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TechnoTN Forum 2005. Roundtable – Theme 1: “ Employability of Graduates ” 20 th May 2005. Working Group nr. 2. Discussion / strategy for the group. First hour devoted to a free discussion inspired from the presentations Various options have been presented on aspects of the subject line
TechnoTN Forum 2005 Roundtable – Theme 1: “Employability of Graduates” 20th May 2005 Working Group nr. 2
Discussion / strategy for the group • First hour devoted to a free discussion inspired from the presentations • Various options have been presented on aspects of the subject line • Recommendations have been elaborated and agreed upon the group
Topics discussed • Difference in salaries between 1st and 2nd cycle graduates • First cycle graduates not accepted by the public sector (authorities) • The image of the institution is often more important than the level • Different approach to the two levels from the companies
Recommendations Recommendations have been subdivided according to the following addressees: • Universities/Higher Education Institutions • Students • Regional Authorities • National Authorities • European Commission • Economic Partners • Thematic Networks
Recommendations to Universities(1/4): • Connections between future graduates and employers • Connections with employers in order to make them understand the first/second cycle level • Awareness of how the EU is moving • Create a clear image of educational profiles and specialisations (in terms of provided skills and professional abilities)
Recommendations to Universities (2/4): • Organise information campaigns for parents and companies in order to explain the differences between first and second cycle • Accept and develop procedures for assessing « real competences » • Closer interaction and co-operation between universities and industries
Recommendations to Universities (3/4): • Enhance flexibility within first and second cycle degrees curricula (structure, content, profile, specialisation, etc) • Facilitate the access from the first to the second cycle especially to students who spent a period in industry in between (e.g. by counselling, special courses etc) • Develop life long learning possibilities and accreditation
Recommendations to Universities (4/4): • Educate the students to become good learners • Implement the Diploma Supplement • Devise competence - oriented curricula • Refuse leveling of salaries between first and second cycle graduates • Inform about the knowledge differences of the first and second cycle graduates
Recommendations to Students: • Request transparency from their institutions as far as first and second cycle curricula and procedures are concerned • Keep in contact with the industry world
Recommendations to Regional Authorities: • Help small and medium size enterprises to know graduates
Recommendations to National Authorities • Make order into salaries • Further application of recognition, equivalence and transparence tools like NARIC, ECTS, DS etc • Allow universities to have more flexible structures • Accept diversity and guarantee flexibility • Follow-up with “rewards” and “punishments”
Recommendations to the European Commission • Help mobility of graduates
Recommendations to Economic Partners • Open contacts with the Universities
Recommendations to Thematic Networks • Organise surveys on employability • Disseminate of information through out Europe on possible jobs in European countries • Organise information campaigns, e.g. big events/fairs in which the companies will interview students (possibly with the EC financial contribution)
TechnoTN Forum 2005 Roundtable – Theme 2: “Human Resources for Science and Technology in Europe” 20th May 2005 Working Group nr. 2
Topics discussed • Accreditation • ICT • PhD – 3rd level
Some information on the creation of EUR-ACE has been given The Chemist Label Accreditation has been presented in short The problems of the possible conflict between national and EU systems of accreditation have been discussed Discussion
The advantages of ICT for students but the fact that it is time consuming for teachers have been pointed out The fact that not all doctoral graduates become researchers has been emphasised It has been stressed that Europe is investing in training researchers but then does not pay them Discussion
Develop Recommended Reference Curricula (based on competences) in given fields and have them accepted by professional associations, etc Award a "Label" to the Higher Education Institutions applying the RRC to TNs Accreditation: Recommendations (1/2)
Coordinate initiatives at EU and National level to EU and National authorities Accreditation:Recommendations (2/2) • Award a "Label" for teaching materials • to TNs • Use specialists/experts of the field • supplied by TNs
Develop education degree for members of academic staff, including e-learning to Universities ICT:Recommendations (1/2) • Create trans-national courses implemented in curricula • to Universities and TNs • More support and recognition to develop e-learning to Universities
Make available on-line "Labeled" teaching materials ICT:Recommendations (2/2) to Universities
Try to convince universities' authorities to favour the creation of spin-offs ( highly specialized jobs for PhD’s) to Univ., EU, Nat. Gov. PhD – 3rd level:Recommendations (1/2) • Avoid losing talents, by giving more financing for research • to Univ., Industry
Attract the best minds (for science) to stay and do a PhD PhD – 3rd level:Recommendations (2/2) to Universities
TechnoTN Forum 2005 Roundtable – Theme 3: “Learning for innovating” 21st May 2005 Working Group nr. 2
Discussion / strategy for the group • First hour devoted to a free discussion inspired from the presentations • Various options have been presented on aspects of the subject line • Recommendations have been elaborated and agreed upon the group
Topics discussed • PBL courses in groups-"Villages" of students from different faculties • Learning to respect the interdisciplinary approach • Ways of educating or Innovation • Social aspects of Innovation • Creation of events/competitions to encourage innovation • Innovation in fundamental research is not supported enough
Recommendations Recommendations have been subdivided according to the following topics: • Team work - project oriented • Educating for innovation • Interpersonal abilities or skills • Involvement of industry • Events • Role of ICT
Team work - project oriented • "Villages" of students from different faculties • Case studies • Importance of tutoring • Interdisciplinarity • Team thinking • Use special evaluation criteria for Team work
Educating for Innovation • Educating in interdisciplinary subjects • Seminars on skills (with credits etc) • Formation of good adult learners by educating them to retrieve information • Formation of good adult learners by educating them to learn how to learn • Give students responsibility for learning
Interpersonal abilities or skills • Communication abilities • Networking
Involvement of industry • Presentation of industry within universities • Stages
Events (involving professional associations) • Presentations of work • Debates • Games (National/European level) • Forums for presentation of team work
Role of ICT • Educating to the correct use of ICT • Combine e-learning with face to face teaching • Use of e-learning to enhance and not to reduce the fundamental knowledge of each science
Closing comments • Training in Innovation may help screen potential innovators • If major changes have to be introduced (e.g. villages) all stakeholders must be committed
TechnoTN Forum 2005 Members of Working Group nr 2 Luigi Magni - BIOTECHUNTE Bernard Leyh - ECTN Evangelia Varella - ECTN Erwin Heine - EEGECS Robin de Keiser - ESTIA-Net Malgorzata Radkiewicz - ESTIA-Net Eivind Bratteland - EUCEET Victor de Kosinski - EULLearN Petar Kenderov - ETN DEC Manuel Molla - HERODOT Cristina Silva - ISEKI Food (Rapporteur) Margarita Maria Vieira - ISEKI Food Karine Dorcéan - SEFI Francesco Maffioli - TREE / Techno TN coordinator (President) Aris Avdelas - TREE(Rapporteur) Elisa Guberti - TREE Marco Taisch - Politecnico di Milano