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STRESS MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP Six Substances – Dravya, Gun, Paryay. Session 2 PRERIT SHAH Jain Society of Houston Pathashala Class 8 Summer 2010. Salutations To. Arihantas Siddhas Acharyas Upadhyays Sadhus Any Jiv who has contributed in passing on and preserving this knowledge.
STRESS MANAGEMENT WORKSHOPSix Substances – Dravya, Gun, Paryay Session 2 PRERIT SHAH Jain Society of Houston Pathashala Class 8 Summer 2010
Salutations To • Arihantas • Siddhas • Acharyas • Upadhyays • Sadhus • Any Jiv who has contributed in passing on and preserving this knowledge.
Real Life Scenarios • Office Stress Video
Real Life Scenarios • Comments: • It always appears to us that external circumstances, situations and other people’s behavior are the causes of our Stress. • Question? • Do external circumstances and behavior of other people really cause stress to us?
Case Study – Story of a Lady, Dog & Snake • Where did the stress occur? • What caused Stress within the Lady?
Stress Management Logic Define Stress What is Stress? Who experiences Stress? Consequences of Stress How does it affect me? Causes of Stress What causes stress? Who is responsible? Manage Stress How do I manage & mitigate Stress?
Objectives & Key Questions • What is Stress (Aakulata or Dukh)? • Who is Experiencing Stress? • Who does Stress?
What is Stress?? • High Blood Pressure?? • Hyper Activity of Endocrine System?? • Headache?? • Fear?? • Harassment?? • Environmental or External force?? • OR Something else?? According to American Institute of Stress, “Stress is not a useful term for scientists because it is such a highly subjective phenomenon that it defies definition. And if you can't define stress, how can you possibly measure it? “ (Ref: http://www.stress.org/topic-definition-stress.htm) • Let’s understand Jainism in order to understand Stress.
Nature of Universe Example:- • Substance: Pudgala - Gold • Attributes: Touch, Taste, Color, Smell, Shape • Modifications: Yellow, White What is Modification (Paryay)? Change of state of each attribute of the Substance is called Modification.
Dravya (Substance), Gun (Attribute) & Paryay (Modifications)
Dravya (Substance) • Multiple Aspects – Every Substance exhibits eternal aspect (Dhruv – non-changing) and transitory aspect (Utpat-Vyaya – changing every Samay) • Conservation of Substance – These 6 substances are in existence since the infinite time in the past and they will remain in existence till infinity in future. Substances can neither be Created nor Destroyed!! They will continuously change their modes while maintaining their fundamental attributes. • Classification – From the Number Point of View, Substances are infinite. From Type Point of View, there are Six Substances. Nothing can be created or destroyed in universe and everything changes its form continuously.
Jiv • Jiv Dravya (living substances) (Soul)(Liberated soul and worldly soul): That which possess sentience or consciousness (i. e. power of knowing and cognizing) as its attribute is called soul substance. • Examples of Jiv Dravya – • Soul of cat, • Soul of human being, and a soul of Siddha.
Pudgal • Pudgal Dravya (Matter) (atom or skandha): That which possesses touch, taste, smell, and color as its attributes is called matter substance. The smallest (indivisible) particle or unit of matter substance which cannot be further divided is called an atom (Parmanu). • Examples of Pudgala Dravya – • Gold, Desk • Atom of oxygen, molecule of water, • Body of cat, body of a human being, body of Arihant bhagwan etc. • Robot
Gun (Attribute) • An attribute is that which exists in each and every part of the substance in any shape or form (all modes/states). • There are 2 types of Attributes – • Samanya (Common) – Present in all 6 substances • Vishesh (Specific) – Present in one or more, not all • Each Substance consists of infinite Attributes. Here, we’ll study only few of them. • Each Attribute of every Substance is independent of other attributes. • All Attributes pervade in the Swa-Kshetra (entire region) of the Substance and exist simultaneously.
Common Attributes • Astitva – Potentiality or Quality by the virtue of which, Substance is never destroyed, nor created by anybody and it maintains its independent existence regardless of other Substances. • Vastutva – The Energy that causes specific activity within the Substance. • Dravyatva – The Energy by which the Modifications of Substance are continuously changing without any interruption as the Substance remains constant. Every substance is independent in its existence, change or functioning.
Common Attributes • Prameyatva – Potentiality or Quality by the virtue of which the Substance becomes the object of any kind of Jiv’s knowledge. • Agurulagutva– Potentiality or Quality by the virtue of which the Substance maintains its own State of being a Substance. • Pradeshatva – Potentiality or Quality by the virtue of which the Substance always has form or shape. Every substance is independent in its maintainability, shape and ability to be known.
Special Attributes (Vishesh Gun) of Jiv (Soul) Dravya Human (Jiv) vs. Robot (Pudgala) & Living vs. Dead
Paryay (State, Modification or Behavior) • Change of state of each Attribute of the Substance is called Modification. • Each Modification of each Attribute of every Substance is independent of each other. • Each Modification of each Attribute of all Substances occur in a specific sequential order (Krambaddha Paryay). • Each Modification of Each Attribute of all Substances pervades in the Swa-Kshetra (entire region) of the Substance. • Each Substance is considered the Doer of its own Modifications. No Substance can interfere with other Substances.
Types of Paryay (state, mode or behavior) • Swabhav Paryay (Natural behavior) – Paryay of Attributes which occurs without any instrumental cause. Natural behavior of the Substance. • Example – Veetaragata Modification of Jiv’s Charitra Attribute. • Vibhav Paryay (Unnatural behavior) – Paryay of Attributes which takes place in the Presence of Instrumental cause. Impure behavior of the Substance. • Example – Kashaya Modification of Jiv’s Charitra Attribute.
Case Study – Causes of Stress • The lady was stressed due to grief or fear (kashaya) of death about her son. • Grief or fear (kashaya) of lady was based on her wrong perceptions (Mithya Darshan) that her son is dead and dog has killed her son.
State of Extreme Stress Mithya Drashti Sansari Jiv (Worldly Soul with Wrong Beliefs) Simultaneously
State of No Stress Siddha Jiv (Liberated Soul) Simultaneously
State of Significantly Reduced Stress Samyag Drashti Sansari Jiv (Worldly Soul with Right Belief of Self) Simultaneously
Existence of Worldly Living Being This is Pudgal and We are NOT Pudgal in absolute sense.
What is Stress? Who Experiences Stress? Who Does Stress? • Stress is a Vibhav Paryay (unnatural behavior) of Jiv. • Root of this Vibhav Paryay (Stress) is the Mithya Darshan (Wrong Beliefs) of Jiv. • Since, Stress occurs in the Jiv Dravya, Jiv Dravya experiences the Stress. • Since, Stress occurs in the Jiv Dravya, Jiv is the Independent Doer of the Stress. No other Substance causes Stress in Jiv. • Stress is Self Inflicted.
Kashayas Anger (Krodh) Ego (Maan) Deceit (Maya) Greed/Desire (Lobh) NoKashayas Fear (Bhaya) Sorrow (Shok) Disgust (Tiraskar) Dislike (Dwesh) Affection (Raag) Male Sex Passion (Purush Ved) Famale Sex Passion (Stri Ved) Nueter Sex Passion (Napunsak Ved) Laughter (Hasya) Types of Vibhav (unnatural behavior) in Charitra Gun (Conduct Attribute)??
Clarifications about Stress • In worldly life, what we like is identified as Positive stress and what we don’t like is identified as Negative Stress. • According to Jainism, all worldly stress is considered Negative Stress (State of Jiv during Ashubh Bhav). Positive Stress is identified as State of Jiv during Shubh Bhav (Auspicious-Pious Bhav). • All worldly living being (Jiv) experience Stress regardless of their species. • Note that Stress is Stress after all and it is a state of misery whether it is Positive or Negative. Therefore, its worth giving up. We call Stress Positive or Negative only from worldly perspective. In reality, there is nothing like Positive or Negative Stress. • In worldly life, milder form of stress (such as laughter) is not considered very harmful and is generally acceptable. The previous definition provided is the most absolute and comprehensive definition of stress.
Activities under the influence of stress • Negative • War-Conflicts-Violence • Possessions • Unethical behavior • Diseases – High Blood Pressure, Diseases, Increased activity of Endocrine System. • Positive • Vyavahar Bhakti • Vyavahar Tap • Vyavahar Vrat • Swadhyay • Daya • Daan
Key Message • Don’t blame others for Stress. Accept your own responsibility for your Stress. Circumstances and other people do not bring Stress. • Jiv himself is the independent Doer & Knower of the Stress. • All causes of Stress lies within Jiv himself. Condition of Stress cannot be managed or mitigated without getting rid of Wrong Beliefs & Kashayas. • Stress is a state of misery whether it is Positive or Negative; therefore, it is worth getting rid of. • Study of Jain Tattva (fundamentals) is extremely important to define stress, understand its causes and to find ways to manage stress.
References • Entire “Stress Management Workshop” and free weekly teleconference classes on “Jain Fundamentals” for Young Jain Professionals (YJP) are available from Mumukshus of North America (MONA). Refer MONA YJP section on the website: www.jainism.us • Jain Scriptures by KundaKund Acharya • Punchatikay Sangrah • Pravachansar • Samaysar • Jain Tattva Parichaya by Dr.Ujwala D. Shah. http://www.jaana.org/books/english.asp
Dharmastikaya • Dharma Dravya (Medium of Motion): That which is passive cause in the motion of self moving Jivas (embodied souls) and matter (atom & molecule) is called Dharma Dravya. • For example - water is a passive cause in the motion of self moving fish.
Adharmastikaya • Adharma Dravya (Medium of Rest): That which is a passive cause in the state of rest of self stopping Jivas and matter (atom & molecule) just after their motion is called Adharma Dravya. • For Example – Friction of the road is the passive cause of stopping the vehicle.
Akash • Akash Dravya (Space): That which provides accommodation to all other substances i.e. soul, matter, dharma, adharma, and time is called space. The space is all pervasive and it is found in the whole of the cosmos. • Lokakash – Part of Space that accommodates all other Substances. • Alokakash – Space extending till infinity in all directions beyond Lokakash.
Kaal • Kaal Dravya (Time): That which is a passive cause in the function of self-functioning substances such as soul, matter etc. is called the real time substances. • Time Substance is identified in 2 ways: • (a) Real Time (Nishchaya Kaal) – Substance with Attributes & Modifications • (b) Conventional Time (Vyavahar Kaal) – Unit of time that we commonly identify such as Second, Minute, Hour, Days and Years etc.