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FY 12 Space Survey Purpose

FY 12 Space Survey Purpose. Determine room usage for F&A proposal to the federal government – FY 12 is a base year A Space use survey is the process of assigning functional use categories, such as instruction and organized research, to each room the University owns or leases

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FY 12 Space Survey Purpose

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  1. FY 12 Space SurveyPurpose Determine room usage for F&A proposal to the federal government – FY 12 is a base year A Space use survey is the process of assigning functional use categories, such as instruction and organized research, to each room the University owns or leases Space survey (how) vs space inventory (what)
  2. FY 12 Space SurveyPurpose Other uses Space Planning & Financial Metrics Department/Division/PI Research Space ( IDC 82 & 97) Research Funding (Direct $ & MTDC $’s) / Research Space Headcount (current staff, students) working in research space Financial Allocations Clinical Space Charges Internal & External Reporting/Benchmarking
  3. FY 12 Space SurveyThe Survey Process – Basic Considerations Room specific Functional use percentages must reflect the specific activities performed in each room Arbitrary percentages, such as averages or repeating percentages, are not acceptable Room “clusters” are acceptable
  4. FY 12 Space SurveyThe Survey Process – Basic Considerations Survey period Activities in the room for the entire fiscal year, not a point in time Survey starts before the end of the fiscal year, so consideration should be given to anticipated activity for the remainder of the year Knowledge of activities in the room The person completing the survey for a specific room should “walk the space” and must have first-hand knowledge about: Who occupies the room The funding sources of the occupants The activities conducted in the room Documentation Facilitates the review process-how & why a room was coded
  5. FY 12 Space SurveyThe Survey Process – Basic Considerations Management of time & effort Spend time planning before entering data to the system Functional use levels that are accurate, material, & supportable Some space is easier to code than others Minimize time spent analyzing less complex space Allow time for review process
  6. FY 12 Space SurveyThe Survey Process – Basic Considerations Verify accuracy of the space inventory Compare to floor plans Contact Keith Van Booven if there have been renovations that have not been reported Room number, square footage, department, room type Consider the type of room to determine the approach Analyze the activities in the room to determine how the room should be coded
  7. FY 12 Space SurveySpecific Issues PI Space Office space Lab space Support (service) rooms Junior faculty – if extramural funding in their name that supports more than just their salary
  8. FY 12 Space SurveyThe Survey Process – Types of Rooms Offices Code according to the specific functional use of the room Identify occupants, funding sources, and activities in the room Conference rooms & other multipurpose rooms (break rooms, lounges, etc…) Code as joint use Instructional space Classrooms & class labs are normally coded 100% instruction Clinical space Determine functional activity based on the scheduling of the room
  9. FY 12 Space SurveyThe Survey Process – Lab Space Determine occupants Faculty/staff Students Include those not paid by the university Visiting faculty, hospital staff, unpaid students – code as instruction, other institutional activity (OIA), clinical, or external activity as appropriate Determine funding sources of the occupants Relationship between funding sources and activities Voluntary uncommitted cost sharing (VUCS) Additional cost sharing on a project not committed in the award proposal Not included in the research base Space should be coded organized research
  10. FY 12 Space SurveyThe Survey Process – Lab Space Determine how the occupants use the room A person can work in multiple rooms and be doing different activities in each room For example, a faculty member may use a research lab for organized research & a classroom for instruction Proportionate use of space Amount of time Working full time (1.0 FTE) vs part time (FTE less than 1.0) Working the entire year vs part of the year Amount of space
  11. FY 12 Space SurveyThe Survey Process – Types of Rooms Support rooms Average functional use of the rooms supported Assign to department and/or PI based on % of use - logical, documented, not arbitrary Headcount Grant funding Equipment ownership Overall use of geographic area (building or floor)
  12. FY 12 Space SurveyThe Survey Process – Types of Rooms Support rooms Service Room feature in WebSpace Rooms that provide support or service to other rooms Survey percentages will automatically be calculated by the weighted average of all the benefitting rooms that have been surveyed Benefitting rooms are rooms that benefit from the service provided by the associated service room (e.g. labs) Service rooms Dark room (254) Cold room (258) Non class lab service (255) Electron microscope (259) Glass wash (256) Clean room (260) Warm room (257) Benefitting rooms can be added or deleted at any time Do not add occupants to a service room Do not cluster service rooms
  13. FY 12 Space SurveyThe Survey Process – Types of Rooms Animal facilities HHS policy issued November 15, 1999 Should not be classified as SSF if housing animals involved in research and if the animals are generally not removed from the animal facility to conduct the research Does not matter if the animals stay in the animal rooms or are moved between animal rooms and procedure rooms within the animal facility Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM) will determine if the space is specialized service facility (SSF)
  14. FY 12 Space SurveyThe Survey Process – Types of Rooms Animal facilities Space used by departments that is not SSF space will not be assigned to the departments Will not be split by department or PI Departments will not be responsible for inventory or survey Survey will be based on billings
  15. FY 12 Space SurveyThe Survey Process – Types of Rooms Specialized service facilities/recharge centers Mark room as recharge on edit screen Payroll funds will be assigned function code 85 Rooms will need to be split if the recharge center/SSF activity is not the only activity in the room The business manager or center manager should be assigned as PI/PO, not a faculty member Survey will be based on billing data - Cost Analysis will complete the survey
  16. FY 12 Space SurveyThe Survey Process – Types of Rooms Specialized service facilities/recharge centers Core facilities Grant funding Recharge center Program income
  17. FY 12 Space SurveyThe Survey Process – Types of Rooms Specialized service facilities/recharge centers Specialized service facilities Cyclotron DCM MR Facility Recharge centers included in the University’s disclosure stmt Biochemistry Stockroom Microarray Facility CCIR MicroPet Facility Center for Biomedical Informatics Spt Missouri Family Registry/TSPR Center for Clinical Studies Molecular Biology Stockroom Center of Genome Science Mouse Genetics Core Facility Computer Support Group NTS Software Licensing DNA Sequencing Proteomics Genechip Core Radioactive Waste Disposal GTAC Small Animal MR Medpics/Medical Illustration Core Laboratory for Clinical Studies (CLCS)-Research Testing Core Flow Cytometry & Fluorescence Activitated Cell Sort
  18. FY 12 Space SurveyThe Survey Process – Types of Rooms Specialized service facilities/recharge centers Recharge centers under $250K Animal Models Core Hope Ctr Molecular Genetics Core Facility Human Genetics Molecular Microbiology Imaging Facility DSG Computing Cluster Molecular Microbiology Glassware Fac Earhart Research Activities Molecular Microbiology Svc Maint Shop Embryonic Stem Cell Core Molecular Pathology Lab Facilities Electronics Shop Mo Flo Cell Sorting Core Facilities Machine Shop Mouse Phenotype Core Hamlet Core Neuroimaging Core Hope Ctr Histology Service Center Pathology Histology Clinical HTS Robotics Core Pathology Histology Lab Metabolomics Core Pathology Hybridoma Facility Molecular Biology Core Hope Ctr Pathology Immunohistology Lab
  19. FY 12 Space SurveyThe Survey Process – Types of Rooms Specialized service facilities/recharge centers Recharge centers under $250K PCR Freezer Fund Transgenic Core Facility Pediatric Research Freezer Fund Transgenic Vectors Core Hope Ctr Pediatric Special Projects Lab WUBIOS Computing Res Tissue Procurement Core
  20. FY 12 Space SurveyWeb Space No changes to the application this year Version 7.0 DC Manual Home Page – pg 5 Edit Room – pg 20 Inventory – pg 17 Service Room – pg 38 Survey – pg 42 Recharge Room – pg 50 Clustering – pg 34 Assignment – pg 8
  21. FY 12 Space SurveySpecific Issues % time in room 1.0 FTE x 50% time in room = .50 0.5 FTE x 100% time in room = .50 Cumulative Time %
  22. FY 12 Space SurveySpecific Issues FTE Source is the FTE in HRMS Adjusted FTEs If an FTE is 0 and the individual was paid, an adjusted FTE will be calculated The FTE will be adjusted for any employee that did not work the entire year using the start and/or end date to calculate the adjusted FTE Users can change FTEs, but it has a potential impact on the calculation for other space occupied by that individual
  23. FY 12 Space SurveySpecific Issues Vacant space Should only be coded as inactive (function code 93) if it was vacant the entire year Assign the business manager as PI/PO Note in the comments section if space is being held for a recruit for the upcoming fiscal year Sub function – not required this year Do not split rooms for space inactive for part of the year
  24. FY 12 Space SurveySpecific Issues Vacant space EOY status flag on the edit screen Default is Y Enter N if the PI is not assigned to the space at the end of the year
  25. FY 12 Space SurveySpecific Issues All organized research, department research, and other sponsored activity space should have: Faculty member assigned as PI/PO that has associated funding taking place in this room OSA (other sponsored) activity (function code 83) normally takes place in an office or clinical setting If a wet lab (room type 250) is coded with this function code, verify that OSA activity is in fact occurring in this setting Verify that the account profile is correct. Contact the Med School Finance Office with any questions.
  26. FY 12 Space SurveySpecific Issues Centers in the BJC Institute of Health building and elsewhere Center is the assignee/owner – work with Rebecca to update if necessary Department/sub department should be the home department(s) of the PIs that use the space Important to determine the allocation of space to the PIs associated with the space Center #1 includes activities for 4 PI’s then space should be assigned to those 4 PI’s proportionately
  27. FY 12 Space SurveySpecific Issues Centers in the BJC Institute of Health building and elsewhere
  28. FY 12 Space SurveySpecific Issues Room Types Appropriate use New room types Animal space
  29. FY 12 Space SurveySpecific Issues Research Support Form F&A Base Year requirement Any room that has been coded as organized research must be reviewed by the PI assigned to that space Authenticate occupants and activities PI signature required “Electronic” signature acceptable WebSpace reports acceptable Submit to Keith Van Booven by September 30
  30. FY 12 Space SurveySpecific Issues Quality Assurance Review Exception reports Departments/PIs with research space but no funding Departments/PIs with research funding but no space Comparison of department/PI space coded organized research to department/PI salaries funded by organized research accounts Research density – organized research salaries & wages per square foot of organized research space People density – headcount / research nsf
  31. FY 12 Space SurveySpecific Issues Audit roles Allows reporting access to assigned area DC and Sub DC Cost sharing/DBBS students Accounts not used as part of final survey Temp IDs If an individual is in HRMS they are in WebSpace so adding a Temp ID is unnecessary
  32. FY 12 Space SurveySpecific Issues Room type/function code combinations Renovations – call Facilites (Keith Van Booven or Cheryl Kilwin) Room types 50, 60, 70 should not be coded as an active room Do not use unassigned function code (80) Add room function – not available, call Facilities Remove room function – call Facilities Changes to completed rooms Redo survey Edit occupants does not automatically change survey Survey dropped if inventory completed again Changes to rooms in cluster call central administrator to drop survey
  33. FY 12 Space SurveySpecific Issues Assignee/owner department, responsible party Assignee/owner can be updated in WebSpace, but must be updated in AI Space to update focus database Responsible party field does not display in WebSpace, must be updated in AI Space External space Use function code 92 – external operations Howard Hughes investigators – space used by projects funded by Howard Hughes, transfer to department H060 Browser “hot” keys Complete survey for all rooms or clusters
  34. FY 12 Space SurveyReporting WebSpace Reporting Recommended Reports Space statistics report Survey Summary by PI/PO Survey Results by Department Occupants Identified/Not Identified Accounts Used/Not Used Completed Survey Report Ad hoc reporting-reports can be developed to meet specific needs
  35. FY 12 Space SurveyReporting Data Warehouse Implemented for central area Available reports Room Review Report Space Utilization Report Research Support Form The future – reporting menu available to department users Possible implementation this year so departments can run research support form Ad hoc reporting-reports can be developed to meet specific needs
  36. FY 12 Space SurveyReporting Focus Reporting Database updated nightly from WebSpace and AI Space Existing information for each room until survey completed New function code of XX for space that does not have prior year survey data PI/PO and occupant changes do not update focus until the survey is completed Room data may not match if changes, i.e. shared rooms PI/PO and responsible party are not the same WebSpace PI/PO - focus field names resp_fname, resp_lname AI Space responsible party - focus field name respon (field title-respparty)
  37. FY 12 Space SurveySchedule Begins April 3 Complete the survey for all rooms or clusters by June 22 Med School Data Download – July 20 Changes could be requested after this date After the Survey Ends WebSpace still available for reporting Getting Ready for Next Year Update occupants – mark as current Update PI/PO’s, and room types
  38. FY 12 Space SurveySchedule Hands on sessions – register through HRMS Users will have the opportunity to work with their own data using either the production or training system. Staff will be available to assist with any questions All sessions will be held in the FLTC Computer Lab (room 602) Wednesday, April 11, 8:30 to 11:30, Tuesday, April 18, 9:00 to noon Thursday, April 26, 1:30 to 4:30 Wednesday, May 2, 9:00 to noon User Meeting – register through HRMS Tuesday, May 8, 9:30 to 11:00, Holden Auditorium Meetings with individual departments
  39. FY 12 Space SurveyResources Space website - www.space.wustl.edu Department Coordinator manual Quick reference guide WebSpace Training system https://webspacetrain.wustl.edu Formulated password – birth year (two digit), first character of last name (lower case), last four digits of social security number Certificate message – OK to proceed Data will be refreshed from production system periodically
  40. FY 12 Space SurveyContacts WebSpace Questions – Sharon Tomiser or Chuck Wuensch How to inventory, cluster, or survey space How to attach benefitting rooms to a service room How to functionalize space, what function code to use Reporting Training Space Planning - Rebecca Waltman How granular does my space need to be How should rooms be split – what space should be assigned to a PI Junior faculty Lab support rooms
  41. FY 12 Space SurveyContacts Renovations/Room Type or Assignee Changes - Keith Van Booven or Cheryl Kilwin System Access/Security - Help Desk
  42. FY 12 Space SurveyContacts Chuck Wuensch, 935-5713, charles_wuensch@wustl.edu Sharon Tomiser, 935-5726, sharon_tomiser@wustl.edu Rebecca Waltman, 286-1057, waltmanr@wustl.edu Keith Van Booven, 362-8146, vanboovk@wustl.edu Cheryl Kilwin, 362-8317, kilwinc@wustl.edu Help Desk, 935-5707
  43. FY 12 Space SurveyParting Thoughts Remember….. The process of assigning functional use percentages to a room is by its very nature an estimate. The use of any analytical tool to help calculate those percentages does not change the fact that the result is still an estimate. It does not imply a greater degree of precision.
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