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Federal Energy Workshop and Defense Energy Partnership Forum

Federal Energy Workshop and Defense Energy Partnership Forum. September 16, 2014. Timothy D. Unruh PhD, PE, CEM. Program Manager DOE FEMP. FEMP’s Role is to Facilitate Action.

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Federal Energy Workshop and Defense Energy Partnership Forum

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  1. Federal Energy Workshop and Defense Energy Partnership Forum September 16, 2014 Timothy D. Unruh PhD, PE, CEM Program Manager DOE FEMP

  2. FEMP’s Role is to Facilitate Action • FEMP works with Federal agencies to deploy technologies, tools, and knowledge within the Federal Government through: • Project Financing • Technical Assistance and Guidance • Planning, Reporting, and Evaluating • Federal Fleets • Federal Energy Efficiency Fund (FEEF)

  3. FEMP Assisting Federal Agencies with Project Implementation How: Assessment:Identifying technology need Evaluation: Verifying the technology works Policy and Guidance:Clarifying how to gain access to the technologies Funding:Paying for the technology to be installed Assistance:Helping with installation of the technology Training:Demonstrating how to maintain the technology

  4. The Long Road of Progress Site Energy Btu/Gross SqFt 46.2% reduction from 1975 20.6% reduction from 2003

  5. Efficiency Investments Government-Wide PRELIMINARY DATA

  6. Status of Goals and Objectives Facility energy intensity (E.O. 13423/EISA ) Goal: 24% reduction from 2003 Performance: 20.6% Renewable energy (EPACT 2005/E.O. 13423) Goal: 7.5% of electricity use Performance: 9.2% • Potable water reduction (E.O. 13423/13514 ) • Goal: 12% reduction from 2007 • Performance: 19.1% • Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings • Goal: 11% of eligible buildings meet guiding principles • Performance: 3.65% of buildings and 7.32% of SqFt

  7. FEMP Project Financing President’s Performance Contracting Challenge Overall Investment $ An estimated $3.81B investment value - 96% of 3.98B commitment Overall Projects # 303 projects Majority of projects proposed are DOE ESPC,147 Awarded Investment $ 153 projectsawarded with an investment value of $1.5B • eProject Builder What is it? A new ESPC data entry and tracking system with performance benchmarking capabilities • Launch Date of June 16th, 2014 • First customers include: • DLA, working with Siemens, on Dugway Proving Ground (UT) ESPC • GSA, working with Siemens, on Cleveland EPSC • ENABLE Updates in the Program GSA Schedule 84 vendors expanded to 16 (6 small businesses; more applicants) Enhancements made to Investment Grade Audit Tool, conversion to web interface is underway Rolled out new, comprehensive training: 101 courses, vendor training

  8. FEMP Technical Assistance and Guidance • Customer Service- Three Pronged Approach • Agency-Specific Concentration (DOI, DOT, and VA) • Reform Interagency Working Groups • Project Focus for All Agencies • Data Center Efforts Program Development • Completed integration with Better Buildings Challenge • Began work on technical guides for partners Participation & Recruiting • Signed up 9 Partners – 6 Federal and 3 Private (Facebook, eBay, Michigan State U.) • Expect an additional 10+ Federal partners by September 30, 2014 • Active discussions with 30+ private sector prospects • On track to sign 75 Partners by 2016

  9. FEMP Planning, Reporting, and Evaluation • Compliance Tracking System (CTS) 8,437 Covered Facilities, 2.8 billion square feet 70% of Covered Facilities evaluated within last four years 31% of metered buildings benchmarked at least once $3 billion in implemented projects (1,963) reported • Benchmarking Guidance (In concurrence at DOE – being reviewed by DOE + OMB) “ensure that for any agency buildings metered for energy and water performance, the associated monthly performance data is entered into the EPA Energy Star Portfolio Manager. . . .” • Energy Management Readiness Index (EMRI) • Helps agencies assess their facility energy management practices • Collects and analyzes data to characterize an organization’s energy management structure and practices • Allows correlation with metrics of OMB Scorecard, ISO 50001, and other measures

  10. Purpose Provide direct funding through grants to U.S. Federal agencies for the development of CHP or RE capital projects at federally owned sites Project Selection Applicants notified in June; Awards expected in August Cost Share Total project investment of $120M; FEMP funding of $5M with ratio of 24 to 1 Project Types 3 CHP and 6 Renewable projects (specific projects to be announced soon) Federal Energy Efficiency Fund (FEEF) FOA

  11. Challenges to Near Term Goals and Objectives

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