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Conducting Mission Analysis in a DSCA Environment

DOD DSCA Course. Mr. Joseph Miller. Conducting Mission Analysis in a DSCA Environment. Terminal Learning Objective. TLO 3.0 – Given a scenario, analyze DSCA events to develop command and control elements and resource requirements while utilizing DSCA operations tracking mechanisms.

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Conducting Mission Analysis in a DSCA Environment

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  1. DOD DSCA Course • Mr. Joseph Miller Conducting Mission Analysis in a DSCA Environment

  2. Terminal Learning Objective • TLO 3.0 – Given a scenario, analyze DSCA events to develop command and control elements and resource requirements while utilizing DSCA operations tracking mechanisms.

  3. Enabling Learning Objectives • ELO 3.3.2 – Conduct mission analysis and be able to prepare a FRAGO for subordinate Task Forces. • ELO 3.3.3 – Coordinate and integrate DOD Title 10 response forces with state, National Guard and Federal ESF’s.

  4. Matching Unit Capabilities to ESFs Step 1 – Determine the units’ DSCA capabilities and categorize capabilities by ESF during JRSOI. Step 2 – Monitor the current status of assigned units and determine which units are available for new Mission Assignments (Troops to Task). Step 3 – Input the available units into the ESF Capability Matrix used by the JTF CDR and the DCO. Step 4 – Receive a new Mission Assignment. Step 5 – Conduct Mission Analysis and write a FRAGO.

  5. Step 1 – Determine unit’s DSCA capabilities 1-22 IN: Provides supply management and distribution support to local and national governmental or non-governmental organizations. Capable of providing limited domestic support operations to include: Transportation support – ESF 1 Communications support – ESF 2 Information distribution – ESF 2 Debris and trash removal – ESF 3 Food and ice distribution – ESF 3 Emergency fire fighting (supporting fire fighters) – ESF 4 Temporary shelter construction and administration – ESF 6 Clothing and blanket distribution – ESF 6 Water purification and distribution – ESF 6 Fuel distribution – ESF 6 Medical triage and treatment – ESF 8 Medical evacuation coordination – ESF 8

  6. Step 2 – Monitor current status of assigned units USNORTHCOM COCOM USARNORTH JFLCC DCO/DCE x 7 JTF- TN DSC RGN IV DCO/DCE JTF x 7 DSC JTF-51 JCE-WEST JTF-CS JCE-EAST 167th TSC (FWD) TF Aviation HQ 3CAB 3ID 50% TF Medical 21stCSH 50% TF Operations 1-4 BCT 33% ACCE TF Aviation 4-3rd AVN REGT (ASLT) 60% TF Aviation 2-3rd AVN REGT (GSAB) HHD 61st MED BN 1-22 IN 46 ENG BN 215 SPT BN 30% 603rd AVSB (-) Naval SPT BN 1 (Seabee) 603 Trans CO 7-10 CAV 418 MED CO MEDLOG 224 PM DET A/4-3 A/2-3 572nd ENG CO 154 Trans CO 85th MED DET (CS) 4-42 FA 546 MED CO AREA SPT B/2-3 B/4-3 410th MP CO 418 Trans CO 86th SIG BN 566 MED CO AREA SPT 43rd MED DET (VS) C/2-3 C/4-3 411th MP CO 4th SPT BN 62nd QM CO D/2-3 D/4-3 51st CHEM CO 96th TC CO 1st PLT (HET) 1-66 AR E/2-3 E/4-3 Committed to a MA Undergoing JRSOI Available for a MA 261st MCT F/2-3 F/4-3

  7. BSI: Ft Campbell, KY TN JFO JTF-TN DSC FOB DSC JTF-TN FOB 215 SPT BN 154 TC MA 018 JTF TN DSC JOA BSI B/D 46 EN MA 013 4-3 AVN MA 009 21st CSH MA 006 7-10 CAV 1-22 INF MA 005 46 (-) EN MA 016 46 EN BN MA 016 BSI: Columbus AFB

  8. Step 3 – Align available units to ESFs A G A G A R Sufficient Capabilities Potential RFF RFF

  9. Step 3 – Align available units to ESFs R G G A G A R Sufficient Capabilities Potential RFF RFF

  10. Step 3 – Align available units to ESFs A G G A R Sufficient Capabilities Potential RFF RFF

  11. Step 3 – Align available units to ESFs A G A G A R Sufficient Capabilities Potential RFF RFF

  12. Step 3 – Align available units to ESFs G A G A R Sufficient Capabilities Potential RFF RFF

  13. Step 4 Receive a Mission Assignment

  14. Step 5 – Conduct Mission Analysis and write a FRAGO 1. (U) SITUATION. D+7// 1.A. (U) GENERAL. 20 Impacted Counties (IC) in western Tennessee with a population of 1,488,071: 1,319 fatalities; 32,914 injured; 562,080 RELOCATED TO shelterS; 507,346 households w/o water; and 709,325 households w/o power. DHS/FEMA IS THE PRIMARY AGENCY WITH ESFS 1-15 IN SPT. Incident Command Posts established in Memphis, Covington, Dyersburg, and Union City. TN NG SJFHQS IS in Bartlett, TN. JFLCC FWD HQs is in Milan, TN with JTF-SE HQs in Olive Branch, MS. The American Red Cross and Salvation Army are in Memphis. PREDICTED SHORTFALL FOR DELIVERY OF COMODOTIES TO WESTERN TN// 1.B. (U) TERRAIN. 23 MAJOR TREMORS (ABOVE 5.0 ON THE RICHTER SCALE) HAVE IMPACTED THE NMSZ WITH 12 OF THESE TREMORS OCCURING IN THE JTF-SE JOA RESULTING IN SIGNIFICANT INFRASTUCTURE DAMAGE TO THE LEVEES, ROADS AND BUILDINGS IN MEMPHIS, MILLINGTON, AND DEYRSBERG, TN. AREA BETWEEN THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND TN STATE HWY 3 REMAINS FLOODED AND WATER IS NON-POTABLE. 1.C. (U) WEATHER. A SEVERE STORM IS MOVING WEST FROM MISSOURI/ARKANSAS AND IS EXPECTED TO BRING HIGH WINDS, RAIN, AND SLEET TO WESTERN TN NLT 280800LFEB12.// 1.D. (U) TRANSPORTATION. AS OF 252130LFEB12, DOT COMPLETED A TEMPORARY TWO LANE ROAD PARALLEL TO TN STATE HWY 3 FROM MEMPHIS TO UNION CITY IN ORDER TO PROVIDE SPT TO IMPACTED COUNTIES (IC) IN WESTERN TN// 1.E. (U) THREAT/SECURITY. AS OF 260700LFEB12, RIOTERS LOOTED THE SE NEIGHBORHOODS OF MEMPHIS FROM BASKINS AVE TO N. FORREST BLVD. T32 AND LOCAL LE OFFICERS HAVE RESPONDED. 2. (U) MISSION.  NO CHANGE to JTF-TN OPORD #: 191700LFEB12 (U)// 3. (U) EXECUTION. NO CHANGE to JTF-TN OPORD #: 191700LFEB12 (U)// 3.A. (U) COMMANDER’S INTENT. NO CHANGE to JTF-TN OPORD #: 191700LFEB12 (U)// 3.B. (U) CONCEPT OF THE OPERATION. TBP// 3.C. (U) TASKS TO SUBORDINATE UNITS.// 3.C.1. (U) TF AV// provide medium rotary wing aircraft and personnel support to evacuate 300 patients from shelters in Newbern and Dyersberg to hospitals in Nashville in the State of Tennessee associated with the NMSZ Earthquake for an initial period of 8 days. Mission Assignment Task Orders will be issued for specific cargo and/or personnel requirements, location(s), dates, and duration of assignment(s) as needed. Unit providing capability will contact Mr. Reynolds for further coordination at (917) 555-5555. THIS MISSION is MA# 1860DR-TN-DOD-019 NMSZ EARTHQUAKE. 3.C.2. (U) TF MED//PROVIDE MEDICAL SUPPORT FOR TRANSPORTING PATIENTS TO TF AV AS REQUIRED// 3.D. (U) COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS. TF AV AND TF MED CDRS WILL TELEPHONICALLY BACKBRIEF THE JTF-31 CDR TO INCLUDE CONCEPT OF THE OPERATIONS AND REHEARSALS TWO HOURS AFTER THE PUBLISHING OF THIS FRAGO.// 4. (U) ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS. NO CHANGE to JTF-TN OPORD #: 191700LFEB12 (U)// 5. (U) COMMAND AND SIGNAL. NO CHANGE to JTF-TN OPORD #: 191700LFEB12 (U)// 14

  15. JTF-Sandy Lessons Learned • Successes • Single orders (OPORD and FRAGOs) worked well. Keep it simple and get them out quickly • Integrated JTF staff (Title 10 & 32) is a must • US Army Reserve units responded seamlessly • Challenges • Title 10 C2 (confusing above DSC JTF) • Need for a “domestic emergency boundary” or Restricted Operations Zone (ROZ) • Title 10 JRSOI (not all in-processed and little/no briefs) • DSCA Training (what Title 10 can/can’t do) • Restrictive Mission Assignments (MA) vs broad MAs

  16. Questions

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