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European Governance, Global Governance Introduction to International Political Economy

European Governance, Global Governance Introduction to International Political Economy. Kalypso Nicolaidis Vincent Wright Chair, Sciences Po (2005) Oxford University. European Governance => Global governance Our EU-topia?.

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European Governance, Global Governance Introduction to International Political Economy

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  1. European Governance, Global GovernanceIntroduction to International Political Economy Kalypso Nicolaidis Vincent Wright Chair, Sciences Po (2005) Oxford University

  2. European Governance => Global governanceOur EU-topia? • The EU as an actor in its own right : economic giant? Political actor? What kind of power • The EU as a possible model of integration • between states in the rest of the world • At the global level • Discourse/reality • neo-colonial vs post-colonial?

  3. International Political Economy Questions: • How to govern a world which is multipolar economically and unipolar militarily? (eg can we live with the US?) • Can an international system which is a product of US hegemony, and more broadly of western hegemony, be made to serve the interests of developing countries? (eg whose interests?!) • Are regionalism and multilateralism contradictory or complementary? (eg. Is the EU hypocritical?)

  4. Questions (cd)… • Should trade be used as an instrument to change domestic governance arrangements, including for instance human and labor rights? (eg is this not economic imperialism?) • What is the score-sheet of global governance through public-private partnerships? (should we like Bill Gates Global fund?) • Has globalisation gone too far? (eg. A nos pavés!)

  5. Questions (cd) • Check out the website: “making poverty history”! • In what ways is the year 2005 - “the year of development”- likely to make a difference ? • How can trade be used to combat global poverty?

  6. Questions (cd)… • Yahoo 1, 2, 3: Can state sovereignty survive the era of the internet? • Can the WTO, IMF and World Bank really be made more democratic? ! • “alter-globalization” : good questions…good solutions?

  7. International Political Economy Definitions: Yesterday: • John Stuart Mill “Political Economy teaches a nation how to become rich” : The Wealth of Nations Today: David Lake: “IPE is the study of the interplay of economics and politics in the world arena” Economy: system of producing, distributing and using wealth Politics: set of institutions/rules governing social and economic interactions

  8. IPE - definitions • • Robert Gilpin: “IPE is the study of the Problems and Questions arising from the Parallel Existence and Dynamic Interaction of State and Market.” • • Both: Separation politics (states) and economics (markets) and mutual influence -> IS THIS ASSUMPTION FRUITFUL? • The IPE as fundamental tension between state power, competing ideas and transnational economic exchange.

  9. • Liberalism : IPE cooperative Limits : markets as political institutions• Marxism: IPE conflictual Limits: modes of accomodation• Realism: IPE conflictual Limits: Prism of the state • Institutionalism: IPE cooperative Limits: socio-economic order of the CW IPE theories and their limits

  10. International Political EconomySome History: • • The legacy: Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx • • The Interwar divergence: • Professionalisation; micro-economics vs politics of war and peace • • ThePost-War II incipient debate: • Cold War: Security at the Core -- Economics at the margin; International Economic Rules as given • Understanding the collapse of interwar (ec) order • Politics of IOs: Analysis of the UN and desillusion • - post WWII trend towards policy analysis and methodological emphasis; behavioralism

  11. Some History (cd) • The 1970s: The emergence of IPE as a distinct field of study The Study of the EC and other regions: Integration theory, ne-functionalism (Mitrany, Haas) -> how to account for such high levels of cooperation , voluntary agreements and role of non-state actors -> transnational communities, identity formation, communication (Deutsch) -> The fallacy of pessimistic induction 2) The end of US led global growth: economy is political -> collapse of BW; OPEC: the politics of economic choices -> The NIEO: the politics of the global economic order -> GATT, Japan and the new protectionism: the political economy of trade -> Détente and the political function of ‘low politics’

  12. Some History • • The 1970s (cd) • 3) Economic Interdependence and transnational relations : • Disaggregating “the state” (not a unified rational actors): -> Pluralism and bureaucratic politics (Dahl) • Ties across borders not controlled by the state • MNEs (Vernon; Cooper) • Cost and benefit of interdepence for state autonomy (Keohane and Nye) • 4) Realists address the challenge • Defense of state-centred paradigm (Gilpin and Krasner) • Hegemonic Stability: Power and liberalism • English school of IPE (Susan Strange) • SUM: IPE through the lenses of liberalism vs realism

  13. Some History (cd) • • The 1980s: IPE takes central stage • -> The coming of age of Multinational Corporations • –FDI- Enters globalisation • -> Explosion of financial sphere; the rise of trade in services • -> The Reagan revolution on the neo-liberal ideology • -> The advent of structural conditionality; WTO round • -> The deepening of economic integration: state policies and regulations in question • 2) The new liberal challenge: Regime theory and neo-liberal institutionalism • -> role of ideas and shared understandings, expectations • - > analogies from economic theory (transaction costs; market failure); game theory as a euristic (Axelrod; Oye) • -> Anarchy yes/absence of rules no: commitments and reciprocity • -> Rationalist explanations of institutions (Keohane)

  14. Some History (cd) • • The 1990s: PCW meets WWW • The end of the CW: Economics trumps security; • change in the character of American leadership (contested); - the use of sanctions as a political tool; The rise of regionalism • 2) Globalization and its critics • - NGOs and two level games • Technological change and IPE (communication studies) • from state-dominated to market dominated world economy? • Growing linkages between issue areas (trade and aid; environment; trade and health; labor; human rights) • IPE and international law • 3) IPE meets political theory • a) The Global Justice agenda • b) the Global democracy and legitimacy agenda • c) From politics of interests to the politics of identity

  15. IPE themes • conflict/cooperation replaces war and peace • International institutions are norms not places • domestic politics/comparative politics matter

  16. IPE: Framing horizontal questions • • WHY? What is the driving force in the global economy? • In this case? • Market competition - Collective search for efficiency • national ambitions and interstate rivalries • technology …OR Ideas and values • WHO? Who adjusts? • Importer/ exporters • My constituency / your constituency • Low skill labor in the North/in the South • EU / candidate countries • FOR WHOM? In Whose Interest? Great power; Collective; those in need

  17. International Political EconomyCaveat emptor (Ce que je crois)-> An actor-centred “good story”-> liberal assumptions: opportunity to cut deals; positive sum game; shared stake in a stable international economic order; governance issues-> realist assumptions: state centric but not always relative gains-> outside liberal framework: issues of global justice, issues of identity and norms-> Structure and agency-> Role of narratives: “Europe as a model”

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