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THE UNION IN PERIL: CAUSES OF THE CIVIL WAR CHAPTER 10. Section 3 Birth of the Republican Party Why were new political parties emerging in the mid-1800’s?. Franklin __________was elected President in 1852. James __________ was elected President in 1856.
THE UNION IN PERIL:CAUSES OF THE CIVIL WARCHAPTER 10 Section 3 Birth of the Republican Party Why were new political parties emerging in the mid-1800’s?
Franklin __________was elected President in 1852. • James __________ was elected President in 1856. • Nativists were opposed to ____________. • The Republican party first ran a candidate for president in _________ (1848, 1852, 1856, 1860) • Horace _________ was a newspaper editor and helped to found the Republican Party.
MATCHING a. 1848 b. 1852 c. 1856 d.1860 • Winfield Scott ran for President in ____. • Franklin Pierce was elected President in ___ • The Republican party first ran a candidate for president in _________. FILL IN THE BLANK 4. The Know-Nothings were also known as_______. 5. Horace Greeley’s profession (job) was ______.
MATCHING • 1848 b. 1852 c. 1856 d.1860 • Franklin Pierce was elected President in ____ • James Buchanan was elected President in ___ • The Republican party first ran a candidate for president in _________. FILL IN THE BLANK 4. The Know-Nothing party was anti- _________. 5. Horace Greeley helped to found the ________ Party.
NEW POLITICAL PARTIES • Know-Nothing Party (Nativism): formed in 1849, favors native-born people over immigrants, anti-Catholic, and originally a secret-society. • Free-Soil Party (Anti-slavery): formed in 1848 to oppose extension of slavery into the territories. • Republican Party : Founded in 1854 to oppose Kansas-Nebraska Act and keep slavery out of territories. Absorbed parts of the Whigs, Free-soilers, and Know-nothing parties.
Election of 1852 • The Whig Party nominates Mexican war hero Winfield Scott. • Scott opposes the Fugitive Slave Act. • This infuriates Southern Whigs. • Whig Party splits over slavery. • Democratic candidate Franklin Pierce becomes President in 1852. See http://uselectionatlas.org/USPRESIDENT
1848 Democrats Whigs 1852 Free Soil Party N. Whigs S. Whigs Franklin Pierce 1856 Republican Party Know-Nothings Democrats James Buchanan
Election of 1856 • Search for “Kansas-less” candidates • Republicans (new party) pick John C. Fremont PLATFORM: No further extension of slavery • Democrats pick James Buchanan PLATFORM: Popular sovereignty in territories • American/Nativists pick ex-Pres. Fillmore PLATFORM: anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant RESULT: Buchanan wins, Democrats are split N & S over the issue of slavery See http://uselectionatlas.org/USPRESIDENT/
Kansas Nebraska FACTORS IN THE RISE OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY Loss in 1852 Pop sovereignty General Scott Wide appeal REPUBLICAN PARTY Whigs shifting Position on slavery Bleeding Kansas
THE UNION IN PERIL:CAUSES OF THE CIVIL WARCHAPTER 10 Section 4 Slavery and Secession Why did the South secede? HW: #1