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Timeline. Historical development of Karviná. Author: Mgr. Zdenka Mléčková. Karviná 1268-1992. 1867. 1992. 1447. 1529. 1781. 1617. 1939. 1520. 1823. 1268. 1564-1569. 1771. 1923. 1511. 1560. 1776. 1938. 1766. 1850. 1515-1530. 1327. 1571. 1792. 1920. 1948. 12 th June 1268.

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  1. Timeline Historical development of Karviná Author: Mgr. Zdenka Mléčková

  2. Karviná 1268-1992 1867 1992 1447 1529 1781 1617 1939 1520 1823 1268 1564-1569 1771 1923 1511 1560 1776 1938 1766 1850 1515-1530 1327 1571 1792 1920 1948

  3. 12thJune 1268 • The first written reference to the area is in the foundation charter issued by Vladislav the Duke of Opole for the Benedictine monastery in Orlová grating to right to extract salt in the Solca region, the centre of the region used to be in Fryštát. Back to Timeline

  4. 18th February 1327 • The first reference to Fryštát as a town was first mentioned in Liege Charter of Kazimír I., Duke of Těšín, for Czech king John ofLuxembourg. Back to Timeline

  5. 1447 • Bolek's Privilege granted the town the right of heritage „up to the fourth kinship branch“, the right of mile, right to brew bier, right to hunt on the lord's hunting grounds, right to establish guilds and right to have higher courts. Back to Timeline

  6. 16th century • Economic prosperity of the town Back to Timeline

  7. 1511 • The great fire destroyed almost the whole town. Back to Timeline

  8. 1520 • A bricked renaissance castle was constructed in its place near the town walls. Back to Timeline

  9. 1515-1530 • In the place of the burnt belfry of the parish church a tall bricked renaissance tower was built. Back to Timeline

  10. 1529 • The symbols of the town were a seal and a coat-of-arms. It shows a half of the Těšín eagle and a half of the lime-tree triple-leaf (a Slavonic atribute). Back to Timeline

  11. 1560 • The town had its own municipal constitution called „Order of Municipal Right in Ten Articles“. Back to Timeline

  12. 1564-1569 • A tall bricked renaissance tower facing the square was added to the main facade of the renewed bricked town hall. Back to Timeline

  13. 1571 • When Bedřich Kazimír, the Prince of Těšín, died, the town lost the title of a princely town and it became a serf town in 1572. Back to Timeline

  14. 1617 • The second great fire of Fryštát marked the town's deep decay. Back to Timeline

  15. 1766 • The oppression of serfs led to an open peasant rebellion. Back to Timeline

  16. 1771 • The corvée patent for Silesia. Back to Timeline

  17. 1776 • Coal was discovered – the history of the town and the whole region changed forever. Back to Timeline

  18. 1781 • Abolish servitude and declared freedom of faith. • The third great fire. Back to Timeline

  19. 1792 • New owner of Fryštát and the estate with a ruin of the castle become the family of Larisch-Mönichs. Back to Timeline

  20. 19th century • The Larisch-Mönichs established 4 great mines in Karviná. Back to Timeline

  21. 1823 • The fourth fire of the town. Back to Timeline

  22. 1850 • Fryštát remained a quiet little town, which become head of a newly established district. Back to Timeline

  23. 1867 • There was discovered healing spring, which developed into the present iodine spa Darkov. Back to Timeline

  24. 28th July 1920 • When the Czechoslovak Republic was established, it had no effect on the town. Back to Timeline

  25. 1923 • Karviná was promoted to a town. Back to Timeline

  26. 10th October 1938 • After the Munisch Dictate the Těšín region including the present town and its sourroundings was given to Beck's Poland and all authorities were replaced with the Polish administration. Back to Timeline

  27. 1st September 1939 • The town was incorporated into the Third Reich. Back to Timeline

  28. 1948 • The present city was established by merging Fryštát, Karviná, Darkov, Ráj and Staré Město into one conurbation named Karviná. Back to Timeline

  29. 1992 • The historic quarter Fryštát and spa Darkov were declared as municipal cultural heritage zone Karviná. Back to Timeline

  30. Sources: • PhDr. Rebrová, A. Karviná. Stručnou historií města. Karviná: Správa zámku a památkové péče OŠK Magistrátu města Karviné, 2006.

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