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Collins Hill High School Junior Classical League 2011-2012

Collins Hill High School Junior Classical League 2011-2012.

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Collins Hill High School Junior Classical League 2011-2012

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  1. Collins Hill High School Junior Classical League 2011-2012 “Formed in 1936, the National Junior Classical League (NJCL) is an organization of junior and senior high school students sponsored by the American Classical League. Composed of local and state/provincial chapters across the United States, Canada, and Australia, it is the largest Classical organization in the world today with over 50,000 members. Its purpose is to encourage an interest in and an appreciation of the language, literature and culture of ancient Greece and Rome and to impart an understanding of the debt of our own culture to that of Classical antiquity.” (www.njcl.org) NJCL CreedWe the members of the Junior Classical League,covenant to hand on the torch of classical civilization in the modern world. We believe an acquaintance with the civilization of Greece and Rome will help us understand and appraise this world of today, Which is indebted to the ancient civilizationin its government and laws, literature, language and arts. We affirm the JCL experience develops responsibility,fosters brotherhood, promotes enthusiasm, encourages competition,inspires dedication and enriches our total growth. JCL Membership Policies Any student taking a course in Latin or a course in the classical humanities may join. Students are expected to attend 6/9 yearly meetings. Students are required to participate in the JCL/NLHS local service project. Yearly dues for JCL are $30. This includes membership in the local and national JCL , the National Latin Exam and a T-Shirt. Due date for forms and the dues: Monday, September 26th to Magistra Smith

  2. Calendar of Events August: Wednesday 8/17 Info Meeting/Open floor 2.119 September: Wednesday, 9/14 Certamen and NLHS Meeting Wednesday, 9/21 Olympika Meeting, Collins Hill Park after school Saturday, 9/25 Movie Outing TBA October: Wednesday, 10/5 Museum Trip Information Meeting Wednesday, 10/12 Certamen Wednesday, 10/19 Scavenger Hunt Thursday, 10/20 Certamen Thursday, 10/27 Certamen Saturday, 10/29 FALL FORUM@NORTH GWINNETT Saturday, TBA Carlos Museum & Varsity November: Thursday, 11/23 Certamen Wednesday, 11/9 Movie in Smith’s Room Thursday, 11/10 Certamen Saturday, 11/12 Turkey Buzz-Off CertamenTournament@Mountain View Wednesday, 11/16 Dinner at Fini’s December: Thursday, 12/1-Friday, 12/16 Toy Drive Begins Wednesday, 12/7 Saturnalia Party Saturday, TBA Gwinnett Gladiators Game January: Thursday, 1/12 Certamen Wednesday, 1/18 JCL Meeting Friday, 1/27 Bowling, time TBA February: Wednesday, 2/8 JCL Meeting Thursday, 2/9 Certamen Friday, 2/24 Laser Tag Tuesday, 2/28 Dinner at CiCi’s March: Wednesday, 3/14 Movie In Smith’s Room/Convention Information Thursday, 3/15 Certamen April: Wednesday, 4/11 Olympika @ Collins Hill Park Thursday, 4/12 Certamen Wednesday, 4/18 Pre-Convention Meeting (mandatory for participants) Friday, 4/20 – Sunday, 4/22 LATIN CONVENTION! @ ROCK EAGLE May: Wednesday, 5/2 Elections TBA Honors Night Bold=JCL Monthly Meetings Bold/Italic=Statewide Events NLHS Meetings and Ceremonies will be determined at a later date. ***Calendar of events is subject to changes by Magistra Smith. All changes will be announced. "Dimidium facti qui coepit habet"He who has begun has half the deed done.Horace, Epistulae I.40

  3. 2011-2012 JUNIOR CLASSICAL LEAGUE MEMBER INFORMATION SHEET Student Name:_____________________________ Student Number:___________________ Grade Level:__________ Level in Latin:___________ T-Shirt Size:_________ Student Email:_________________________ Student Phone Number:________________ Best Way to Contact? _____email ______phone Parent/Guardian Name:_______________________________________ Parent Email:__________________________ Parent Phone Number:_________________ Best Way to Contact? _____email ______phone Are you interested in chaperoning JCL/NLHS events? ______yes ______no ______maybe JCL Collins Hill Club Rules and Policies: All meetings will begin promptly at 2:30 pm. Meetings will end no later than 3:30 pm. Students are expected to follow school rules at all times. Students are expected to be positive to sponsors and peers at all times. Student membership will be revoked should negative behavior occur at the discretion of the sponsors. Cell phones are not permitted during meetings. Students MUST be picked up by 3:30 pm. Students are not permitted to wander the school without teacher supervision after 3:30 pm. This form must be returned to Magistra Smith by September 26, 2011. By providing your signature below, you have read the policies above. _______________________________________ ___________________________________________ Student Signature Parent signature DUES INFO: T-shirt Size (Please Circle One): S M L XL XXL _____JCL membership and T-Shirt $30 _____Extra Shirts (quantity x $12) $12 each (Sizes________________________) TO BE FILLED OUT BY MAGISTRA SMITH ONLY Date:_____________________ Name:____________________________________ ______TOTAL $ Paid By: ______Check (#_______) ______Cash

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