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2. S N E A (INDIA) WELCOMES. Justice M. J. RAO : ChairmanDr. NITISH SENGUPTA : MemberShri. R. S. S. L. N. BHASKARUDU : MemberShri. P. C. PARAKH : MemberDr. R. C. PANDA : MemberS
2. 2 S N E A (INDIA)WELCOMES Justice M. J. RAO : Chairman
Shri. R. S. S. L. N. BHASKARUDU : Member
Shri. P. C. PARAKH : Member
Dr. R. C. PANDA : Member
Shri. K.D.TRIPATHI : Secretary
3. 3 SNEA(INDIA) Sanchar Nigam Executives Association (India) represents about 30,000 executives belonging to Telecom Engineering, Accounts and finance, Civil, Electrical, Architecture, Telecom factories and Administrative wing of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL). The Association is having its Central Headquarters at New Delhi. The Association is having organizational set up at Taluka, District and State level and is having membership at all metro and major cities and towns, including rural areas.
SNEA(INIDA) plays a major role to ensure continued financial viability of BSNL by way of continuous interaction with the Management, suggesting strategies and plan of action, from time to time, and also actively involving its members in development, expansion, installation, operation and maintenance of Telecom Network. The Association also plays vital role in ensuring customer satisfaction.
4. 4 ABOUT BSNL Bharat Sanchar Nigam limited was formed on 1st October 2000 by corporatising Department of Telecom Services and Department of Telecom Operations. BSNL is fully owned by Government of India and operates throughout the country, except Delhi and Mumbai.
BSNL board comprises of Chairman and Managing Director, seven board of Directors, with two nominated from Ministry of Communications, and a Company Secretary.
5. 5 Vision, mission and objectives.
To become the largest Telecom Service provider in South East Asia.
To provide world class state-of-the-art technology, Telecom Services on demand at affordable price.
To provide world class Telecom infrastructure to develop the countrys economy.
6. 6 Objectives.
To be a lead telecom service provider.
Build customer confidence through quality and reliable service.
Provide band width on demand.
To meet all emerging communication needs of individual and small enterprise and corporate houses.
Contribute towards :
National plan target of 250 million subscriber base for the country by December 2007 in mobile sector.
Broad band customer base of 20 million in the country by 2010 as per broad band policy 2004.
Telephone in all villages.
Implementation of triple play as regular commercial proposition.
BSNL is given MINIRATNA-I Status in spite of the fact that it is fully eligible to get NAVARATNA Status.
8. 8 SOURCES OF DATAData presented in charts and graphs is obtained from DoT and BSNL annual reports.
9. 9 PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF BSNL The BSNL physical structure comprises of various segments, each having definite tasks to be performed. A brief picture of the same is given here.
Telecom Circles/Metro Districts:
There are 24 Telecom Circles and two Metro Districts. They are responsible for installation, operation, maintenance and providing various telecom services coming under basic services, cellular services and data services within their jurisdiction.
10. 10 PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF BSNL Transmission Maintenance Regions: There are 4 transmission maintenance regions, one each for Northern zone, Southern zone, Eastern zone and Western zone. They are to install, operate and maintain transmission systems connected through optical fiber cable, satellite stations, microwave systems. They maintain optical fiber cable used as media for interconnecting transmission systems. They also operate and maintain large Trunk Automatic Exchanges.
11. 11 PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF BSNL Telecom Project Circles: There are 4 telecom project circles, one each for Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western zones. They are to install large transmission and switching systems, lay optical fiber cables and erect transmission towers.
North-East task force circle is exclusively meant for installation of transmission systems, erection of towers, laying of optical fiber cable, in the north eastern states and Assam.
I.T. Project Circle: IT Circle Pune takes care of all software related requirements like HR Package, Billing etc.
12. 12 PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF BSNL Telecom Quality Assurance and Testing and Development Circles: Telecom quality assurance circle is having its operational units in all cities/towns where factories for manufacturing and supplying of telecom equipment and its accessories, meters, OFC cables,drop wire etc are situated. The TQA circle tests quality not only of the finished equipment but also of the components used for the same before giving its approval for use in the field.
T &D circle mainly conducts tests of all the installed equipments before making over to the field units for operations. They also test cables meant for local and long distance networks.
13. 13 PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF BSNL DATA Network Circle: All DATA services right from packet switching public data network(PSPDN), Internet over dial up and lease line, multi-protocol label switching (MPLS-VPN) , broad band and other value added services, E-mail service, web hosting, co-location of web server, Maintaining Network Operation Center(NOC) of NIB2, Disaster recovery NOC at Pune, broad band project-I , MPLS narrow band project-3, Wi-Fi and Wi-Max services are maintained by DNW circle.
14. 14 PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF BSNL Telecom Factories: There are 3 telecom factories which mainly manufacture certain accessories required for field units. The main items of manufacture are towers, cable jointing kits, coin box pay phone, telephone instruments, SIM cards etc.
15. 15 PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF BSNL Training Centers: There are 3 main training centers, ALTTC Ghaziabad, BRBRAIT at Jabalpur and NATFM at Hyderabad. These training centers are to impart pre-appointment training for Group A and Gr. B level officers and, in addition, provide refresher/in service trainings to both group A and B officers. In addition, there are 11 Regional Telecom Training Centers(RTTCs) and one circle telecom training center in each telecom circle. They also provide pre-appointment training for group B officers and refresher/in-service training for all the staff. The data below indicates the total number of employees trained on year to year basis.