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Weekly demand – probably will stay around 800pw or 6.4% of list, bring in rate of 40% is fine, has dropped a little. Telephone response excellent, almost none held over. Face to face average wait has drifted up a little, may be random.
Weekly demand – probably will stay around 800pw or 6.4% of list,bring in rate of 40% is fine, has dropped a little.
Telephone response excellent, almost none held over. Face to face average wait has drifted up a little, may be random.
The likely reason is here. You have more phone demand Monday-Tuesday, and are pushing more f2f to the end of the week. This is OK, but can you shift balance to more sessions Monday?
Still, about 85% of face to face appts booked on the same day, great service.
Duration of consultations: this is efficient, unlikely to change much
Spread of consultation times is also significant, much wider for f2f, allowing time as clinically appropriate and not shackled to 10 minutes.
Response times to phone demand stabilising around 40 minutes.
Spread of demand coming in absolutely fine, would not expect this to change.
What’s looking good is that the SUPPLY of consults is starting to match the demand very closely (here average over 4 weeks, but picture works)
Loadmaster by day starting to look reasonable. Most days well spread, breakdown by working day/hour includes effect of bank holiday.
Continuity has dropped, particularly since the list increase and more in the latest full month. Have you noticed this in the practice?
Summary – need to work on continuity • Demand is stabilising by day and even by hour, pattern looks OK, volume may not move much but better continuity could help. • Service is very good, fast response and 85% same day. Do you offer 100% to be seen same day, so 15% is patient choice? • Consult durations average are medium to low end, unlikely to move a great deal. • Bring in rate is OK at 40%, may drop a little or are there a few more who could see the nurse? • Opportunity may lie in better continuity – line shows this may have dropped a little. Is there any explanation for this, or has it felt different, or have patients expressed difficulty in seeing their preferred GP?