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Forest Lawn Language Center. 3915 34 Street N.E., Calgary, Alberta T1Y 6Z8 Main Phone: (403) 234 0453 Fax: (403) 250 2401 www.flbc.ca. Forest Lawn Language Center offers you: Small classroom Access to computer labs Experienced and certified educators Extracurricular activities
Forest Lawn Language Center 3915 34 Street N.E., Calgary, Alberta T1Y 6Z8 Main Phone: (403) 234 0453 Fax: (403) 250 2401 www.flbc.ca
Forest Lawn Language Center offers you: • Small classroom • Access to computer labs • Experienced and certified educators • Extracurricular activities • Monthly enrolment
Forest Lawn Language Center offers you: • Quality Education • Qualified Teachers • Small Classes • Safe, Secure, Loving & Nurturing Environment
Why do we teach? • Our objective is to provide qualified teaching staff dedicated to working with students in a loving, caring atmosphere to enhance their growth and learning. • Childhood does not connote passivity. Children and young adults are spontaneous actors, assimilators, and accommodators. • They are constantly discovering, learning, and are doing this more quickly and efficiently than they will in any other stage of their lives.
English As A Second Language • Introduction to English • Basic Beginner/Intermediate/Advance conversation • Reading/Writing at all levels • Advanced ESL • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) • Business English
Academic Principles • Instructors at the Forest Lawn Language Center are professional language teachers dedicated to help you in your educational needs. • Not only does Forest Lawn Language Center offer English as a Second Language, but can offer other languages as well. • For those who wish to compete on the Asian Market which is expanding rapidly, our devoted teachers will help you learn Chinese and Vietnamese through innovative teaching techniques.
Academic Principles – con’t • One of the basic reasons why parents enroll their children in a private College is to obtain an education grounded on sound moral values. • At Forest Lawn Language Center we help our students to develop moral character, a sense of accountability, and wisdom in their life decisions. • All staff members are fully qualified and are certified by Alberta Education and have various experiences in their field of instruction.
Results from the 2003 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), administered by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). • Alberta students continue to achieve excellent results on international tests, sharing the highest scores in reading, improving from third to second in mathematics and ranking fourth in science. • "These test results confirm that Alberta students are among the best in the world," said Minister of Education, Gene Zwozdesky.
In 2000, Alberta students scored the highest of all participants on the reading component of the PISA tests. Alberta students had the third highest rankings in science (behind Korea and Japan) and mathematics (behind Japan and Quebec). • In 2000, the tests focused on reading and literacy. • PISA 2003 focused on mathematics and a new content area called problem-solving skills. Problem-solving questions test a student's ability to solve real-life situations requiring more than one subject area, such as using a map to calculate the shortest distance between two routes. • Published December 7th, 2004
Why study in Calgary, Alberta, Canada? • One of the highest ranking places in the world according to PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment). • Prosperous economy • Diversity in cultures • Dynamic “Get it done” attitude • Outdoor sports and scenery
Why Calgary, Alberta, Canada? Reason #1. Programme for International Student Assessment Results
The University of Calgary • 31,000 students, of which 18,999 are full time undergraduate, 2701 graduate, and 9674 are part time students • 23,100 are continuing education students • 1,917 are in the academic faculty • Most research intensive University in Alberta • $134.5 million (2000) of externally funded research
Alberta Leads Economic Growth • The Alberta economy is set for another strong year of growth. Private-sector forecasts for the province's economic growth average four per cent in 2004 and 3.8 per cent in 2005. • The March 2004 provincial budget forecast Alberta’s growth at 3.6 per cent in 2004, and 3.1 per cent in 2005. • Record-high energy prices have led broad economic gains and improved the outlook for the province's growth, according to the October 2004 Economic Update. Other highlights of the report show that Alberta has: • Private-sector forecasts for the province's economic growth average 4% in 2004 and 3.8% in 2005. • The highest income growth in Canada in 2004 at 6.4%, compared to 3.7% nationally in the first half of the year; • The lowest unemployment rate in Canada at 4.8%, compared to the national rate of 7.3%; • A strong manufacturing sector, with shipments increasing by 11.2% in the first seven months of 2004, double the national growth rate of 5.6%.
Born in Vietnam, Thanh and his family came to Edmonton, Canada 1984. Thanh earned a Bachelor of Art in Pastoral Ministry in 1991, subsequently founding four Vietnamese Churches. In 2002, he founded the Forest Lawn Language College Society, leading to English as a Second language classes in the community. By May 2003, Forest Lawn Bible College was established with Thanh as a Founder and President. He is currently the Founder and Pastor of Forest Lawn Bible Church and from July year 2003, as a director on the board of Christian Aid Mission of Canada. Rev Thanh K. NguyenAlberta 2005 Ambassador
Pastor Thanh plans to open a high school with Alberta Curriculum in Vietnam and he said “I will never accept the false teachers teaching in my school in Vietnam”. • His vision for Vietnam: We love you, Oh! Vietnam. Work with us to lift up the nation to succeed in higher education standard! • On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the accession of Her Majesty, The Queen for the Throne, the Golden Jubilee Medal is presented to Rev. Thanh K. Nguyen.
Forest Lawn Language Center Thank you! Forest Lawn Language Center 3915 - 34 Street N.E., Calgary, Alberta T1Y 6Z8 Phone: (403) 234 0453 Fax: (403) 250 2401 www.flbc.ca