interface. • Whenever we say that a program is OpenGL-based or OpenGL applications, we mean that it is written in some programming language (such as C/C++ or Java) that makes calls to one or more of OpenGL libraries. • OpenGL is Not Object-Oriented. OpenGL API does not make use of features such as overloading that are available in object-oriented languages. -> I will show examples with C language bindings.
A History of OpenGL • Was SGI’s Iris GL – basis for “Open”GL • “Open” standard allowing for wide range hardware platforms • OpenGL v1.0 (1992) • OpenGL v1.1 (1995) • OpenGL v1.5 (latest) • Governed by OpenGL Architecture Review Board (ARB) which has members from such as Silicon Graphics, IBM, and NVIDIA. • “Mesa” – an Open source (http://www.mesa3d.org)
Useful Websites and Books • Official Site http://www.opengl.org • Non official sites • http://nehe.gamedev.net/ • BOOKS • OpenGL : A Primer • OpenGL Red Book & • OpenGL Blue Book
Useful Links • Online Reference manual sites • GL and GLU http://www.mevis.de/~uwe/opengl/opengl.html • GLUT http://pyopengl.sourceforge.net/documentation/manual/reference-GLUT.html
Three View of OpenGL • Programmer’s view • Specifying a set of objects to render • Describing properties of these objects • Defining how these objects should be viewed • State machine • Keeps states that affects appearances of input ie. States determines how the inputs are processed. • Change state (such as color) by using state changing functions • OpenGL uses Rendering Pipeline Model • Models -> Transformer -> Clipper -> Projector -> Rasterizer -> Image
OpenGL API Functions • OpenGL contains over 200 functions • Primitive functions : define the elements (eg. A point, line, polygon, etc) • Attribute functions : control the appearance of primitives (eg. colors, line types, light source, textures.) • Viewing functions : determine the properties of camera. Transformation • Windowing functions: not part of core OpenGL • Other functions
Window Management • OpenGL is meant to be platform independent. i.e. OpenGL is window and operating system independent. • OpenGL does not include any functions for window management, user interaction, and file I/O. • Host environment is responsible for window management.
Window Management API • We need additional libraries to handle window management • GLX/AGL/WGL - glue between OpenGL and windowing systems • GLUT - OpenGL Window Interface/Utility toolkit • AUX - OpenGL Utility Toolkit
OpenGL Division of Labor • GL - “core” library of OpenGL that is platform independent • GLU - an auxiliary library that handles a variety of graphics accessory functions • GLUT/AUX - utility toolkits that handle window managements
Libraries and Headers All are presented in the C language
Learning OpenGL with GLUT • GLUT is a Window Manager (handles window creation, user interaction, callbacks, etc) • http://www.opengl.org/resources/libraries/glut/spec3/spec3.html • Platform Independent • Makes it easy to learn and write OpenGL programs without being distracted by your environment • All of our discussions will be presented in C/C++ language
Include Header files Include the necessary header files in your code #include <GL/gl.h> // “core”, the only thing is required #include <GL/glu.h> // handles accessory functions #include <GL/glut.h> // handles window managements void main( int argc, char **argv ) { ….. } Only the “core” library (opengl32.lib, gl.h) are required
Link Libraries Link the necessary Libraries to your code • Link GL library • Link opengl32.lib (PC), or -lgl (UNIX) • Link GLU library • Link glu32.lib (PC), or -lglu (UNIX) • Link GLUT library • Link glut32.lib (PC), or -lglut (UNIX)
GLshort A[10]; short A[10]; GLdouble B; double B; Programming Convention : OpenGL Data Types To make it easier to convert OpenGL code from one platform to another, OpenGL defines its own data types that map to normal C data types
Programming Convention : OpenGL Function Naming OpenGL functions all follow a naming convention that tells you which library the function is from, and how many and what type of arguments that the function takes <Library prefix><Root command><Argument count><Argument type>
glColor3f(…) gl library Root command, # of arguments, type of arguments Programming Convention : OpenGL Function Naming f: the argument is float type i: the argument is integer type v: the argument requires a vector gl means OpenGL glu means GLU glut means GLUT
Programming Convention : OpenGL Function Naming • Multiple forms of OpenGL functions to support the variety of data types • glVertex3i(ix, iy, iz) • glVertex3f(x, y, z) • glVertex2i(ix, iy) • glVertex2f(x, y) • .. • We shall use the notation glVertex*() to refer to all the forms of the vertex function
Basic OpenGL Coding Framework • Configure GL (and GLUT) - Open window, Display mode, …… • Initialize OpenGL state - background color, light, View positions, …… • Register callback functions - Render, Interaction (keyboard, mouse), …… • Event processing loop - glutMainLoop()
A Sample Program void main (int argc, char **argv) { glutInit (&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB); glutInitWindowSize (500, 500); glutCreateWindow (“My First Program"); myinit (); glutDisplayFunc ( display ); glutReshapeFunc ( resize ); glutKeyboardFunc ( key ); glutMainLoop (); } 1 2 3 4
1: Initializing & Creating Window Set up window/display you’re going to use void main (int argc, char **argv) { glutInit (&argc, argv); // GLUT initialization glutInitDisplayMode (GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB); // display model glutInitWindowSize (500, 500); // window size glutCreateWindow (“My First Program"); // create window …… }
GLUT Initializing Functions • Standard GLUT initialization • void glutInit (int *argc, char ** argv) • Display model • void glutInitDisplayMode (unsigned int mode) • Define color model : GLUT_RGB or GLUT_INDEX • Define buffering: GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_DOUBLE • Window size and position • void glutInitWindowSize (int width, int height) • void glutInitWindowPosition(int x, int y) • - top-left corner of the screen in pixel • Create window • int glutCreateWindow (char *title);
2: Initializing OpenGL State Set up whatever state you’re going to use void myinit(void) { glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // background color glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); // line color glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // followings set up viewing glLoadIdentity(); gluOrtho2D(0.0, 500.0, 0.0, 500.0); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); }
Event Loops and Callback Functions • Interactive programs react to the events such as mouse or keyboard events and window events. • Callback Function - Routine to call when something happens (eg. window resize, redraw, user input, etc) • GLUT uses a callback mechanismto do its event processing
GLUT Callback Functions • Contents of window need to be refreshed glutDisplayFunc() • Window is resized or moved glutReshapeFunc() • Key action glutKeyboardFunc() • Mouse button action glutMouseFunc() • Mouse moves while a button is pressed glutMotionFunc() • Mouse moves regardless of mouse button state glutPassiveMouseFunc() • Called when nothing else is going on glutIdleFunc()
3: Register Callback Functions Set up any callback function you’re going to use void main (int argc, char **argv) { …… glutDisplayFunc ( display ); // display callback glutReshapeFunc ( resize ); // window resize callback glutKeyboardFunc ( key ); // keyboard callback …… }
Rendering Callback It’s here that does all of your OpenGL rendering void display( void ) { int k; glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); for( k=0; k<5000; k++) …… }
Window Resize Callback It’s called when the window is resized or moved void resize(int w, int h) { …… display(); }
Keyboard Input Callback It’s called when a key is struck on the keyboard void key( char mkey, int x, int y ) { switch( mkey ) { case ‘q’ : exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); break; …… } }
4. Event Process Loop This is where your application receives events, and schedules when callback functions are called void main (int argc, char **argv) { …… glutMainLoop(); }
2D Geometric Primitives • Primitives – fundamental entities such as point and polygons • Basic types of geometric primitives • Points • Line segments • Polygons
GL_POINTS GL_LINES GL_LINE_STRIP GL_LINE_LOOP GL_POLYGON GL_TRIANGLES GL_TRIANGLE_FAN 2D Geometric Primitives GL_QUADS All geometric primitives are specified by vertices
Geometry Commands • glBegin(GLenum type) marks the beginning of a vertex-data list that describes a geometric primitives • glEnd (void) • marks the end of a vertex-data list • glVertex*(…) • specifies vertex for describing a geometric object
Specifying Geometric Primitives glBegin( type ); glVertex*(…); …… glVertex*(…); glEnd(); type determines how vertices are combined
Types GL_POINTS GL_LINES : each successive pair for a ling segment GL_LINE_STRIP: vertices defining a sequence of line segments GL_LINE_LOOP: GL_LINE_STRIP + the last vertex connects to the first GL_POLYGON : sequence of vertices of polygon, filled GL_QUADS: each successive group of four vertices for a quadrilaterals GL_TRIANGLES: each successive group of three vertices for a triangle GL_TRIANGLE_FAN: first three vertices for the first triangle and each subsequent vertex with the first vertex and the previous vertex for the next triangle
Attribute : Line void glLineWidth(GLfloat width) • Set the width in pixel. Default is 1.0 void glLineStripple(GLint factor, GLushort pattern)
Rectangles • glRect*() – defines 2D filled rectangle aligned with the axes. void glRect{sifd} (TYPE x1, TYPE y1, TYPE x2, TYPE y2);
Example void drawSquare () { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glBegin(GL_POLYGON); glVertex2f ( 0.0, 0.0 ); glVertex2f ( 1.0, 0.0 ); glVertex2f ( 1.1, 1.1 ); glVertex2f ( 0.0, 1.0 ); glEnd(); glFlush(); // force the renderer to output the results }
OpenGL Color • There are two color models in OpenGL • RGB Color (True Color) • Indexed Color (Color map)
RGB Color Model • R, G, B components are stored for each pixel
RGB Color Red Green Blue
How Many Colors? Color number = For example: 4-bit color = 16 colors 8-bit color = 256 colors 24-bit color = 16.77 million colors
How Much Memory? Buffer size = width * height *color depth For example: If width = 640, height = 480, color depth = 24 bits Buffer size = (640 * 480 * 2) bytes If width = 640, height = 480, color depth = 32 bits Buffer size = (640 * 480 * 4) bytes
Alpha Component Alpha value A value indicating the pixels opacity 0 usually represents totally transparent and the 1 represents completely opaque Alpha buffer Hold the alpha value for every pixel Alpha values are commonly represented in 8 bits, in which case transparent to opaque ranges from 0 to 255
RGB Color Commands • glColor*(…) specifies vertex colors • glClearColor(r, g, b, a) • sets current color for cleaning color buffer
Example void drawLine (GLfloat *color) { glColor3fv ( color ); glBegin(GL_LINE); glVertex2f ( 0.0, 0.0 ); glVertex2f ( 1.0, 0.0 ); glEnd(); }
Example void drawLine (GLfloat *color) { glBegin(GL_LINE); glColor3f(1.0,0.0,0.0 ); glVertex2f ( 0.0, 0.0 ); glColor3f(0.0,0.0,1.0); glVertex2f ( 1.0, 0.0 ); glEnd(); }