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A Principal s Guide to Title I Requirements

2. The Basics. Signed into law in 1964 by President Johnson, next reauthorization 2007Allocations to district based on census data and expenditures, NOT on free and reduced percentagesTwo models: schoolwide OR targeted assistance. . 3. Building Allocation. Districts receiving Title I funds mus

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A Principal s Guide to Title I Requirements

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    1. A Principal’s Guide to Title I Requirements

    2. 2 The Basics Signed into law in 1964 by President Johnson, next reauthorization 2007 Allocations to district based on census data and expenditures, NOT on free and reduced percentages Two models: schoolwide OR targeted assistance

    3. 3 Building Allocation Districts receiving Title I funds must first deduct set asides Balance is allocated to buildings based on rules Buildings with over 75% poverty must be served Amount to building based on per pupil amount, not total building expenditure Buildings with higher poverty must be allocated at least as much or more per pupil than a building with lower poverty

    4. 4 Supplement vs. Supplant Three presumptions of supplanting: Service or supply was funded with other sources in prior year Service is required by another state or federal program Same service or supply provided with other resources to non-Title students

    5. 5 Targeted Assistance Model NCLB Section 1115 Only option for buildings with less than 40% poverty Serves only designated students based on rank order list Rank order list must include multiple assessments, teacher input, parent input, and may include other criteria Document!

    6. 6 Schoolwide Programs NCLB Section 1114 Option for buildings with 40% or more poverty Can combine some, but not all programs Can reach any student needing services (no rank order, more fluid groupings) Must meet intent and purpose of programs Written plan must contain all 10 components and implement them Successful schoolwide model requires the commitment from entire building and year planning process

    7. 7 Schoolwide Components Comprehensive needs assessment Reform strategies Instruction by highly-qualified staff Professional development activities Strategies to attract highly-qualified teachers to high need schools

    8. 8 Schoolwide Components (cont.) Strategies to increase parental involvement Transition plans (preschool, grade to grade) Include teachers in assessment decisions Describe strategies used for low-achieving students Coordinate and integrate federal, state and local programs and services

    9. 9 Elements Common to Both Targeted Assistance and Schoolwide Models Comprehensive needs assessment Research-based instructional strategies Instruction by highly-qualified staff Professional development plan Inclusion in the school improvement planning process Building parent involvement plan and activities Identify students not meeting state standards and describe strategies used Coordination with other programs Annual evaluation

    10. 10 Time and Effort Requirements OMB Circular A87 All federal programs require some type of time and effort reporting Multiple cost objective=monthly time report signed by employee Single cost objective=semi-annual certification Schoolwide program is a single cost objective Can be met with a semi-annual certification May be signed by the building principal

    11. 11 Schoolwide Program

    12. 12 Parent Notifications Beginning of the School Year Letters sent to parents prior to beginning of school: Each parent in a Title I funded school has the right to request qualifications of child(ren)’s teachers and instructional paraprofessionals (NCLB 1111) Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) status and options if school did not make AYP (NCLB 1116) Transportation for public school choice (Step 1 on) Supplemental educational services (Step 2 on)

    13. 13 Additional Items to Distribute to Parents Parent-teacher-student compact Building parent involvement plan Schedule of required conferences Date of meeting to describe Title I program and communicate strategies; additional meetings may be scheduled Notification if child is taught by non highly- qualified teacher or para for more than 20 days

    14. 14 Building Parent Involvement Plan NCLB Section 1118 Parents, including Title I parents, must be involved in designing and annually evaluating parent involvement policy and compacts Plan must address barriers to effective parent involvement and strategies to reduce Title I can pay for child care, transportation, and light refreshment for parent meetings Need to address the training of parents about academic achievement Coordination with other programs that have parent involvement requirements

    15. 15 Principal Attestation (Certification of Highly-Qualified Staff) Must be signed by principal (NCLB 1119) Copies must be maintained At building receiving Title I funds Targeted Assistance Schoolwide Program At the district office Available to public on request

    16. 16 Professional Development NCLB Section 1119 Paraprofessionals and teachers have until the end of school year 05-06 to become highly qualified Ensure staff is highly qualified and complete attestation Must align with the building school improvement plan and be data-driven Research-based and sustainable Coordination with other federal and state programs encouraged Title I can pay for some professional development; check with your Title I Director

    17. 17 Professional Development for Buildings Not Making AYP Buildings not making Adequate Yearly Progress for two years or more must set aside and spend at least an amount equal to 10% of their allocation for professional development Must address the needs of the identified groups of students

    18. 18

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    21. 21 Paraprofessional Duties NCLB Section 1119 Teacher provides assessment, lesson plans, and modify instruction based on evaluation Paraprofessionals may instruct in small groups or tutor one-to-one if supervised by highly-qualified teacher in close proximity

    22. 22 Paraprofessionals Duties and Responsibilities Title I paraprofessionals can perform non-instructional duties if: Other paras in building are performing for like period of time; and Small amount of work day (5%)-use caution; this can be a gray area

    23. 23 Learning Assistance Program (LAP) State formula allocation based on poverty 9-12 provision in the new law Serves lowest performing students K-12 Parent involvement component Can be combined into a schoolwide model but can only serve students not meeting standard Provides a variety of program services

    24. 24 Students are identified for program services in the same manner as Title I, Part A Teacher recommendation Assessment information Other data

    25. 25 Learning Assistance Program LAP (cont.) Does not have to be allocated based on poverty rank order like Title I, Part A but serves low achieving students Can be allocated to any public school but not private schools Student Learning Plans must be developed for students or groups of students receiving LAP assistance

    26. 26 Questions

    27. 27 Please complete your evaluations Clock hour forms available

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