Literacy–This week we will continue our unit on inferring. We will look at some picture books that have no words and talk about how the pictures can give us clues as to what’s happening in the story. We will also read Wednesday Surprise and try to infer what might be happening at the end of the story. We will go back to trying to write stories like Dr. Seuss, using silly characters and maybe some rhymes too. We will have a phonics quiz on Friday Math Workshop– We ended last week learning about Tangrams, a seven piece ancient chinese puzzle. They are a lot of fun and I encourage you to get a set of your own. If not, I did send home paper tangrams that the children can use. These puzzles can be very hard for adults too (especially when they just give you an outline and no shape lines). This week we will concentrate on 3-D shapes. • Science/ Social Studies - We will celebrate the beginning of Spring! The first day of Spring is this coming Wednesday. Hopefully the weather will feel like Spring soon too! Weekly Update Happenings: Wednesday–library books returned *Fire Safety Program Friday - Recycle A Book and Wear Green. Bring in a gently used book to donate to a good cause. Sharing– Retell A Story. Practice at home before you do it in class. Remember to tell all the important parts in order