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Venezuela Is Unique

Venezuela Is Unique. CARACAS, A CITY FULL OF EXPERIENCES. English III Class Final Project / Prof Dafne Gonzalez / Adriana Ruiz. C o l o r.

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Venezuela Is Unique

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  1. Venezuela Is Unique CARACAS, A CITY FULL OF EXPERIENCES English III Class Final Project / Prof Dafne Gonzalez/ Adriana Ruiz

  2. Color The “Aula magna” of the Central University of Venezuela, designedby C. R. Villanueva, is a greatexample of the use of color tocreateemotions and a variety of sensations in aninsidespace.

  3. The new fountain of “Plaza Venezuela” isanotherexample of the use of color in Caracas, in this case in thecontext of thecity, throughtthe use of lights of differentcolorsthatiluminatewater.

  4. Thisis a view of Caracas at nights. The “Boyaca” Avenue’slightsclearlydifferencethecityfromthe “Avila” mountain. At darknightsisalmostimpossibletoseethemountain, itseemslikeit has disappeared. Light

  5. The Central University of Venezuela is full of perforatedwalls, whichcreate a greateffectonthewaythat light goesthroughtthespace.

  6. ThishousewasdesignedbyGioPonti, anitalianarchitect, for a couple of venezuelanartists. The “Villa Planchart” is a greatexample of modernity in Caracas, and its use of light isimpressive: theroofseemstobefloatingoverthehouse, specially at night.

  7. Texture The “Teresa Carreno” Theater uses texture in thefacade. Thishelpstogivescaletosomethingthat, otherwise, would look like a verybigwall.

  8. In theTowers of “Parque Central”, textureiscreatedbytherepetition of concrete, steel and glasselements.

  9. “Los Proceres” wouldbeone of thegreatestexamples of the use of rythm in anurbancontext. Everything, fromthepalmtrees, tothefountains, ismadewithrythm. • Rhythm

  10. In thisview of theinside of the “Villa Planchart”, we can seethe use of rhythm in theceiling and thefloor, making a verydynamiccontrastbetweenthem.

  11. In the “Luis Brion” Square, located in Chacaito, thedirectionsfor horizontal circulations are veryclear: thissquarebehaves more like a verybigdistribuitor . • Vertical and • Horizontal • Circulation

  12. The “San Ignacio” Mall has aninterestingspaceconformedbytwoofficestowers and the shopping center’sgaleriesthatsorroundan horizontal space, whichisinterruptedbythe vertical circulationssistems.

  13. space & scale Standingbefore “Parque Cristal” is a “great-scale” experience. Thebigentrance, and theenormousperforationonthefacademakesyoufeelitsimportance as a comercial and financial center in Caracas.

  14. “El Silencio” towers, designedby C.R. Villanueva, havean horizontal elementwhichunifiesthetwotowers, butalsogivesscaletothepeople.

  15. Conclusions Thisarchitectural and urbanisticcharacteristicsmake caracas a citywithitsownidentity, full of buildings of themodernity times. Nowadays, shopping centers are themostcommon in-construction-buildings, thisisalsoanimportantthingabout caracas. Also, thedevelopment of marginal populations, called “barrios” has made a greatdamage in oururbanisticorganization. Shopping Mall Paseo Las Mercedes Petare, thelargest marginal comunity of Caracas

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