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Comprehensive narrative report detailing various public health projects, surveys, and evaluations conducted in Mongolia from 2012 to 2014. Includes assessments on healthcare services, air quality impacts on children, and support for the health sector.
6th GENERAL MEETING January 30, 2015
Narrative Report of MPHPA2012-2014 B. Mashbadrakh, Executive Director
Strategic Goal 1: To actively participate and encourage community involvement in the development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based public health policies and programs • Working group developed a law on health care service and submitted the law to State Great Khural(Parliament); • Working group is developing a public health law; • Working group is working on improving Mongolian public health standards; • MPHPA developed policy surveys. Please refer to the next slides for more information about the surveys.
Strategic Goal 1: To actively participate and encourage community involvement in development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based public health policies and programs “Improving Accessibility of Secondary Level Hospital Care for Vulnerable Group Citizens” project, Asian Development Bank, 2012 Goal: The project aims to develop policy options to improve accessibility of secondary level hospital care for vulnerable population groups. Results: • Assessed the current situation of secondary level hospital care for vulnerable population groups and identified the main barriers affecting accessibility and quality of services. • Developed a strategic plan for the Enerel Hospital to serve vulnerable group citizens with secondary hospital care. • Printed and distributed a fact sheet outlining project results.
Strategic Goal 1: To actively participate and encourage community involvement in development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based public health policies and programs “Study on Health Impacts of Air Quality to School Children, Clean Air” project, Millennium Challenge Account, (survey) 2012 Purpose: To evaluate the incidence of respiratory diseases in school children living in two different districts with different air quality. Conclusions: • Ambient air quality indicators of the selected school no. 16 were higher than the standard quantities specified in the Mongolian National Ambient Air Quality Standards (MNAQS) as well as greater than that of the control school no. 75. • The number of flu incidences and school sick days due to flu among the students of the selected school no. 16 with bad air quality during heating time at winter season were greater than that of the control school no. 75. • Amounts of carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, PM10 as a basic indicator of ambient air quality were at such a high level directly affecting the health of school children further, impairing significantly the public health in the region. • Ambient air quality was shown to have a negative impact on the respiratory health of the school children in Ulaanbaatar.
Strategic Goal 1: To actively participate and encourage community involvement in development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based public health policies and programs “Narrative Report on the Rapid Appraisal on External and Domestic Support of Sub National System In Target Areas of Mongolia,” (survey) WHO, 2013 Goal: To review and document the external support and assistance provided in the health sector (in selected sites) covering the last four years and to draw conclusions and make recommendations to further strengthen the Mongolian health care system. Result: Developed report with recommendations according to the six health system strengthening building blocks of the World Health Organization such as service availability, human resources, health information systems, access to essential medicine, health financing and governance and leadership. It was a crucial document to strategy with an aim to strengthen the health sector for the Songinokhairkhan District 2014-2016.
Strategic Goal 1: To actively participate and encourage community involvement in development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based public health policies and programs “Knowledge, attitude and practice on health insurance among the population,” (survey) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), 2013 Purpose: To study the Mongolian population’s knowledge of health insurance, satisfaction for hospital treatments, implemented activities undertaken by health insurance and expectations of the population on how to improve the current health care system Result: Handed over the report to GTZ.
Strategic Goal 1: To actively participate and encourage community involvement in development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based public health policies and programs “National health needs assessment of palliative care services”, (survey) Ministry of Health & Sport, 2013 Purpose: To assess the population’s needs and access to palliative care services Result: Identified the current situation, component and types of palliative care services available and required.
Strategic Goal 1: To actively participate and encourage community involvement in development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based public health policies and programs “Epidemiological Review of Health of the Population of Dornogobi Province”, (desk review) AREVA LLC, 2014 Purpose: Identify the health status of the Dornogovi aimag population and current situation of health services in the aimag by reviewing existing statistical data and results of conducted research in the last 5 years. Results: • Review report included the incidence of infectious and non-infectious diseases, nutrition, water safety, health of special groups of the aimag population, and basic indicators to influence human health in accordance to World Health Organization recommendations • Dissemination meeting was organized by MPHPA.
Strategic Goal 1: To actively participate and encourage community involvement in development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based public health policies and programs “Evaluation of the Environmental Health National Program II”, WHO, 2014 Purpose: To evaluate the “Environmental Health National Program II, and disseminate evaluation findings and recommendations Results: • Evaluated national program activities, results, achievements and lessons learned from program implementation and future actions/direction were defined. • Conclusion of program indicators achievement • A review of the implementation of standards, regulations and order was conducted • The evaluation was disseminated to decision makers.
Strategic Goal 1: To participate actively and encourage community involvement in development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based public health policies and programs “National Water Safety Bulletin 2011-2014”, WHO Purpose: To develop “National Water Safety Bulletin 2011-2014” and strengthen multi-sectoral collaboration Result: • The bulletin included more than 80 resources such as surveys on water safety and monitoring analyses at a national level; program and activity reports, and some presentations and books related with the water safety.
Strategic Goal 1: To actively participate and encourage community involvement in development, implementation and evaluation of evidence-based public health policies and programs The Final Evaluation Report for “Mobile Clinic among Children Living And Working in the Street, World Vision. 2014 Purpose:To evaluate the effectiveness, cost effectiveness, equity, relevance, accomplishment and sustainability of the project against projects set goals and objectives Result:Handed over the final evaluation with recommendations.
Strategic Goal 2:To contribute to the improvement of health promotion among public “Public Health and Social Justice”Conference, 2012 • Conference sub-sessions included: • Health Service Accessibility, Quality and Equity • Alcohol, tobacco control and risk factors of the non-communicable disease • Environmental Health • Other Public Health Issues • 42 oral and poster presentation • 120 professionals and researchers • Abstract book for the conference
Strategic Goal 2:To contribute to the improvement of health promotion among public “Prevention of Non-communicable Diseases and Injury” MCA Health Project, 2010-2013 Campaigns: • “Alcohol and Tobacco Prevention” • “Healthy Diet and Physical Activity” • “Road Traffic Injury Prevention” Activities: • Research and assessment-3 • Advocacy meeting-69 • Experience sharing meeting-10 • Sport event-3 • Newspaper article-16 • Fact sheet-3
Strategic Goal 2:To contribute to the improvement of health promotion among public “Prevention of Non-communicable Diseases and Injury” MCA Health Project, 2010-2013 (cont…) • 70 high schools were identified as at risk of road traffic accident according to the survey on road environmental survey. Published and distributed books on the prevention of road traffic accident for teachers and children of 70 high schools identified with risk of road traffic accident school. • Advocacy meetings were organized for directors and teachers to prevent road traffic accident in children. • Мongol Daatgal Company implemented “Fluorescent bag” project – preparing and distributing 2200 bags for school children of 12 schools.
Strategic Goal 2:To contribute to the improvement of health promotion among public “Prevention of Non-communicable Diseases and Injury” MCA Health Project, 2010-2013 (cont…) • “Talkh Chiher”company reduced the salt content in its bread by 12% in more than 11 different brands of bread and created 10 brand new brands of bread that include more wholegrains, carrots, rye, sesame seeds, and whole grain flour. Some of their bread varieties now contain Vitamin B and minerals. In addition, the company has even changed the labeling of their products to be more comprehensive and informative for consumers. • “Аtar Urguu”company reduced salt content in bread by 10%. • “Mon Suu” company reduced sugar in 5 different products by 3-5%, fat by2-2.5% and produced a new yoghurt product without sugar.
Strategic Goal 2:To contribute to the improvement of health promotion among public “Prevention of Non-communicable Diseases and Injury” MCA Health Project, 2010-2013 (cont…) • “Alcohol Free Mongolia Together” fact sheet was developed in collaboration with a consultant team from the Office of the President. • “Reducing Tobacco Use through Increasing Tobacco Taxation” fact sheet was developed and disseminated to decision makers. We contributed to the amendment of the tobacco law based on advocacy meetings and the development of the fact sheet development. • Following an advocacy meeting in Orkhon aimag with professionals and decision makers at the local level, the aimag government allocated 6 million MNT to fund a 2-month road safety campaign.
Strategic Goal 2:To contribute to the improvement of health promotion among public “Millennium Development Goals and post-2015 Development Agenda” WHO, 2013 • MPHPA organized a consultative meeting with the following sub-sessions; • health • social protection • Education • economic development • environment/climate change Result: Report and recommendations developed by MPHPA.
Strategic Goal 2:To contribute to the improvement of health promotion among public “To develop model NCD prevention and counseling services at the primary health care level”project, MCA project, 2013 • Selected two primary health care centres (for pilot project): • “Shejid Dug” FHC, 17th khoroo, Chingeltei district • “Ilaarshih” FHC, 2nd khoroo, Bayangol district • “NCD prevention and counseling” book for doctors and nurses are developed and printed • “NCD prevention and counseling” desk book for consumers are developed and printed • NCD prevention and counseling service training organized for Family Health Clinic (FHC) heads and doctors • Artificial models (food and body organ props) were established in the 2 selected FHC • Received authorization from Centre for Health Development of Ministry of Health that the training is worth 2 credits
Strategic Goal 2:To contribute to the improvement of health promotion among public “Strengthening the Implementation of the New Alcohol And Tobacco Control Law in Mongolia”project, IOGT, 2012-2013 • Advocacy activities for army, journalists and district governments on the importance of alcohol and tobacco control in the workplace. • MPHPA worked on the law on alcohol control collaborating with a consultancy team of the Office of the President through advocacy meetings and discussion. • 5 people (representatives from MPHPA, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industry and Parliament) participated in Regional Parliamentarian and Civil Society Representatives’ Workshop on Alcohol and Tobacco Control in Sri Lanka. • 2 people (one from MPHPA and Ministry of Finance) participated in a study tour in alcohol and tobacco control in Thailand
Strategic Goal 2:To contribute to the improvement of health promotion among public “Improvement of Health and Safety Indices” project: collaborating with Ulaanbaatar City Government, 2014 Results: • Capacity building training for the khoroo’s government staff • Developed and printed a “Living in the City” promotion book for Ulaanbaatar citizens which were disseminated via social networks • Assessed health and safety indicators 2013 of Ulaanbaatar’s 9 districts and developed a report with recommendations.
Strategic Goal 2:To contribute to the improvement of health promotion among public “Improvement of Health and Safety Indices”: (cont…) • Capacity building training for khoroo’s government staff • Reach: A total 152 khoroos across Ulaanbaatar’s 9 districts • Participants: Governors, social workers &khoroo instructors • Curriculum developed in belowmentioned topics (3 manuals as pictured): • community mobilization; • community communication; • environmental health(protection from air, water and soil pollution and climate change adaptation)
Strategic Goal 3: To continuously strengthen the public health knowledge, skills and capacity of professionals in the Mongolian health sector • Training for “NCD Prevention and Counseling”: • 2 days training with 2 credits • Developed training curriculum • Printed training manuals for consumers and desk books for doctors • Organized NCD prevention and counselling training in Sukhbaatar and Umnigovi aimags • A total of 81 doctors, nurses and other related people attended the training
Strategic Goal 3: To continuously strengthen the public health knowledge, skills and capacity of professionals in the Mongolian health sector Salzburg Medical Seminar of Open Medical Institute, American Austrian Foundation, annually • Medical Seminar – 77 qualified Fellows (2012-2014); • Clinical Observership -15 professionals (2012-2014); • Satellite Symposia- more than 50 Mongolian doctors have attended Infectious Diseases Seminar; • “Diagnosis and treatment for women with complications during pregnancy and childbirth” distance learning training modules were developed and improved access to knowledge and professional expertise has contributed to the maternal health online training module for professionals at a nationwide level via telemedicine. (http://elearning.obgyn-telemedicine.mn/) • A total 1152 doctors have registered for the online training module • 221 doctors completed the modules and received certificates with 2 credit points
Strategic Goal 3: To continuously strengthen the public health knowledge, skills and capacity of professionals in the Mongolian health sector “Health Management” training, Asian Development Bank, 2013 Partners: School of Public Health, Mongolian National University of Medical Science, Management Academy and МPHPA Results: • 5 MPHPA members became trainers of the “Health Management” training for which the training module was developed by 4 of our members. • “Health Management” training lasts 3 months • Training has been delivered two times with the attendance of 50 leaders
Strategic Goal 3: To continuously strengthen the public health knowledge, skills and capacity of professionals in the Mongolian health sector Professional Grading Exam: • A total of 135 people were requested to improve their professional grades in 2012, 2013, 2014 • Health Professionals received the following grades: • Health administration-high grade (1), senior grade(10) • Public health- senior grade (2) • Biostatistician doctor-high grade(3), senior grade(7) • Biostatistician nurse-senior grade(33) • In 2014, online registration for the professional grading exam was initiated
Strategic Goal 4: To strengthen multisectoral collaboration and develop international linkages in order to protect and promote the health of Mongolians 13th World Congress on Public Health, 23 – 27 April, 2012: Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) • Over 3,600 participants from more than 120 countries from around the world participated in the Congress including Dr. Mashbadrakh Baasanjav • 335 oral presentation and more than 500 poster presentation within the 76 sub-sessions 141st American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, 2013 • Member of MPHPA (J. Naranchimeg) participated in the meeting and made a presentation on Mongolian’s MDG implementation activities.
Strategic Goal 4: To strengthen multisectoral collaboration and develop international linkages in order to protect and promote the health of Mongolians 5thАsian-Pacific Conference of Public Health, Korea, 2014 • More than 500 oral and poster presentation were introduced by researchers through 8 sub-sessions • More than 900 people of 34 country participated and 2 people from MPHPA participated in this Conference. Public Health Program Officer (Volunteer), Australian Volunteers for International Development Program, managed by Scope Global • She will start to work at the MPHPA in March, 2015
Thank you The Mongolian Public Health Professionals Association would like to extend its gratitude for the generous support, guidance and dedication of: • Administration Team; • Board and Monitoring Committee; • Active MPHPA members; • Participants who attend our General Meetings.