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Unravelling and exploiting Mediterranean Sea microbial diversity and ecology for Xenobiotics ’ and pollutants’ clean up WP 8 : “ Testing new product/processes by pilot bioremediation treatments in the field ” Hanan Malkawi Yarmouk University ( Irbid - Jordan ).
Unravelling and exploiting Mediterranean Sea microbial diversity and ecology for Xenobiotics’ and pollutants’ clean up WP8: “Testing new product/processes by pilot bioremediation treatments in the field” HananMalkawi Yarmouk University (Irbid - Jordan) ULIXES Kick-off meeting, Milan, Italy. Feb. 28. 2011
WP8 intends to test on the pilot and field scale some of the most promising products obtained from the previous WPs. Four sites will be treated with the different microbiological products identified in WP3-6 WP8 is divided in four tasks: Task 8.1. Treatment at the site 1, El-Max district, Alexandria, Egypt Task 8.2. Treatment at the site 2, the Elefsina Gulf, Attika, Aegean Sea, Greece Task 8.3. Treatment at the site 10, the Aqaba Gulf, Red Sea, Jordan Task 8.4. Treatment at the site 12, shipwreck site of the oil tanker Haven, Genoa Gulf, Italy
Title of WP8: Testing new product/processes by pilot bioremediation treatments in the field • Objectives • To simulate bioremediation models from experimental microcosms, mesocosms and pilot in situ field studies. • To verify the effectiveness of the whole approach adopted with ULIXES. whether the microbial resources retrieved with the microbiological surveys and the metagenomic, metaproteomic and metabolomic analyses can be effective new products to improve the effectiveness of bioremediation up to the field scale. P.2
DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK-PACKAGE 8 DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK-PACKAGE 8 (WP8) Four sites will be treated with the different microbiological products identified in WP3-6. 1)Task 8.1: Treatment at site # 1, El-Max district, Alexandria, Egypt. (coordinates 31°8’53’’N, 29°50’2’’E); (This site is typical seashore of the southern Mediterranean coast.) 2) Task 8.2: Treatment at site # 2, the Elefsina Gulf, Attika, Aegean Sea, Greece. (coordinates38°02’28’’N, 23°31’00’’E); (This site is typical seashore of the northern Mediterranean coast.) P.3
DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK-PACKAGE 8 DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK-PACKAGE 8 (WP8) 3)Task 8.3: Treatment at site # 10, the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Jordan. (coordinates 30°22’42’’N, 25°24’57’ ’E). • The Jordan site has been chosen since it constitutes a reference example of the potential climate situation of the Mediterranean in the next years, following the continuation of the global warming trend. • The Gulf of Aqabain the Red Sea represents the northernmost region with a tropical climate that in the future could interest the southern part of the Mediterranean if not all the basin according to the global warming trend. P.3
DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK-PACKAGE 8 DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK-PACKAGE 8 (WP8) 4) Task 8.4: Treatment at site # 12, shipwreck site of Haven oil tanker, Genoa Gulf, Italy. • This site has been chosen since it represents a peculiar ecological condition with aerobic/anaerobic interfaces in the sediments exposed to heavy and aged hydrocarbon contamination and the deep seawater at the sediment/water interface that is continuously exposed to the hydrocarbon release from the sediments. • This site is completely different, being a submarine site with sediments contaminated by tar from a sunk oil tanker: P.3
DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK-PACKAGE 8 (WP8) Task 8.3. Treatment at the site 10, the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Jordan As proposed, a mixed cultures will be prepared of microorganisms containing consortia of highly efficient strains of the oil-degrading bacteria isolated in WP4. The inocula will be applied and tested for cleaning up of oil spill under laboratory and in situ at the site of the oil-spill contaminated environmental sites in the Gulf of Aqaba (oil terminal) and surrounding region (marine and land) in Aqaba area. P.3
DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK-PACKAGE 8 (WP8) Task 8.3. Treatment at the site 10, the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Jordan Other sites on land near the port will be considered for treatment (where oil spill and leakage are common due to accidents), All the activities will be carried out in collaboration with the Marine Science Station in Aqaba. (A minimum number of three cultures among the most promising cultures will be used P.3
Gulf of Aqaba Jordanian coast of Gulf of Aqaba Marine Science Station Table. The Jordanian Stakeholders involved in the SAB of ULIXES P.3
DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK-PACKAGE 8 (WP8) Table 1.3f. Risks and contingency plan associated to ULIXES research activities. P.3
Description of WP 8: DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK-PACKAGE 8 (WP8) Deliverables D8.1 Report on the treatment at site # 1, El-Max district, Alexandria, Egypt D8.2 Report on the treatment at site # 2, The Elefsina Gulf, Attika, Aegean Sea, Greece D8.3 Report on the treatment at site # 10, The Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, Jordan D8.4 Report on the treatment at site # 12, Shipwreck site of the oil tanker Haven, Genoa Gulf, Italy D9.6 Report on the evaluation of the implementation of the project results D9.7 List of dissemination activities such as scientific publications etc. P.6
Mediterranean sea Gulf of Aqaba Red Sea Milestones and expected result M-4: PM 16 All Brokerage Events carried out successfully P.6
Res. Activities To Be DONE by YU (Partner 3) in different WORK-PACKAGES WP2 • The Gulf of Aqaba will be sampled by Partner 3 (YU) in coordination with the Authorities of the oil terminal and the harbour of Gulf of Aqaba. WP4 • Hydrocarbon degrading microbes will be isolated by YU from Gulf of Aqaba polluted seashores. • Hydrocarbon degrading isolates will be screened for their capacity to produce biofilm and exopolysaccharides by partner 3 YU and other partners 2 UTUN, 5 MUCSAT, 6 UHAN and 9 TUC. • Hydrocarbon degrading isolates will be screened for their capacity to producesurfactant metabolites by partner 3 YU and other partners 2 UTUN, 4 IAMC, 5 MUCSAT, 6 UH2C and 9 TUC. P.4
The main tasks of Work package leaders • To participate in the Steering Committee meeting. • To co-ordinate appropriate activities within their own Work Package in order to meet the objectives defined in the scientific program. • To keep constant contacts between the different teams (by e-mail, phone calls, web-based newsgroup) updating the development of the different activities. • To promote collaborative papers in scientific and popular journals. • To contribute to the management of the ULIXES web site by updating research results. P.3
THANK YOU FOR YOUR A T T E N T I O N QUESTIONS?? ULIXES Kick-off meeting, Milan, Italy. Feb. 28. 2011