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Unifying Education with Schoology

Schoology is a web-based classroom management tool that empowers instructors to plan, communicate, and assess in a user-friendly virtual environment. It supports technology integration in schools and offers a collaborative platform for both students and teachers to enhance learning experiences. Equipments and software required for Schoology are easily accessible and free via the website. Technical support and training are available to facilitate effective use. Schoology can be used to differentiate instruction, promote learning goals, and foster communication in various educational settings.

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Unifying Education with Schoology

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  1. Bring It All Together with SCHOOLOGY

  2. What is SCHOOLOGY? SCHOOLOGY is a web-based, classroom management tool that provides the instructor with the ability to plan, communicate, provide instruction and assessment in a virtual environment that is user friendly and simulates a social media platform. It is also referred to as an LMS (Learning Management System). (Watters, 2010) SCHOOLOGY’s mission from their website “Our mission is to empower you—to give you the tools and connections to engage students more efficiently and improve educational effectiveness on both a large and small scale.”https://www.schoology.com/mission.php

  3. How Does SCHOOLOGY Support the Vision for Technology Use in Our School? The school’s vision is supported and enhanced by using SCHOOLOGY as a tool to provide instructional support to existing instruction. Students will be able to utilize the technology in environments not limited to the classroom. Instructors have a tool that can be used for effective classroom management and instruction.

  4. Appropriate use of SCHOOLOGY. SCHOOLOGY is effectively used in grades K-12. Functionality for the platform to be used in various levels is based on the school classroom and learning styles. SCHOOLOGY is best used inside and outside of the classroom. Students and teachers can access the platform via a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. It is recommended that teachers explore all of these access points.

  5. What EQUIPMENT/SOFTWAREWill be Required? SCHOOLOGY is offered free, via www.schoology.com website. Teachers and students would need to create a username and password to gain access. SCHOOLOGY can be accessed anywhere that there is access to a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

  6. Technical Support of SCHOOLOGY. SCHOOLOGY offers extensive and comprehensive training to designated members of the faculty, that will support the school. Training can be arranged online or face-to-face and customized to the needs of the school.

  7. Possible Limitations of SCHOOLOGY. Internet access and a device that is necessary to access the internet is required to gain access to SCHOOLOGY. If students or teachers are mobile, they would only need a access to a smartphone, tablet or laptop that can access the internet. Teachers and parents would have to monitor student usage of SCHOOLOGY for appropriate use.

  8. Overall cost of SCHOOLOGY. SCHOOLOGY is a free LMS that includes use of the LMS and training components. School Districts have the option to take advantage of an Enterprise designation which provides extensive integration of the platform to be used on a district level. The cost is based on a per student rate and negotiated at the the time of determining need and usage.

  9. Funding Sources. Funds for technology use are earmarked each year in Cobb County. Funds can be raised through various grant programs such as the IMPACT Grant which offers varying dollar amounts. There is also Perkins Funding that can be used for technology in CTAE Departments. Additional needs assessments can be made through the Cobb County Supervisor.

  10. How is SCHOOLOGY Used in the Classroom? SCHOOLOGY can be used by teachers to meet a variety of content standards by creating lessons for any subject. SCHOOLOGY offers a collaborative environment, not just for students, but for teachers, to exchange content and project ideas.

  11. How is SCHOOLOGY Used in the Classroom? Cont’d SCHOOLOGY allows teachers to embed links and video to enhance student learning. SCHOOLOGY teachers can provide customized assessments that can be later analyzed for target areas of improvement. SCHOOLOGY offers students the ability to upload and store assignments and projects.

  12. How is SCHOOLOGY Promote Learning Goals? SCHOOLOGY allows students to take advantage of access to lessons that can be based in an authentic realm, as designed by the teacher. SCHOOLOGY students can collaborate with other students via web postings and designated groups. SCHOOLOGY can promote higher order thinking through the creation of customizable assessments.

  13. How is SCHOOLOGY Promote Learning Goals? Cont’d SCHOOLOGY can provide a research based environment by providing teachers with the ability to create online projects that require students to explore beyond for understanding. SCHOOLOGY is a platform that requires communication in written form. Teachers and students can blog and add links to to effectively communicate.

  14. How is SCHOOLOGY Be Used to Differentiate Instruction? • With the ability to customize and create various types of assessments and lessons, SCHOOLOGY can be used to provide students with options, based on learning styles. For example: • Video or web lessons can be added or linked. • A product can be created from a lesson that gives step-by-step instruction. • Lessons can be created that provide students with choices of delivery.

  15. How is SCHOOLOGY Used to Foster Communication? SCHOOLOGY gives students and teachers the ability to connect one-on-one or in groups. Classrooms can also be connected via SCHOOLOGY. Parents can access classroom content via the “Parent View” feature. Classes can share work and projects with students all over the country and in some cases, around the world.

  16. Available SCHOOLOGY Research. There are a variety of forums, blogs and articles that provide insight and on the effectiveness of SCHOOLOGY. “Here are five reasons why Schoology remains my #1 choice for a classroom LMS:  Full-featured classroom management, communal learning network for teachers and students, device-independent applications,Schoology API allows the program to play nicely with others, and the instructional are and will always be free.” (Schuetz, 2012) “Learning management system startup Schoology has released an iPhone app (iTunes link). Via the app, students and teachers will be able to manage classes, assignments, grades as well as participate in discussions and communicate with each other. Teachers will be able to create assignments, events, and discussions from within the app.” (Watters, 2011)

  17. Implementation of SCHOOLOGY. • In order to successfully integrate the use of SCHOOLOGY into the learning experience a few key things would have to occur: • Teachers would need adequate training on the interface and the capabilities of the LMS from an instructional and management stand point. • Both the teachers and students would have to create individual accounts in SCHOOLOGY to access the features. • Teachers would need to understand how to create engaging lessons in SCHOOLOGY that will tap into content areas and learning goals. • Adequate access to internet friendly devices would need to be taken into account.

  18. Reflections on SCHOOLOGY. I decided to do my research based on a longtime desire to compare SCHOOLOGY with EDMODO. As I began to dive into the research and create my own account online, I noted a lot of similarities and some minor differences. They both do virtually the same thing. The difference would lie in the user/teacher and what he/she prefers in regards to interface and cosmetics. I think LMS systems are a peek into what we will see for classroom management tools in the future. I find them to be very useful. I would even venture to say that as technology develops, so will these LMS options.

  19. Works Cited Schuetz, R. (2012, December 3) Five Reasons Why Schoology Rocks! Retrieved July 13, 2014 from Nocking the Arrow: http://rtschuetz.blogspot.com/2012/12/five-reasons-why-schoology-rocks.html Watters, A (2011, January 3) Schoology Releases an iPhone App. Retrieved July 13, 2014 from Hacked Education: http://www.hackeducation.com/2011/01/03/schoology-releases-an-iphone-app/ Watters, A (2010, October 27) Schoology Aims to Fix One of the Greatest Pain Points of Education. Retrieved July 13, 2014 from Readwrite: http://readwrite.com/2010/10/27/schoology_aims_to_fix_one_of_the_greatest_pain_poi

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