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The Sixties. A CLIL Unit for 3rd year students – “P.R. Giuliani” - Dolo. USA - USSR. THE COLD WAR. McCarthyism. DESTALINIZATION. JFK. THE CUBA CRISIS. THE BERLIN WALL. THE RACIAL PROBLEM. BOB KENNEDY. THE ‘68. The Sixties. A CLIL Unit for 3rd year students – “P.R. Giuliani” - Dolo.
USA - USSR After the II World War, the planet is dominated and controlled by two great political and economical powers. They are the capitalistic system, represented by the USA, and the Soviet Union (USSR), bearer of the communist ideology. CARTINA 1 The Cold War. Europe is divided into two opposite blocs. Europe, wasted by the devastating effects of II World War, definitely looses its leading role in the world politics, which is the main goal Usa and Ussr aim to. Both powers struggle to win the world supremacy. CARTINA 2 A perfect song. I'm Russian. And I wanna tell you: never ever believe, what your government says, or our government says. Those times Russians didn't want the war. Everything because of that damn ideology. Governments were afraid that one of the sides may get a better weapon, and that's why appeared that race of weapons. But Russians always wanted a peace. We are people, and we have to live in peace. And the governments can go to hell. “Russians”
ANALOGIES AND DIFFERENCES Common characteristics Their territories cover a wide extension of land USA and USSR have enormous quantities of natural resources Their economy is supported by a strongly developed industrial system The respective political and economical ideas are marked by a deep ideological opposition Differences USA Liberal democracy Political pluralism Private enterprise Free market USSR Communist society A unique political party No private property Social values BACK
ACTIVITIES 1 Speak with your classmates: • What are the characteristics of the two most powerful countries after World War II; • Discuss about the Cold War;
McCarthyism The way we were From 1949 to 1955, Senator Joseph Mc Carthy was the President of a Parliamentary Commission that was expected to inquire into the so called “antiamerican activities”. The “red menace” was a dark threat for the post-war American Governments. Any cultural, political, and social activity that could only contain a seed of a critical dissent to American policy had to go under the deformed lenses of McCarthy’s censorship. McCarthy’s anticommunist campaign was very violent: it was led without bloodshed, but it aimed at weaken the public and individual lives of state officers, journalists, intellectuals, political personalities, Hollywood stars and film directors. These people lost their jobs, and sometimes were put to prison. During the Sixties, the “red menace” was still obsessing the American Government. Il prestanome http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Il_prestanome
ACTIVITIES 2McCarthyism • Write a short composition about McCarthyism: • what are the consequences of such censorship? • what do you think about the relationship between art and information, freedom of speech and civil rights? BACK
De-Stalinization The Secret Speech In 1953 Stalin dies. Nikita Krusciov succeeds to him. In February 1956, during the XXth Congress of the Soviet Party, Krusciov openly denounces Stalin’s crimes. He also states that USSR is in terrible social conditions because of the oppressing and cruel Stalin’s dictatorship. Krusciov starts some reforms: he puts some bars to the overwhelming power of the unique party; he gives a strong impulse to the productive activities; a greater freedom of speech is given to the Soviets. However, Krusciov will never put under discussion the authoritarian system of USSR, the centralization of economical power, the principles of the communist doctrine. In 1959, he will travel to the USA, in a memorable journey showing that the two hostile powers would reach the goal of a peaceful coexistence.
ACTIVITIES 3 Write answers to the following questions: • When was the XXth Congress of the Soviet Party held? • Who was the Chairman? • What did the Italian deputation notice? • What was the document presented on February 25th? • How long was Krusciov’s speech? • What were the charges turned to Stalin? • What did Stalin’s cult of personality consist in? • What were Stalin’s crimes, according to Krusciov? • According to the Secret Speech, what was the USSR from the thirties to the first years of the fifities? • What is the single word which is used to explain the climate during Stalin’s dictatorship? • What was the originality - underlined by Togliatti himself - in the XXth Congress? BACK
John Fitzgerald Kennedy JFK was the President of USA from 1960 to 1963. He was a Democratic. During his campaign, he got a great consensus not only among the middle and upper class, but also among the poor and the black minorities waiting for a social redemption. Inauguration Speech 10:40 John Kennedy is the bearer of the ideal of the New Frontier: Social justice: all the Americans will live with dignity. Peace; Detent; The richest countries must help the poorest. JFK fights for the racial integration in the Southern States of USA, where black people were still heavily discriminated. In foreign politics he tries to promote the process of detent to improve the relationships between USA and USSR. He was assassinated in Dallas on September 22nd, 1963.
Now the trumpet summons us again - not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need - not as a call to battle, though embattled we are - but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation“ - a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself. Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort? In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility--I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it--and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own. ACTIVITY 3 (cloze and writing) BACK
THE CUBA CRISIS The Cuba crisis broke out in October 1962. It represented one of the most critical moments of the Cold War. The two superpowers’ hostile relationships reached the climax; the whole world was under the risk of the third - and the last - war. The risk lasted 13 days.
In 1959, a revolution led by Fidel Castro, had defeated Batista, the dictator of the Caraibic island Batista, during his reign, was supported by the American Government. Fidel Castro, after Batista’s escape, imposed on the island a regime which wanted to follow the principles of communism and of USSR. Since the very first days of the revolution, the USA tried to bring Castro down, while the USSR kept supporting the new regime with military and economic aids.
Three years later, on the 14th October 1962, a U2, an American reconnaissance aircraft, identified the presence of Soviet nuclear missile basis in Cuba. Those missiles could reach every country in the Usa!
John Kennedy imposed a shipblock to Cuba and asked the Soviets to dismantle the missile basis.
The USA and the whole world were going under heavy stressing days; it reached its climax when 18 Soviet ships were crossing the Atlantic Ocean. They were carrying nuclear warheads to Cuba! The American Navy was by then ready to attack. The Earth was on the edge of the third world war!
Luckily, in the end, common sense won. Krusciov accepted to dismantle the missile basis in Cuba; Kennedy promised not to attack Cuba and not to bring Fidel Castro’s politics down. At the end of the crisis, a direct communication between Mosca and Washington was set, in order to better manage other future crisis. A new symbol was added to the The Cold War: the red telephone. ACTIVITY 6 (write captions) BACK
The racial problem Throughout history,Slavery has been one of the key drivers behind the importation of people into other lands. The expansion of Whites into Africa, Asia and America created the background for the great slave traffic from Africa and Asia to Europe and America. From 1530 to the time of the abolition of the slave trade - as opposed to slavery - in 1870, at least 10 million Blacks were forcibly brought to the Americas
The Civil War 1861-1865 The United States of America The Confederate States of America
Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is the name of several past and present organizations in the United States that have advocated at different times white supremacy, anti-Semitism, racism, anti-Catholicism, homophobia, and nativism. These organizations have often used terrorism, violence and acts of intimidation to oppress Black Americans and other groups. But….someone didn’t turn one’s head……. People who peacefully fought against racism
I have a dream video Rosa sat song