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CIP REVIEW 12-13. Oct 17 th , 2012. Reading. 7 th Grade Goal : Increase the percentage of meeting or exceeding baseline proficiency on the reading portion of the ARMT+ from 93% to 95% , and to increase the percentage of students exceeding standards (Level IVs) from 66% to 71% .
CIP REVIEW 12-13 Oct 17th, 2012
Reading • 7th Grade • Goal: Increase the percentage of meeting or exceeding baseline proficiency on the reading portion of the ARMT+ from 93% to 95%, and to increase the percentage of students exceeding standards (Level IVs) from 66% to 71%. • Strength: “Apply strategies to comprehend literary/recreational materials.” • Weakness: “Relate literary elements and devices to each other.”
Reading • 8th Grade • Goal: Increase the percentage of meeting or exceeding baseline proficiency on the reading portion of the ARMT+ from 80% to 82%, and to increase the percentage of students exceeding standards (Level IVs) from 42% to 47%. • Strength: “Apply strategies to comprehend textual/informational and functional materials.” • Weaknesses: “Distinguish among subcategories of poetry based on their characteristics” and “Evaluate impact of setting, mood, and/or characterization on theme.”
Reading Actions Steps: 1. Promote critical thinking • All Teachers – use assessment data to drive instruction • All Teachers – ensure active engagement by designing lesson around clear outcomes with opportunities for students to chunk text, turn and talk, read, investigate, and write in every class--- TWIRL • All Teachers – employ quality questioning techniques 2. Enhance advanced language arts instruction • Advanced language arts teachers – Laying the Foundation (Pre-AP) materials and 1st year teacher training provided for lead teachers with advanced language arts classes • Language arts lead teachers – Serve on vertical team to collaborate with elementary and high school teachers and share methods and materials (at regular department meetings) with those not serving on vertical alignment team 3. Enhance reading intervention instruction • Administration/Reading intervention teachers – Identify appropriate placement based on reading data • Reading intervention teachers - Adhere to pacing guides and validity standards of research-based programs
Reading Action Plans (cont) 4. Improve enrichment opportunities • True enrichment teachers – Establish rigorous and relevant enrichment opportunities to higher level readers (Students spend one semester in reading enrichment with focus on functional/informational text and one semester in a robotics course with focus on collaborating, creating, and programming functional robots). 5. Offer second elective option that provides additional enrichment opportunities to the highest level readers 6. Increase student engagement • Cross-curricular planning – work across curriculums to provide direct, explicit, strategic instruction to facilitate student comprehension of specific types of passages (focus on nonfiction text) • All Teachers – Employ instructional strategies that encourage students to use specific context clues to determine word meanings as well as draw conclusions during/after reading 7. Utilize monthly data meetings • All Teachers – participate/contribute in monthly data meetings led by administrators/teacher leaders to review benchmark data and adjust instructional plan as needed
Math Focus • 7th Grade • Goal: Increase percentage of students meeting or exceeding baseline proficiency from 84% to 86% and to increase the percentage of those exceeding standards (Level IVs) from 48% to 53%. • Strength: “Use order of operations to evaluate numerical expressions.” • Weakness: “Determine the probability of a compound event.”
Math Focus • 8th Grade • Goal: Increase percentage of students meeting or exceeding baseline proficiency from 84% to 86% and to increase the percentage of those exceeding standards (Level IVs) from 38% to 43%. • Strength: “Simplify expressions containing natural number exponents.” • Weakness: “Graph linear relations by plotting points or by using the slope and y-intercept.”
Math Action Plan 1. Use small groups/cooperative learning • Math Teachers – Use assessment data to establish flexible groups within the classroom • Math Teachers – Use manipulatives and AMSTI strategies to reinforce skills 2. Enhance intervention instruction • Intervention/Inclusion teachers – adherence to inclusion/co-teaching model • Intervention/Inclusion teachers – daily v-math classes and small groups in v-math • Math Teachers – pull identified students for tutoring two times a week 3. Enhance advanced math instruction • Advanced Math teachers - Laying the Foundation (Pre-AP) materials and 1st year teacher training provided for lead teachers with advanced math classes • Math lead teachers – Serve on vertical team to collaborate with elementary and high school teachers and share methods and materials (at regular department meetings) with those not serving on vertical alignment team
Math Action Plan (Cont.) 5. Emphasize math skills across the curriculum • All Teachers – emphasize math skills (with focus on interpreting data and graphs in various types of texts) • Cross-curricular planning – Plan interdisciplinary units that incorporate functional texts with graphs to help identify patterns and relationships**Use common vocabulary; word walls; pacing 6. Utilize monthly data meetings • All Teachers – participate/contribute in monthly data meetings led by administrators/teacher leaders to review benchmark data and adjust instructional plan as needed
Spe Ed Goals Reading • 7th-Increase proficiency rate in the special education subgroup from 44% to 48%. • 8th- Increase proficiency rate in the special education subgroup from 45% to 49%. Math • 7th- Increase proficiency rate in the special education subgroup from 38% to 43%. • 8th-Increase proficiency rate in the special education subgroup from 25% to 29%.
ELL Action Steps 1. Focus on academic vocabulary development in science and social studies • Science and Social studies teachers – use cross-curricular planning to encourage implementation of vocabulary sorts, word walls, and other similar strategies 2. Focus on literacy (reading and writing) • Science and Social studies teachers – participate in PD session (interactive strategies) to deepen knowledge of EL specific instructional needs • All teachers – use multiple measures of data to incorporate flexible grouping within classrooms • All teachers – Ensure active engagement by designing lesson around clear outcomes with opportunities to chunk text, turn and talk, read, investigate, listen, and write in every class
Points of Emphasis • CIP Walk troughs will take place on Oct 24th. This will be building wide from 8 am until 12 am. • Teachers should have a copy of the school’s CIP accessible. • Please review the condensed CIP pages and be able to state the school’s Reading, Math, Spe Ed, and ELL goals. • Lessons need to be written to address the goals (Engagement, QQ, formative assessment, informational text, vocabulary development, and charts/graphs). This should be happening everyday and not just on walk through days • TWIRL