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Cynhyrchu Trydan / Electricity Generation

Cynhyrchu Trydan / Electricity Generation. Institute of Physics UK STEM Prifysgol Aberystwyth University. If you want to do something useful - you need energy. Os ydych am wneud rhywbeth defnyddiol – mae angen egni arnoch chi. Pan nad oes gennym egni, rydym yn teimlo’n flinedig

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Cynhyrchu Trydan / Electricity Generation

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  1. Cynhyrchu Trydan / Electricity Generation Institute of Physics UK STEM PrifysgolAberystwyth University

  2. If you want to do something useful - you need energy Os ydych am wneudrhywbethdefnyddiol – mae angenegniarnoch chi • Pan nad oes gennym egni, rydym yn teimlo’n flinedig We feel tired when we run out of energy • Felly rydym ni’n bwyta er mwyn inni gael egni So we eat to give us energy.

  3. Mae’n hegni ni yn dod o’n bwydOur energy comes from food. • Pan fyddwn ni’n bwyta... gallwn gerdded, meddwl, rhedeg, codi pethau, troi, gwthio, tynnu, a ------ • When we eat, we can walk, think, run, lift, turn, push, pull, and ------

  4. Mae egni neu ynni yn gwneud i bethau weithio Energy makes things work

  5. Beth sydd ei angen i’r pethau hyn weithio?What do we need to make these work? Trydan! Electricity!

  6. Heb drydan - Without electricity- Gallwn ddefnyddioWe might use • CanhwyllauCandles • Tân gloCoal fires • Semaffor i Semaphore to anfon send messages negeseuon • PianoPiano

  7. Switsh/ Switch Cyflenwadtrydan Supply of electricity Cell / Batri Cell / Battery Lamp Electronau / Electrons

  8. Switsh/ Switch Cyflenwadtrydan Supply of electricity Cell / Batri Cell / Battery Lamp Electronau / Electrons

  9. Pam mae trydan yn bwysig?Why is electricity important? • Mae’ngallugwneudibethauweithio • It can make things work. • Mae’nhawddsymud yr ynni o gwmpasdrwyddefnyddiogwifraui’r union le! • It is easy to move the energy around using wiresto just where you want it!

  10. Sut mae gwneud trydan? How is electricity made? Mae angen rhywbeth a fydd yn rhoi’r ynni i wthio’r electronau o gwmpas y gylched. We need something to provide energy to push the electrons around the circuit. dau brif ddewis: 2 main choices: Battri / a battery Generadur / generator

  11. Batri lemon / Lemon battery

  12. Beth ydym ni wedi’i ddysgu? What have we learned? • Energy makes things work. • Electricity can carry energy to where we need it. • Electricity can be made using • a battery • a generator. • Mae ynniyngwneudibethauweithio. • Mae trydanyngallucarioynnii’rlleoeddlle y mae eiangen. • Gellirgwneudtrydandrwyddefnyddio • batri • generadur.

  13. Mae angen generaduron anferth, cymaint â thai, er mwyn cynhyrchu trydan i dai, ffatrïoedd ac ysgolion.Huge generators as big as houses are needed to generate electricity for homes, factories and schools. • Gallwn ni gynhyrchu trydan – ond dim ond ychydig bach – hyd yn oed pan fyddwn yn gweithio’n galed. • We can generate electricity but only small amounts - even when we work hard.

  14. Second biggest generator in Britain

  15. AC Generator • Induced current can be increased in 4 ways: • Increasing the magnetic field strength • Increasing the number of turns on the coil • Increasing the area of the coil • Increasing the speed of movement

  16. Electromagnetic Induction

  17. Home Wind Turbine Kit

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