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I nformation-Theoretic Key Agreement from Close Secrets: A Survey

This survey explores information-theoretic key agreement protocols and their guarantees, including information reconciliation and privacy amplification, against a passive adversary. It discusses various constructions, including the use of error-correcting codes and fuzzy extractors.

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I nformation-Theoretic Key Agreement from Close Secrets: A Survey

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  1. Information-Theoretic Key Agreement from Close Secrets: A Survey Leonid ReyzinBoston University March 1, 2011 IPAM Workshop on Mathematics of Information-Theoretic Cryptography

  2. Information-Theoretic Key Agreement fromClose Secrets: A Survey Alice Bob w w′

  3. Information-Theoretic Key Agreement from Close Secrets: A Survey Alice Bob w w′ R R

  4. info-theoretic guarantees Information-Theoretic Key Agreement from Close Secrets: A Survey Alice Bob w w′ R R

  5. info-theoretic guarantees Information-Theoretic Key Agreement from Close Secrets: A Survey Biased bywhat I know andtime constraints Alice Bob w w′ R R

  6. w basic paradigm Alice Bob w w′ Eve

  7. some information about w basic paradigm: passive adversary Alice Bob Conversation about their differences w w′ also known as information reconciliation w w Conversation about removing Eve’s information also known as privacy amplification R R Eve

  8. w w R Ext Ext R i i minentropy k uniform uniform jointly uniform privacy amplification not uniform w i Alice Bob R i Eve (e.g., knows something about it) Goal: from a nonuniform secret w agree on a uniform secret R Simple solution: use an extractor w Ext R seed i

  9. w w R Ext Ext R i i privacy amplification not uniform w i Alice Bob R i Eve • [Ozarow-Wyner 84]: nonconstructive solution • [Bennett-Brassard-Robert 85]: universal hashing for any Eve’s knowledge • Much early work for specific distributions of w and classes of Eve’s knowledge, motivated by quantum key agreement • Much early analysis using Shannon entropy and mutual information • [Bennett-Brassard-Crépeau-Maurer 94]: - Renyi entropy (collision entropy) of w is better than Shannon; - low mutual information between R and Eve may not be enough

  10. w w R Ext Ext R i i conditional min-entropy, defined in Dodis-Ostrovsky-Reyzin-Smith, 2004, as log Pr[Eve can guess w correctly given E] w privacy amplification not uniform w i Alice Bob R i Eve • Let E denote Eve’s knowledge • Requirement: H(W|E) is sufficiently high • End result: (R, i, E)  (U, U, E)

  11. basic paradigm: passive adversary Alice Bob Conversation about their differences w w′ also known as information reconciliation w w Conversation about removing Eve’s information also known as privacy amplification R R Eve

  12. seed i to a strong extractor Goal: minimize amount of information leaked about w, i.e., maximize H(W|protocol messages) basic paradigm: passive adversary Alice Bob Conversation about their differences w w′ also known as information reconciliation w w R R Eve

  13. basic paradigm: passive adversary Alice Bob focus: single-message,starting with Bennett-Brassard-Robert 85 (interactive protocols more rare e.g., Brassard-Salvail 93) w w′ s w Goal: minimize amount of information leaked about w, i.e., maximize H(W|protocol messages) Eve

  14. minentropy k entropy loss l definition: secure sketch • Alice computes sketchs = S (w) • Bob recovers w from s and w′ w • Def [Dodis-Ostrovsky-R-Smith 04]: (k, kl)-secure sketch if H(W| S(W)) ≥ kl S s w same definition regardless of metric w′ Rec w s

  15. background: error-correcting codes Code C: {0,1}m  {0,1}n • encodes m-bit messages into n-bit codewords • any two codewords differ in at least d locations • fewer than d/2 errors  unique correct decoding • If C is linear, there is parity-check matrixH • syndrome Hx = “errors in x”; Hx = 0 x is a codeword x Hx C

  16. building secure sketches • Idea: what if w is a codeword in an ECC? • Decoding finds w from w′ • If w not a codeword, simply shift the ECC • S(w) is the shift to randomcodeword:S(w) = w ECC(R) • Rec: dec(w′S)  S • Linear codes: save space S(w) = “errors in w” = syndrome(w) = Hw(H: parity check matrix) w′ w –S +S dec S(w)

  17. syndrome or code-offset construction S(w) = HwORS(w) = w ECC(R) • If ECC m bits  n bits and has distance d: • Correct d/2 errors • S(w) has n– m bits  entropy loss l = n– m bits • Optimal if code is optimal (because secure sketch  ECC) • higher error-tolerance means higher entropy loss(trade error-tolerance for security) • Bennett-Brassard-Robert 1985: different construction from systematic codes • Bennet-Brassard-Crépeau-Skubiszewska 1991: Hw • Juels-Watenberg 2002: w ECC(R)

  18. solution for passive adversary Alice Bob w w′ s S w R s,i Ext i w′ w Rec s R Ext i Eve information reconciliation + privacy amplification = fuzzy extractor [Dodis-Ostrovsky-R-Smith 04]

  19. [Dodis-Ostrovsky-R-Smith 04] [Linnartz-Tuyls 03],[Li-Sutcu-Memon 06] Starts in [Juels-Sudan 02];relates to efficient set reconciliation [Minsky-Trachtenberg 02] Chang-Fedyukovich-Li 06 definition: fuzzy extractor • First time: generate random R from w (+ seed) • Subsequently: reproduceR from P and w′ w • R is nearly uniform given Pif w has sufficient minentropy • Applications beyond key agreement • Sketch+extractor is not the only way to build them • Constructions exist for Hamming, set difference, edit, point-set, some continuous, … w R Gen seed P =(s, i) in our construction w′ Rep R P

  20. active adversary • Starting in Maurer and Maurer-Wolf 1997 • Interesting even if w = w′ Alice Bob Eve w w′ R R or  or 

  21. same paradigm: active adversary Alice Bob Conversation about their differences w w′ also known as information reconciliation w w or  or  Conversation about removing Eve’s information also known as privacy amplification R R or  or 

  22. extractor seed i extractor seed i′ same paradigm: active adversary Alice Bob Conversation about their differences w w′ also known as information reconciliation w w or  or  Eve ′ R R or  or  Need: robust extractor[Boyen-Dodis-Katz-Ostrovsky-Smith 05]

  23. Key??? building robust extractors w Idea 0: Ext R i MAC P = (i,)  R? But if i changes  R changes Let’s use w! [Maurer-Wolf 03] But w is not uniform  need MACs secure even with nonuniform keys Random oracle is such a MAC[Boyen-Dodis-Katz-Ostrovsky-Smith 05]

  24. n/2 n/2  + MACs with nonuniform keys (no R.O.) a b key= i MACa,b(i) =  = ai + b

  25. n/2 n/2 gapg entropy k MACs with nonuniform keys (no R.O.) a b key w = MACa,b(i) =  = ai + b Let |a,b|= n,H(a,b) = k Let “entropy gap” n  k = g. Security: k  n/2=n/2 g

  26. n/3 n/3 n/3 a c w = b extract from here using i MAC i usingthese building robust extractors [Maurer-Wolf 03]: Circularity! iextracts from ww authenticates i w 1/3 of Ext R i Use independentparts of w MAC  w 2/3 of P = (i,) Extract k 2n/3 bits; thus, need k> 2n/3 Can we do better? [Dodis-Katz-R-Smith 06] idea: use circularity to our advantage!

  27. nv v +  = [ai]1 + b R = [ai]v+1 v nv i  building robust extractors Notation: |w| = n,H(w) = k, “entropy gap” n  k = g Analysis: • Extraction: (R, )=ai + b is a universal hash family (few collisions)(i is the key, w=(a, b) is the input) • Robustness:  = [ai]1 + b is strongly universal (2-wise indep.)(w=(a, b) is the key, i is the input); need v > g [Dodis-Katz-R.-Smith 06] construction: a w = b Extractn2v < n2g = k g = 2(kn/2) bits w = lossg gapg

  28. active adversary Alice Bob Conversation about their differences w w′ also known as information reconciliation w w Conversation about removing Eve’s information also known as privacy amplification R R Eve

  29. output P=(i,) of a robust extractor Use secure sketch s=S(w) Authenticate it using w in same MAC active adversary Alice Bob Conversation about their differences w w′ also known as information reconciliation w w R R Eve

  30. Ext seed i ai]1 + b  s MAC v S key R = [ai]v+1 nv How to MAC long messages? w’ s seed linear function building robust fuzzy extractors w a5+ = [ a2s+ w authenticates ss reconstructs w Need: MAC that is secure even when key is corrupted! What does Bob do? First appearance [Dodis-Katz-R-Smith 06]Generalized by Cramer-Dodis-Fehr-Padró-Wichs ‘08,Key-Manipulation-Secure MACs (against additive changes) (and detection of additive manipulation in other contexts) (relates to codes for detection of hardware errors/tampering [Karpovsky-Nagvajara 89]) ~ w ~ Rec Ext ~ R i ~ ~ ~ Ver() ok/ s ~ key

  31. ~ P P w′ Rep R or  ~ P robust fuzzy extractor solution for active adversary Bob Alice w′ w = lossg gapg w R, P= s,i, Ext i Eve Extract k g = 2(k n/2) bits[Dodis-Spencer 02, Dodis-Wichs 09] even if w=w′ What if k< n/2? -- shared random string model [Cramer-Dodis-Fehr-Padró-Wichs 08] -- interaction (can’t be used when A&B separated in time!)

  32. beating active adversary with interaction Alice Bob Conversation about their differences w w′ also known as information reconciliation w w or  or  Conversation about removing Eve’s information also known as privacy amplification R R or  or  Interactive version: Renner-Wolf 2003 Need to authenticate extractor seed i Problem: if H(w)<|w|/2, w can’t be used as a MAC key Idea: use interaction, one bit in two rounds

  33. authenticating a bit b [Renner-Wolf 03] w Ext responsey y = Extx(w) x iff b=1; else just send 0 Note: Eve can make Bob’s view  Alice’s view x′ x w Eve w Ext y′ Ext y y′ y x′ x Alice Bob w w challenge x Accept 1 if Extx(w) is correct w′ But Eve can’t change 0 to 1! (To prevent change of 1 to 0, make #0s = #1s) Even if Bob has a different w′ as long as it has entropy! Note that each bit authenticated reduces entropy by |y|

  34. and secure sketch s Authenticate extractor seed i one bit at a time (make seed “balanced”, so #0s = #1s) beating active adversary with interaction Alice Bob Conversation about their differences w w′ also known as information reconciliation w w or  or  Conversation about removing Eve’s information also known as privacy amplification R R or  or  Problem: s too long, not enough entropy!

  35. information reconciliation with weakw • [Kanukurthi-R. 09]: Reduce entropy loss using a MAC • MAC needs a symmetric key k • Where does k come from? Generate random k and authenticate it Alice Bob w w′≈ w Interactive authentication reveals k! interactive authent. of k S(w),  = MACk(S(w)) Main idea: Even though Auth reveals k, once Bob has , it is too late for Eve to come up with forgery!

  36. Information-Theoretic Key Agreement from Close Secrets: A Survey Alice Bob w w′ R R

  37. improving efficiency w Ext responsey y = Extx(w) x iff b=1; else just send 0 recall: interactive bit-by-bit authentication Alice Bob w w challenge x Accept 1 if Extx(w) is correct Two problems: 1) For  security, you send () bits, so need () rounds 2) For  security, |y| = , so each round loses  entropy

  38. improving entropy loss w Ext responsey y = Extx(w) x iff b=1; else just send 0 Alice Bob w w challenge x Accept 1 if Extx(w) is correct Two problems: 1) For  security, you send () bits, so need () rounds 2) For  security, |y| = , so each round loses  entropy Getting optimal entropy loss [Chandran-Kanukurthi-Ostrovsky-R ’10]: -- Make |y| = constant. -- Now Eve can change/insert/delete a constant fraction of bits-- Encode whatever you are sending in an edit distance code [Schulman-Zuckerman99] of const. rate, correcting constant fraction

  39. improving entropy loss w Ext responsey y = Extx(w) x iff b=1; else just send 0 Alice Bob w w challenge x Accept 1 if Extx(w) is correct Two problems: 1) For  security, you send () bits, so need () rounds 2) For  security, |y| = , so each round loses  entropy

  40. improving round complexity [Dodis-Wichs09] w w y y Ext Ext x x Uses alternating extractor of [Dziembowski-Pietrzak 08, leakage-resilient PRGs] Alice Bob Goal: to authenticate m w w seed x  = MACy(m) Problem: w x′ x Ext y w Eve x Ext y′ x′ Forged MAC′ onm′ ?   = MACy′ (m) Need: MAC that is secure even when key is corrupted! Idea: limit the types of corruption by building a (somewhat) non-malleable extractor (need |y| = (2))

  41. improving efficiency w Ext responsey y = Extx(w) x iff b=1; else just send 0 recall: interactive bit-by-bit authentication Alice Bob w w challenge x Accept 1 if Extx(w) is correct Two problems: 1) For  security, you send () bits, so need () rounds 2) For  security, |y| = , so each round loses  entropy 1) solved by [Dodis-Wichs 09] 2) solved by [Chandran-Kanukurthi-Ostrovsky-R 10] Open: solving 1) and 2) simultaneously: get 2 rounds and () loss [Wooley-Zuckerman Saturday]: no longer open for k > n/2

  42. conclusions • Even very weak secrets suffice • Even against active attackers • Lots of applications, e.g., • user authentication [too many to list] • bounded storage model [Ding 05, Dodis-Smith 05] • differential privacy [Dwork 06] • protection against hardware tampering [Karpovsky-Taubin 04] • security based on physical components [Yu-Devadas 10] • Many protocols practical enough to be implemented

  43. needs/open problems • Better theoretical efficiency • 1 round and () loss when at least half-entropic • 2 rounds and () loss when less than half-entropic • Better practical efficiency • Constructions for other metric spaces • Beating coding bounds for better error correction (e.g., use of randomness [Smith 07] or interaction [Brassard-Salvail 93]) • Modeling of key agreement beyond two parties (a la computational case) • Understanding reusability of w [Boyen 04, Fehr-Bouman 11 (Fri)]

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