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Welcome to 6 th Grade Secrets to Success. Welcome!. We are so excited about the new school year! We are sure that the transition to the middle school has left you with many questions. Tonight, we will provide you with some general information about our team and middle school in general.
Welcome! We are so excited about the new school year! We are sure that the transition to the middle school has left you with many questions. Tonight, we will provide you with some general information about our team and middle school in general.
Technology • We DO allow technology in our school. We believe technology can be a great asset to learning. However, there are a few stipulations…. • Students can only use technology for school purposes (research, dictionary app, educational websites) when their teachers tells them it’s ok. • They are not allowed to text anyone, use social media, etc. If they are caught using their technology inappropriately or at a time when it’s not supposed to be in use, it will be taken up, given to an administrator, and he/she will receive 2 days of detention. **Please know that your child does NOT have to have technology in order to do school work. We do provide other ways to do the work.
Tardy? • If a student is tardy more than 3 times in 1 month, it is considered a class I offense. • Students will be assigned after school detention. • Students are tardy if they are not in their classroom by 7:55 each morning or if they are late to individual classes during the school day. (Students have 4 minutes to change classes.) • Please note that we do EASE the students into this especially with the rotating schedule HTMS follows.
SCHEDULE! • We have two different schedules at the middle school. • On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays we use a regular schedule. Tuesdays and Thursdays have a flipped schedule. It may sound confusing, but it has a lot of benefits! • At the middle school there is time set aside four days a week (Tuesday-Friday) for HT Time and Clubs. • Students get to choose their clubs, and there are a lot of great choices! • HT Time can be used for homework, make-up work, and getting extra help from teachers. • We run a regular schedule for the first several days of school until students are familiar with their class location. • Students have 4 minutes to change classes.
HTMS Clubs • Each nine weeks the students get the opportunity to choose a club they’d like to be a part of. Clubs take place on Wednesday and Friday during the “HT” part of the schedule. On Tuesday and Thursday, HT time is used for homeroom where we discuss any events taking place, spend time reading and/or doing homework, etc. • Clubs are a wide variety of topics from peace and quiet to intermural sports and even animal rescue club. Students usually have 10-15 clubs to choose from. • Each nine weeks, students will be given the opportunity to take a survey to give their top 5 choices. Students will then be assigned one of those choices based on amount of space available in each club.
Discipline Procedures “To whom much is given, much is expected.” • As sixth graders, students are afforded new privileges that were not present in elementary school. In order to help the students successfully adjust to middle school, we have established a system of freedom within limits. In the event that these privileges are abused, they will be removed until behavior has improved. If a student chooses to misbehave, he/she has chosen to accept the following consequences: • First offense: Warning • Second offense: Sign discipline book • Third offense: Contact parent • Fourth offense: Office referral • *Major offenses (Class II or III) will be referred directly to the office. • A record of student behavior will be kept by each teacher and start over at the end of each nine weeks period. In the event that these procedures are ineffective for any student, alternative consequences will be at the discretion of the teacher, the administrators, and/or the students’ parents.
Dress Code • At HTMS we do enforce dress code in order to protect our students from distraction. Dress code is enforced every day including field trips and spring fling. • Shorts and skirts can be no more than 4 inches above the knee. • Shirt straps need to be 3 finger lengths, and no racer back shirts are allowed. • Please assist us with this as we work to protect your children from distraction.
Student Agendas • Students may use an agenda pad that works well for them. • Homework assignments will be written in agenda pads daily. This is a crucial tool for 6th graders. • Each teacher will have a place in his or her room where homework assignments will be written. It is each student’s responsibility to copy the homework into his or her agenda pad. • If students are absent, they are responsible for all missed work. Two days are given to make up assignments for each day they are absent . Ex: 2 days missed = work turned in on 4th day
Late Assignments • All grades will be put in the computer (iNow) as soon as the assignment has been graded. • If a student is absent, the assignment missed will be left blank in iNow until he/she completes the assignment based upon the school make-up work policy. Students, with an excused absence, are allowed no more than two days for every day absent to make up any test or assignment. • We encourage parents to check iNow Home weekly. This link can be found on the HTMS website on the left hand side of the site under the resources tab labeled “iNow”. Username and passwords can be obtained through the front office. However, if your child attended Paine last year, the username and passwords remain the same.
Late Work Policy – “The Power of One”:If a student fails to complete an assignment or his/her quality of work does not meet expectations, students will receive a grade of “1”. Once a student receives a “1”, he/she can only earn up to 50% when the assignment is completed. If a “1” is not turned in within one week, the grade will then default to a zero and cannot be made up. If a student is absent, the missed assignment will be entered in iNow as a “1” until he/she completes the assignment based on the school’s make-up policy (with an excused absence students are allowed no more than two days for every missed day). The student will be given full credit for his/her work if it is turned in within the allotted time frame.
Newsletters • We will send out a newsletter each week on Friday. It is crucial to read over this newsletter as it will answer a lot of questions you may have about a school event, assignment, or upcoming tests or projects.
New to the middle school? • There are several procedures we do differently here than the intermediate school. For example: • Excuses for being absent go to the office, not the teacher and cannot be sent through email. • Students will take their lunch money to the lunch room when their class goes to lunch that day. • If your child is sick, he/she must go to the nurse. Unfortunately, he/she will not be able to text you to get them or to bring them medicine—the nurse must get in contact with you. • If a student is late to school, they’ll have to check in through the office—even if they are only 5 minutes late. • In the mornings, students will typically wait in the gym unless a teacher gives them a pass to come to their room for one reason or another.
Transportation • Please make sure your child knows how he/she is getting home after school. If he/she is riding the bus, please tell them to write down their bus number on the first day.
Alpha Dog Hall Pass Students have 4 minutes between classes to go to lockers/restroom. However, we understand emergencies do happen. Each student will receive 3 team passes each 9 weeks.
MATH – Mrs. Bettis We start each day with………. • Daily Math/Sprints/Number Talks/ACT aspire problems • 60% summative assessments (tests) • 30% formative assessments (mini quizzes, quizzes, and homework/classwork) • 10% nine weeks test • Homework (Usually 2 days a week)
Social Studies – Mrs. Dennis American History – 1900 – Present Total Points Tests and Quizzes – Point value will vary HW/CW – Point value will vary Projects – Point value will vary Objectives/pertinent vocabulary – see website for chapter objectives and vocabulary, PDF chapters, PPTS, and much more…
Science – Mrs. Brown Total Points Interactive Notebooks-100 point grade at end of 9 weeks Labs-Reflections Tests and Quizzes- Point values may vary (Tests are usually 100 pts and Quizzes usually 50 pts) Projects- approximately one project per 9 weeks-Point values vary
Language – Ms. Cruit • Grades: • 50% = Mastery • Tests, Projects, Major Writing Assignments • 30% = Checkpoint • Quizzes, Smaller Writing Assignments • 20% = Practice • Completion/Participation Credit • In Class: • Grammar, Elements of Composition, Listening and Speaking • Homework: • If a student does not complete his or her within the allotted class time, he or she is expected to finish at home. • All class resources and learning tools can be accessed via Google Classroom.
ReadingGrading Scale Summative Assessments: 60% (Roots test, skills tests)Formative Assessments: 20% (Root work, classwork, quizzes)Reading Logs/Stop and Jot: 20% (IDR participation, weekly journal, reading log) Whole Points Students are expected to have an IDR book with them each day in reading class. Each of us teach a reading class. The same concepts may be covered in English class, but they are applied differently. Students should have their summer reading book with them in reading class for the first few weeks of school. Supplies: 1½ inch binder and 5 tabs Wonder by RJ Palacio Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli The Cay by Theodore Taylor
Remind 101 - Remind 101 is a great tool to remind students and parents about tests, items due, school events, and more! This Remind 101 information is for the Alpha Dawg team and will be used to send reminders occasionally. If you and your child choose to participate, simply text Mrs. Bettis (math) @6aaf92 to the number 81010 Remind 101 should not replace the student’s responsibility of writing down their daily homework.
Meet the Teacher • If you know anyone who couldn’t join us tonight, please tell them to come by to meet us at Meet the Teacher on Tuesday, August 8th from 7am-9am.
We hope that tonight has been helpful. If you have any concerns related specifically to your child, please email us at the following addresses:
Email Addresses: MATH ann.bettis@trussvillecityschools.com LANGUAGE morgan.cruit@trussvillecityschools.com SOCIAL STUDIES mindy.dennis@trussvillecityschools.com SCIENCE rebecca.brown@trussvillecityschools.com