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Norcal Region. 2014. Barbara Barfield Irma Jones Norcal Campaign Director Operations Manager 415-571-4149 415-571-4149 BarbaraBarfield@comcast.net NorcalCFC@comcast.net Antoinette (Toni) Taylor Clarence Benjamin Jr.
Norcal Region 2014
Barbara Barfield Irma Jones Norcal Campaign Director Operations Manager 415-571-4149 415-571-4149 BarbaraBarfield@comcast.net NorcalCFC@comcast.net Antoinette (Toni) Taylor Clarence Benjamin Jr. Director, Beale & Travis AF Bases Director, Sacramento Hub CFC Projects Director/ Charity Coordinator Central Valley/Sacramento/Upper Northern CA Direct/Cell: 916-790-4966 415-571-4670 tonitaycfc@gmail.com clarebjr.cfc@gmail.com Angela Cleo Smith Dee Sutton Director, San Francisco Hub Director, Oakland & South Bay Hubs Social Media/New Employees Forum Director 415-571-4285 510-926-9741 deesuttoncfc@gmail.com angcleocfc@gmail.com Administration CFC Personnel Fundraising (Local Support) Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 2
CFC Overview • Charity Partnership • Proposed Regulation Update • NEW Charity Auto Response Pilot • NEW Universal Giving • Norcal CFC • Campaign Events Participation • MOU • Norcal Initiatives • Materials Packing • Speakers Training Overview: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 3
The mission of the CFC is to promote and supportphilanthropy through a program that is employee-focused, cost-efficient, and effective in providing all Federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all. • Largest and most successful workplace giving campaign in the world • Only authorized charity fundraising in Federal workplace • Designation Campaign – not all charities receive funds • Funding from 2014 Campaign will not be received until April 2015 on a quarterly basis • Norcal Solicitation Period October 1 – December 15 CFC Overview: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 4
Federal Employees Eligible Charities Charity Partnership: • Federal Employees • HR Benefit • Agency Morale • Personal Engagement • Support Charity fundraising • Charities • Funding Source • Community Relationship • Support Feds who fundraise on • charities’ behalf • Events & Speaking • Materials Packing • Volunteer Opportunities • Mission Achievement • CFC • Liaison • Coordination • Administration Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 5
New Regulations Effective 2016 • Charity application and participation fees - amounts yet to be determined • Moving towards 100% online giving within five years • Immediate disaster relief • New employees can give w/in 30 days of being hired • Solicitation period • Regulated campaign solicitation period 1 Sept - 15 Jan. Regions can pick a time period within these start and finish dates. • 2014 Norcal Region – 1 Oct – 15 Dec OPM Update: • Universal Giving 2014 • Eliminates geographic boundaries for local charities. Donors may give to CFC charities in any local community throughout the country (est. 28,000 charity choices; online only) • Charity Auto Response Pilot – testing by a few regions (not Norcal) • Improve Donor / Charity relations; Instantaneous donation usage information with online gift; Enhance donor experience; • OPM made request for donor fund usage statement • Norcal charities may receive additional funding from other regions 6
40 Counties (yellow region) • 100,000+ Federal Employees & Military Personnel • Raised $3.5 Million in 2013 – down 1M due to sequestration, furloughs and government shut down. Norcal (0106) CFC: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 7
Theme • Policies • Protocol • Security • Registration • Confirmation • Speakers • MOU Campaign Events General Information: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 8
2014 Campaign Theme: • “My Story…My Choice…My Pledge” • Designed to connect federal employees • with charity services and benefits. • This theme will be on all promotional • material that goes to the Federal employees. • Charities may add this to their website or • Facebook page and link to the Norcal CFC • Website for pledging • Charities MAY NOT link directly to their • giving mechanisms (can be sanctioned by OPM) Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 9
Campaign Events Participation Overview: • Registration • MOU • Confirmation • Federation Members will receive notification and confirmation through their Federations • Independent Charities will receive notification and confirmation directly • Participants will appear on speakers list with submission of the following: • CFC MOU on file 10
Electronic registration – posted to website on Charity page • Confirmations sent upon random selection of participants • Only those registered who have been confirmed to participate, and provided the MOU will be added to the entry security lists • Federations register for all members • Federations send ONE FINAL workbook and all member charity MOUs • Independents registerand send MOU • Deadlines for registration – provided with event information • No Changes after deadline Event Registration Overview Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 11
Registration Procedures: • Each charity will provide one representative who will receive all info. • Upon registration there will be a random selection of participants for the space available. All charities that register may not be able to participate due to space limitations. • Randomly selected charities will receive event participation confirmation. • Once you’ve been informed that your charity has been confirmed to participate, your representative will submit the names of those who will attend along with their signed MOU • Each participating representative MUST complete the MOU and have it on file with us. • Representatives should plan to help setup & tear down the event. • Only 1-2 representatives per event. 12
Event Registration Example Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 13
Event Confirmation: • Confirmations sent to designated charity/federation representative • Details on each event will be emailed with the attendance confirmations. • how many people are expected to attend, • how many charities are accommodated, • Address • Event schedule • Parking • Security procedures • Check-in • If animals will be allowed • How much space you will have. Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 14
Campaign Events: • LFCC has eliminated large multi-agency events for San Francisco & Oakland due to government resource allocation and perceived value • Individual Agency Events – • Coordinated by Hub Directors, Loaned Executives & Agency Coordinators (event registration will not be centralized this year) • Veterans Administration – Kick Off & Charity Fair - Sept 4th • NASA Ames Research Center • Keyworker Training & Charity Fair – Sept 15 • U.S. Coast Guard Island Kick Off & Charity Fair – Sept 22nd • Travis AFB Kick Off – Oct 3rd • Beale AFB Kick Off – Oct 13th • Others to be announced as agency coordinators schedule 15 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Event Information: • All events have the same basic process : • Arriveand park 1 hour ahead of the scheduled event start time • Provide required security information to receive authorization to enter building or receive visitor’s badge • Check in with Hub Director, LE or Coordinator in event room to receive table assignment • Help Hub Director, LE or Coordinator set up for event as requested • Charity table set-up - complete half hour prior to designated event start time • Expect to have 3’ – 4’ table space; if more available will notify • Assist Hub Director, LE or Coordinator with decorations for event • Break-Down – as directed by Hub Director, LE or Coordinator (do not break down until authorized to break down) • Clean-Up – plan to assist as requested by Hub Director, LE or Coordinator • Take your discarded items with you (trash) 16
Event Considerations • You may be carrying your materials some distance, so think about portability when creating your display and materials. Think wheeled suitcase--small & compact. • If event is outdoors, bring umbrella for shading • Chairs may or may not be provided depending on the venue • If an event is postponed or cancelled, you will be notified via email to the contact information on the registration. 17
Event Dos And Don’ts • DO: Display pictures of the people who have benefited and share their stories. • DO: Make it PERSONAL! • DO: Make your display as interesting as possible. The more interactive the better. Games are acceptable if you keep them on and/or at your designated table area. (no gambling) • Things to bring would include: table cloth, swag give-aways (with CFC# on it), bring pre-packaged and individually wrapped candy granola bars/trail mix/water, soda, etc. • Make business cards or small flyers that include your charity name & logo, CFC # & 1-2 sentence description of what specific dollar amount contributions will do. 18
Event Dos And Don’ts • Business Dress code: We recommend you wear your charity shirts, pants/skirts and comfortable shoes. Also, wear a name tag if possible. • DON’T: Ask for financial contributions and/or pledges during any conversation or on any material you hand out at any event. • DON’T: Ask/gather contact information for any Federal employees. They are allowed to contact you, but you may NOT contact them. • DON’T: Proselytize, engage in political discussions, wear political t-shirts or buttons. • DON’T: Speak disparagingly against another CFC charity in any way. 19
Memorandum of Understanding: • Outline of expectations to participate in campaign activities • Includes both events and speaking engagements • Required for each volunteer attending • Provide participant name(s) and MOU(s) together • Confirmation of receipt will be sent by email • NOTE: Scan and send signed MOU via email to norcalcfc@comcast.net Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 20
_____I agree to be responsible for communicating CFC information to any employees or volunteers that represent my organization at Campaign events, including, but not limited to Charity Fairs/Kickoffs and Speaking Presentations. _____I understand that representatives from our organization represent every charity in the CFC, as well as other participants in the CFC according to regulation 5 CFR Part 950.105(b) and 950.105(c)2(i). _____I understand thatmy charity must register to be eligible to participate in the charity fairs and that CFC staff will confirm my eligibilityto attend Charity Fair/Kickoff and I understand events and will not send representatives without that confirmation. (This is only for fairs – Federal staff independently coordinate Speaking Presentations at their locations and CFC staff are not involved in the details.) Memorandum of Understanding: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 21
_____I amwilling and able to enter Federal Government facilitieson behalf of my charity. _____I have proper photo ID (driver’s license, passport, or other) which I will bring to any Campaign event, as well as current auto registration, proof of auto insurance and I understand my vehicle may be subject to inspectionat any Federal Government facility. _____I understand that while driving of government property, I must obey all posted driving requirementssuch as seatbelt laws, posted speed limits, construction signage and may only use hands free communication devices. _____I understand that each Federal Government facility has its own rules, regulations and protocoland I agree to learn and adhere to them while representing the CFC. From the MOU: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 22
From the MOU: _____I understand thatif I register for a Charity Fair/Kickoff and cancel without 48 hours notice or do not show up at all, my charity will be excluded from participating in any other CFC events for the 2014 campaign. _____I understand that CFC staff will confirm my eligibility to attend Charity Fair/Kickoff events and will not send representatives without that confirmation. (This is only for fairs—LE and Coordinators independently arrange speaking presentations at their locations and CFC staff is not involved. _____I understand that some government facilities may conduct a background check on me upon registering for an event prior to my admittance into a government facility.I may be required to provide my Social Security number, date of birth, and driver’s license numberupon being registered to participate at any event. Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 23
From the MOU: _____I understand thatI am expected to arrive at the building—not just at the base entrance and completely set up—at least thirty minutesbefore a Campaign event is scheduled to begin. _____I understand theentry to the base could exceed 30 minutes. _____I understand thatI may not take electronic devicessuch as cell phones, smart phones, cameras, ipods, ipads, computers, netbook— anything with an “on/off switch into some government facilities.I understand that in these facilities I will be required to store my device(s) in my vehicle or have it confiscated. All confiscated devices are subject to being cleaned. _____I understand that I will be asked by facility personnel to confirm that I do not have any of the above mentioned electronic devices on my person prior to receiving a visitor’s badge. _____I understand that in some secure buildingsI may not be able to enter of leave a display area without being escorted by building personnel.This includes being escorted to restroom facilities. Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 24
_____I understand that participation in Campaign events is for outreach only; I will not sell itemsat campaign events or participate in direct fundraising in any other way, including, but not limited to, asking Federal employees to donate directly to my charity, engaging in raffle or gaming activities, or placing collection containers on my display. _____I understand that if I (or any other representative of my charity) am reported forinappropriate behaviorduring a charity fair including, but not limited to, proselytizing, political discussions, asking directly for pledges to my charity or disparaging another CFC charity in any way, my charity will be excluded from participating in any other CFC events for the 2011 Campaign. _____I understand that I am a guest in any Federal Government facility where I am participating in a CFC event and will behave graciously and respectfully at all times to Federal employees as well as other charities. As a representative the Norcal Combined Federal Campaign, I will dress in a professional manner. From the MOU: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 25
From the MOU: _____I understand thatmy charity will be assigned displayspace, that my charity will likely besharing a table with another charityand will not use more than my allotted space for my display. _____I understand that either the event hosts (federal personnel) or the administrative personnel will notify me when it is time to break down my display.I will not break down my display prior to being authorized to do so. _____I understand thatI am expected to assist event host volunteers and CFC staff with set up and cleanup at all CFC events as directed. 26 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Partnership Materials Packing: • Federal Employee Support for charity contributions • Located in Sacramento: 801 I Street • Parking reimbursement: must provide receipt; • Wear comfortable shoes • Bring a sack lunch, beverage and snacks as desired or walk to local eatery • We’ll send you a sign up form • Volunteers or Staff • Sign up for day long shifts • Package Materials based on agency departmental personnel Numbers • Date - TBA upon receipt of materials Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 27
Materials Packing Mechanics Materials Packing & Distribution Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
Partnership Between Feds & Charities • Purpose • Engage 20-35 demo group • Meet their specific charitable giving needs • Develop career donors • Initiatives • Social Media Communications • Develop Volunteer Partnership • Volunteer Opportunities • Leadership Development Norcal Initiative:Young Donors Cultivation Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 29
Partnership Between Feds & Charities • Communication Initiatives • Social Media Communications • TWEETS • Facebook – pictures, comments, conversations • Develop Volunteer Partnership • Volunteer Opportunities – CFC posted calendar • Leadership Development – project/event leadership opportunities that can enhance professional resume Young Donors Initiative: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 30
Speakers • Speakers requests • Kick Off Ceremonies • Staff meetings • Commander’s calls • Speak present on behalf of all charities • Must sign MOU to become a speaker on behalf of CFC • Tell us…What’s your story” • CFC Presentations – Dos and Don’t of CFC Speakers • Most Frequently Asked Questions Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 31
Speakers Training Purpose: • This training is to help you understand more about the CFC so that you can represent your charity and the CFC appropriately. • Credibility • For • Contributions Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 32
Speakers Bureau Objectives: • Introductions – Tell us … “What’s Your Story?” • Speakers Dos and Don’ts • CFC Scope & Theme • CFC Materials • Most Frequently Asked Questions • Q & A Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 33
Speakers Bureau: • Speakers selected by Federal personnel • Speak during staff meeting or at events • Speakers collect details from hub director, Loaned executive or agency coordinator • Best way to engage Feds Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 34
CFC Presentation: • Plan for speaking a maximum of 3 minutes • Give a personal overview: What’s your story? Why you got involved • “I’ve been involved with XYZ agency for X years. I became involved as a (recipient, volunteer, staff) because _______________. • Follow up with a brief agency overview: • For those of your unfamiliar with XYZ we provide programs and services to help ______________. • REGULATION: • Close: “XYZ agency is one of the many worthy CFC supported charities. Find one close to your heart and support it by giving through the CFC.” • Thank the audience and the keyworker for allowing you to share your story. Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 35
KEEP IT PERSONAL! • People give to a cause they identify with personally • People give to people • Tell a personal story about a client • Bring a client to tell their own story • Keep your “company story” very brief Effective Speakers Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 36
Smile and speak low and slow • Maintain eye contact – no reading! • Pay an honest compliment • Don’t be nervous – these folks admire the passion you show for your cause • Always speak from the heart • But remember this is not the time for an argument • Thank your audience more than once!! Delivery Considerations: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 37
7% what you say • 38% tone of voice • 55% body language • They start off seeing you as an expert, don’t give them any reason to change their mind! What Your Audience Notices Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 38
DON’T use a PowerPoint or video to tell your story • DON’T ask for contributions to your agency • DON’T bring agency literature that solicits direct contributions • DON’T go long with your presentation • DON’T overload your audience with statistics • DON’T discuss politics, religion, or sexual issues • DON’T compare your agency’s services to another Speakers Don’ts: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 39
Speakers Bureau: • Be prepared for questions – about your organization and about the CFC. • Know the CFC! (www.opm.gov/cfc) - home page overview • Know your audience. • Bring a copy of the FAQs • Can bring informative or educational material about your charity but… • Cannot ask directly for contributions • Must be left in back for people to pick up – may not distribute Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 40
Why do people give through the CFC? • They have received help from a CFC-eligible agency • They know someone else who has been helped by a CFC-eligible agency • They want to help others • CFC is a convenient way to make a difference • Why don’t people give through the CFC? • They weren’t asked • They feel pressured or can’t afford it • They dislike one of the CFC-eligible agencies FAQS: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 41
Why should I give through the CFC? • Each CFC-eligible charity has been thoroughly screened by a committee of Federal employees, ensuring its legitimacy • Charities can rely on the annual, operational funding they receive through CFC contributions • Payroll deduction for Federal employees is only available through the CFC • Combining your contribution with your colleagues around the world, you are part of a greater impact FAQs: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 42
Why isn’t my favorite charity part of the CFC? • All charities must apply to participate in the CFC – either nationally, internationally or locally • A committee of Federal employees reviews all charity applications for their compliance with OPM requirements and regulations • Why should I support the CFC when it has charities I don’t like? • All CFC-eligible agencies are selected objectively based on OPM requirements and regulations • CFC is a donor choice campaign; each donor chooses the charity they want to give to FAQs: 43 Thank you for partnering with the CFC!
What if I can’t afford to give right now? • Payroll deduction spreads smaller amounts throughout the year • Payroll deductions don’t begin until the January 2015 • 95% of contributions through CFC are payroll deduction • Is my contribution tax deductible? • 100% of a contribution through CFC is tax deductible • In most cases, your pledge form and final pay stub of the year can serve for tax purposes • Contact CFC administration for tax letter FAQs: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 44
Why should I give when I don’t use any of these charities? • You most likely have had contact with a CFC-eligible agency • Swimming lessons at the Y • Red Cross CPR class • Friends/Family with disease • Friends/Family in disaster • CFC-eligible charities improve communities for everyone FAQs: Thank you for partnering with the CFC! 45
Norcal Region 2014