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Integrated Regional Study of Siberia Environment: SB RAS Step to the Northern Eurasia IRS. E.P. Gordov, A.M. Fedotov, M.V. Kabanov, V.N. Lykosov, V.V. Penenko, Yu.I. Shokin, V.A. Snytko, E.A. Vaganov, O.F. Vasiliev, Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training
Integrated Regional Study of Siberia Environment: SB RAS Step to the Northern Eurasia IRS E.P. Gordov, A.M. Fedotov, M.V. Kabanov, V.N. Lykosov, V.V. Penenko, Yu.I. Shokin, V.A. Snytko, E.A. Vaganov, O.F. Vasiliev, Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS, Moscow, Russia, Institute of Geography SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia Institute of Forest SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia, Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia, Institute of Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS, Novosibirsk Department, Russia,
OUTLINE Background Integrated Regional Studies SB RAS Integrated Interdisciplinary Environmental Projects Information-Computational Infrastructure as glue for SIRS Co-ordination as a Step? SIRS and NEIRS
Background • Environmental Sciences: • Multidisciplinary (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Ecology, Social Sciences, etc.) • Monitoring (networks of local sensors, satellite remote sensing) • Mathematical modeling of processes and understanding/handling huge amounts of data • Computational-Information Technologies form infrastructure of basic and applied Environmental Sciences • Challenges: • To understand anthropogenic influence on regional/global scale; • To elaborate recipes for diminishing its negative consequences; • To suggest a way for sustainable development in the changing environment.
Map of linear trends of annual mean surface temperature on territory of Siberia and Far East over period from 1965 to 2000. Different colors correspond to different trend values (figures are in oC/10 years), Ippolitov et al.
Earth System and Regional Processes • Current knowledge demonstrates that, at the regional level, aspects of global change manifest significantly different—yet surprisingly coherent and teleconnected and may affect Earth System dynamics. • Examples of small scale processes acting on large distances and long times: • Chemical species transport; • Permafrost border shifts. • Region might vary from a part of continent (Northern Eurasia) to a scale of natural/anthropogenic complex (Great Vasyugan Bog/ an irrigation system). • ESSP is currently developing a small set of Integrated Regional Studies (IRS), designed to contribute sound scientific understanding in support of sustainable development at the local level. These studies will also improve overall knowledge of regional-global linkages in the context of Earth System dynamics and seek to generate new knowledge about a region’s climatological, ecological, biogeochemical and hydrological functioning, the impact of land use change on these functions, and the interaction between it and the Earth system.
Integrated Regional Studies (IRS) • Based on the concept of the region as a holistic entity in the context of the Earth System; • Contribute sound scientific understanding in support of sustainable development in the region; • Contribute to a quantitative and qualitative understanding of regional-global linkages and the consequences of changes in these linkages. • Overall Approach • Each IRS be developed and led by scientists in the region concerned. The studies will reflect the individual characteristics, interests, scientific capabilities and development priorities of the regions themselves; there should be no prescribed or uniform templates for implementation. The commonality between the studies will be based on the fact that all within the set should address the same overall questions: • What will the region be like in 50 years (2050)? • What will be the consequences of these projected changes (scenarios) for thewelfare of the region? • What are the consequences for the Earth System?
‘Region' in an IRS refers to a large geographical area according to the following: • IRSs must: • transcend disciplinary boundaries across natural and social sciences, address all relevant aspects of marine, terrestrial, atmospheric, social, economic, cultural, historical etc. components of the Earth System; • reflect the particular socio-economic and biophysical characteristics of the region ; and • address regional research as an integrative Earth System science from planning to the synthesis and completion stages of such studies. • IRSs must study how the region functions as an entity as a whole and how that functioning might change.
Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) • 80 research groups - 600 scientists • How does Amazonia function as a regional entity (e.g., natural cycles of water, energy, aerosols, carbon, nutrient and trace-gases)? • How will changes in land use and climate affect the biological, chemical and physical functioning of Amazonia, including its sustainability and influence on global climate?
SB RAS Integrated Complex and Interdisciplinary Environmental Projects comprise efforts a number of Research Institutes and Universities
Statistics of environmental Integrated Complex and Interdisciplinary Projects Typical Complex Project (CP): 5-7 Organizations Funded in 2003-2005 12 CP. Typical Integrated Interdisciplinary Project (IIP): 15 organizations Funded in 2003-2005 11 IIP.
IIP Siberian Geosphere – Biosphere Program: integrated regional study of contemporarynatural and climaticchanges (SGBP) Омская обл. Томская обл. Томск Новосибирская обл.
Work Program Main work packages of the project . • Development of basic network for physical monitoring of atmospheric and hydrosphere changes in Siberia. • Development of basic network for biological and geochemical monitoring of Siberian land surface. • Development of geoinformational and information-computational infrastructure of the regional environmental monitoring. • Modeling and projections of natural-climatic changes Basic question addressed: • Possibility and scale of variations of high latitude albedo caused by Arctic ice melting? • Consequences of potential warming for natural complexes? • Consequences of potential permafrost melting?
IIP Comprehensive monitoring of the Great Vasyugan Bog: investigation of the current conditions and processes of evolution Objectives: To develop tools and technologies of complex monitoring and of multi-disciplinary studies of complex geophysical objects; To study evolution of such globally important unique natural object as Great Vasyugan Bog (LVB) under changing climatic situation and to determine its possible role in Global Change. Consortium: 14 Institutes of SB RAS and RAS and 2 Universities Coordinator: IMCES SB RAS
Great Vasyugan Bog: unique natural complex: Positions of observation and monitoring stationeries
IIP Ecological Problems of Siberian Cities Co-ordinators Profs. V. Penenko, B. Belan and A.Kharitonov Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RASInstitute of Atmospheric Optics SB RASInstitute of Optical Monitoring SB RASInstitute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RASKutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RASInstitute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RASInstitute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion SB RASInstitute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals SB RASInstitute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry SB RASInstitute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RASCentral Siberian Botanical Garden SB RASCentral Clinical Hospital of SB RAS State Science Centre “Vector” The goal of the project is to conduct multidisciplinary scientific research of the basicquestions: how do cities change hydrothermodynamic behaviour and composition of atmosphere and how do these changes affect the quality of life, public health and quality of environment.
CP Modeling of catastrophic processes in natural environment and emergency situations in technosphere Prof. Vladimir Moskvichev Institute of Computational Modelling SB RASInstitute of Computational Technologies SB RASInstitute of Physical-Technological Problems of the North SB RAS CP Development of information and telecommunication tools and technologies for environmental monitoring using the data of new-generation satellites Profs. Yury Shokin and Vladimir Levin Institute of Computational Technologies SB RASKrasnoyarsk Science Centre SB RASInstitute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS
CP Siberia in the context of sustainable development: objectives and technologies of sociocultural interactions Profs. Vladimir Boiko and Vladimir Fofanov Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RASInstitute of History affiliated to the United Institute of History, Philology and Philosophy SB RASInstitute of Mongolian, Buddhism and Tibet Studies SB RASNovosibirsk State UniversityAltai State University Altai Regional Science Centre of the Russian Academy of Education
CP The effect of climate changes on biodiversity. Spatial-typological and functional organization of Ural and East Siberia land vertebrates (population – species - society) Prof. Yury Ravkin, Evgeny Vaganov and Vladimir Bolshakov Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals SB RASSukachev Institute of Forest SB RASInstitute of Plant and Animal Ecology UB RAS IIP Study of the ozone layer and UV of solar radiation in Siberia by combining optical bioindicative and analytical methods Prof. Vladimir Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RASSukachev Institute of Forest SB RASInstitute of Biophysics SB RASBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RASInstitute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS
IIP Analysis and modeling of substance transformation in the system “Selenga River – Lake Baikal Delta” Prof. Arnold Tulokhonov Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RASLimnological Institute SB RASGeological Institute affiliated to the United Institute of Geochemistry and Geology SB RASInstitute of General and Experimental Biology SB RASInstitute of Geography SB RASResearch Department of Physical Problems at the Presidium of the Buryat Science Centre SB RAS
IIP Geoinformation resources of the Altai ecoregion as a basis for monitoring, modeling and forecasting of the dynamics of “man-environment” interaction Profs. Vyacheslav Sedelnikov, Alexander Vladimirovand Dr. Nikolai Dobretsov Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RASInstitute of Geology affiliated to the United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy SB RASUnited Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy SB RASInstitute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry SB RASInstitute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals SB RASInstitute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RASInstitute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RASInstitute of Atmospheric Optics SB RASNovosibirsk State UniversityTomsk State UniversityAltai State UniversityInstitute of Geology, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of KazakhstanNovosibirsk Centre of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring
IIP Global and regional transformation of water and chemical run off in the Ob River Watershed under the effect of natural and anthropogenic factors Profs. Yury Vinokurov and Stepan Shvartsev Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RASInstitute of Petroleum Geology affiliated to the United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy SB RASInstitute of Geography SB RASLavrentiev Institute of Hydrodynamics SB RASVorozhtsov Institute of Organic Chemistry SB RASInstitute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RASInstitute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry SB RASInstitute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RASTomsk Department of the Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RASKemerovo Science Centre SB RAS
IIP Study of current technogenic pollution in the Baikal Region and medicogenetic assessment of long-term effects of radiation on the indigenous population Dr. Fedor Sukhorukov United Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy SB RASInstitute of Cytology and Genetics SB RASVinogradov Institute of Geochemistry SB RASChita Institute of Natural Resources SB RASInstitute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RASInstitute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RASIrkutsk Institute of Chemistry SB RASGeological Institute SB RASInstitute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS
Siberian aerosols-2: heterogeneous chemistry and aerophysics. Impact of atmospheric aerosols on biogeochemical cycles Profs. Yury Tsvetkov and Konstantin Koutsenogy Institute of Computational Technologies SB RASInstitute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RASInstitute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RASLavrentiev Institute of Hydrodynamics SB RASBoreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RASSukachev Institute of Forest SB RASInstitute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RASInstitute of Atmospheric Optics SB RASInstitute of High-Current Electronics SB RASKutateladze Institute of Thermophysics SB RASInstitute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion SB RASInstitute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RASLimnological Institute SB RASBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RASKemerovo Science Centre SB RASState Science Centre “Vector”Siberian State Geodesic AcademyInstitute of Oceanology RAS
software computers sensor nets instruments colleagues data archives A new global/regional infrastructure as a glue for Siberia Integrated Regional Study (SIRS) • information on demand - like power from a socket
The GridThe Semantic Web “Resource sharing & coordinated problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations”
software computers sensor nets instruments colleagues data archives Internet technologies • GRID • Semantic Web
E-Library “Plants of Northern Eurasia” Название класса Диагностические виды Карта-схема ареала
ATMOS : A Scientific WWW Portal for Atmospheric Environment http://atmos.iao.ru, http://atmos.scert.ru
Atmosphere and Environmental Impact Assessment http:atmos.scert.ru • 1. Air Quality Assessment and Management • (http://www.ess.co.at/AIR-EIA) • Lake Baikal • West Siberia • Lowland
Planned SB RAS distributed database on Siberian environment Recently proposed to SB RAS Project aimed at development of the Database on environmental characteristics observed/measured by key actors belonging SB RAS. Among Partners are: SCERT (Tomsk), Institute of Computational Technologies (Novosibirsk), Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, (Tomsk) Institute of Forest (Krasnoyarsk), Institute of Geography (Irkutsk), Institute of Water and Environment Problems IBarnaul), Institute of Atmospheric Optics and Institute of Criolitosphere (Tyumen).
Planned development of informational-computational infrastructure of integrated regional study of Siberia environment To understand dynamic of regional natural and climatic system and perform regional environment assessment on the base of environmental monitoring and a set of developed models an information-computational infrastructure is required. The portal ATMOS is quite effective example of modern Information Technologies and Environmental Sciences integration. Development of Web portal ATMOS and its localization in different Siberia regions might give an element for informational-computational infrastructure of integrated regional study of Siberia environment.
Co-ordination as a Step to SIRS? Analogy with the proposed for FP6 INCO Co-ordination activities: Man-induced Environmental Risks: Monitoring, Management and Remediation of Man-made Changes in Siberia: Enviro–RISKS The Project Consortium: Danish Meteorological Institute will co-ordinate Project, Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training will assist in co- ordination of NIS partner’s activity and will manage overall CA performance. Partners Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Institute for Numerical Mathematics of RAS Institute of Forest SB RAS Kazakhstan National Center for Radio Electronics and Communications Ugra Research Institute of Information Technologies Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB
The project strategic objective will be reached via coordination activities of environmentally oriented projects performing/ coordinating and recently performed by the Partners. Among those are: the CLEAR cluster of European Air Quality Research, including 9 FP5 Projects(ATREUS, BOND, FUMAPEX, INTEGAIRE, ISHTAR, OSCAR, SAPPHIRE, URBAN AEROSOL, URBAN EXPOSURE; FP5 Projects: FUMAPEX (Integrated Systems for Forecasting Urban Meteorology, Air Pollution and Population Exposure); SIBERIA-II: Multi-sensor concepts for greenhouse gas accounting of Northern Eurasia; Terrestrial carbon observing system TCOS-Siberia and ISIREMM: Integrated System for Intelligent Regional Environmental Monitoring & Management.
NARP ARCTIC RISK Project “Atmospheric Transport Pathways, Vulnerability and Possible Accidental Consequences from the Nuclear Risk Sites in the European Arctic (multidisciplinary network studies)”. INTAS Projects: Web Portal on Atmospheric Environment ATMOS and Modelling and parameterisation of the ’air-vegetation-snow-soil’ system, including special aspects of the permafrost degradation; SB RAS Integrated Projects Siberian Geosphere – Biosphere Program: Integrated Regional Study of Contemporary Natural and Climatic Changes, Complex Monitoring of Great Vasyugan Bog: modern state and developement processes research and Ecological Problems of Siberian Cities;