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Online Personal Trainer ACTION PLAN Lesson 5: Strength Assessment. Created by: IaWellness. Control Panel (bottom of screen). Click the “Pause” button located on the bottom of your screen. You will now have control of the slides. .
Online Personal Trainer ACTION PLAN Lesson 5: Strength Assessment Created by: IaWellness
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Functional Movement and Resistance Training Phase 3 / Phase 4 Lesson 5 will teach you about phases 3 and 4 in the functional movement and resistance training Diagram. 3. Load 4. Performance • Phase 3 will discuss LOAD, which is dynamic movement with external resistance (barbell, dumbbell, plate, etc.). It is ‘traditional’ resistance training for hypertrophy, strength, or endurance. • Phase 4 will discuss PERFORMANCE. This phase looks at sport specific training such as: Speed, agility, quickness, reactivity and power.
Phase 3 • Since this phase is focused on resistance training, you may stay in this phase for many years, especially if you have no performance goals. • To remain in this phase, it is important to stay motivated by designing and modifying (changing) your programs. Exercises from Phase 1 and 2 workouts should make up the dynamic warm-up during Phase 3 workouts. This promotes continued reinforcement of good movement patterns, mobility, and stability, and provides movement preparation prior to loading the movements during each exercise session.
Progression and Regression • Progression: The act of advancement or moving forward (increase Weight, Range of Motion, Volume, etc.) • Regression: The act of going backward to a previous place, reversion of a less advanced challenge (Decrease Weight, Range of Motion, Volume, etc.) • Lesson 4 (phases 1&2) assess the postural imbalance and muscle motor control to develop spinal stability and proper movement sequences. This allows for external loads (weights) to be added during exercise, with a minimized risk for injury. • If you ever feel like an exercise with weights does not look or feel mechanically correct, regress to a simpler exercise to avoid an injury.
Muscular Fitness • There are two primary ways to assess your muscular fitness: 1. Test muscular endurance by seeing how many repetitions you can perform of a particular exercise before reaching a level of fatigue that prevents further repetitions. 2. Test your muscular strength in a specific lift to determine the maximum weight you can lift for a defined number of repetitions. A one repetition maximum (1RM) is the most precise test of maximal strength, but has a higher injury risk. A 10 repetition maximum will be used in this Action Plan for safety purposes, even though it is less accurate.
1. Testing Muscular Endurance • 2 minute Push-up test (Equipment: Stop watch and Mat) SET UP: • When down on the ground, set your HANDS at a distance that is slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Depending on your strength and experience, your hands should be angled in a way that feels comfortable to you. Most people set their hands so their middle finger points straight up and away from them. You can also turn your hands inwards slightly if it’s less stressful on your wrists, or you can do your push ups on your knuckles (as long as you’re on a semi-soft surface like grass or carpet. • Your FEET should be set up in a way that feels right and comfortable to you (usually touching to shoulder width apart). Generally speaking, the wider apart your feet, the more stable you’ll be for your push ups. If you can not do a push up on your feet, drop to your knees, but maintain the same posture!
1. Testing Muscular Endurance • 2 minute Push-up test (Equipment: Stop watch and Mat) SET UP (continued): • Think of your BODY as one giant straight line, from the top of your head down through your heels. Your buttocks shouldn’t be sticking way up in the air or sagging. If you have a problem getting the proper form with your body, try this trick: clench your buttocks, and then tighten your abs. Your core will be engaged, and your body should be in that straight line. Your head should be looking slightly ahead of you, not straight down. Looking up helps you keep your body in line, but feel free to look down if that helps you concentrate more. At the top of your push up, your arms should be straight and supporting your weight. You’re now ready to do a push up.
1. Testing Muscular Endurance • 2 minute Push-up test (Equipment: Stop watch and Mat) The Push-Up: • With your arms straight, butt clenched, and abs braced, steadily lower yourself until your elbows are at least at a 90 degree angle. Depending on your level of experience, age, and flexibility, 90 degrees might be the lowest you’re able to go. Use a can for your chest to touch at the bottom of each push up or touch the ground. That way, you know your going the same distance each and every time. • Try not to let your elbows go flying way out with each repetition. Keep them relatively close to your body, and keep note of when they start to fly out when you get tired.
1. Testing Muscular Endurance • 2 minute Push-up test (Equipment: Stop watch and Mat) The Push-Up (Continued): • Once your chest touches the floor (or your arms go down to a 90 degree angle), pause slightly and then explode back up until you’re back in the same position. • Congratulations, you just did a proper push up. Now for the test. Do as many QUALITY PUSH-UPS as you can for 2 min. or until you start to feel your form slip (even slightly). Ten good push-ups is better than 20incorrectones… REMEMEBER, Quality is better than Quantity. If you can only do ten, write down your results and aim for 11 next time. Perfect form allows you to keep track of your improvements week to week.
1. Testing Muscular Endurance Other ways to test Muscular Endurance: - Test: How many _____ can you do in a minute (or until failure) • Pull ups • Sit-ups • Sit and Stand (sit on a chair or bench) or Squat • According to the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT), the push-up, sit-up and 2-mile run are the assessments that best test muscular endurance.
Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) Standards MALE: 2 Minute Push-up Test
Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) StandardsMALE: 2 Minute Sit-up Test
Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) StandardsMALE: 2 Mile walk/run
Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) StandardsFEMALE: 2 Minute Push-up
Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) StandardsFEMALE: 2 Minute Sit-up Test
Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) StandardsFEMALE: 2 mile walk/run
2. Testing Muscular Strength • The 2 main exercises that measure Muscular Strength are: • Squat- Lower Body Strength • Bench Press- Upper Body Strength ** Here are 7 tips to ensure you Squat with perfect form every time, and 4 tips to ensure you Bench Press with perfect form every time.
2. Testing Muscular StrengthTHE SQUAT • Proper Squat Technique Tip 1: Hip Hinge • Proper squat technique requires some hip flexibility, proper balance, and a “hip hinge”. Each time you squat you should hinge your hips so that your butt moves backwards during the downward phase of the squat, your knees will no longer protrude well over your toes (if you are tall, this may happen, but make sure it does not put pressure on your knees). Finally, the pressure of the squat will be on your heels instead of your toes and you will be able to get more depth to your squat.
2. Testing Muscular StrengthTHE SQUAT • Proper Squat Technique Tip 2: Straight Head Position • One major mistake people make when they squat is rounding their necks, or looking down at the ground. The spinal alignment is automatically thrown off, which makes the squat a very dangerous exercise, especially if you are using a lot of weight. Sometimes I pick a spot on the wall that’s in line with my eyes as I am standing straight, then as I squat down, I keep my eyes on that spot. My head and neck are automatically in the correct spinal position. • Proper Squat Technique Tip 3: Chest Out/Shoulders Back • A key theme with the squat is to make sure your spine is in proper alignment. By keeping your shoulder back and your chest out, your lower back will most likely have the correct natural curve. If you instead round your shoulders and sink your chest in, your spinal alignment will be thrown off.
2. Testing Muscular StrengthTHE SQUAT • Proper Squat Technique Tip 4: Slightly Arched Lower Back • The bottom of the spine (known as the lumbar spine) has a slight arch. You should keep your lower back flat, to slightly arched as you squat. Hyper extending your lower back by arching too much, or rounding your back can put significant pressure on the intervertebral discs (soft gel like cushions that protect each vertebrae). • Proper Squat Technique Tip 5: Athletic Stance, Toes Pointed Out • Use an athletic stance for the squat so that your knees are slightly bent, feet are firmly planted on the ground, and toes pointed outwards slightly, which helps with stabilization. The wider you put your feet, the more it works your glutes and hamstring (back of the leg), and the easier it will be to stabilize. The closer in you put your feet, the more your quadriceps will be emphasized (the front of the leg). Make sure to keep your knees out and choose weight that is appropriate for your level.
2. Testing Muscular StrengthTHE SQUAT • Proper Squat Technique Tip 6: Exhale Up/Inhale Down • Breathing is very important for squatting because it is a challenging exercise. Improper breathing can make you light headed or even dizzy. As you are lowering yourself, remember to take a deep breath in, then as you are pushing up, breathe out forcefully. Always keep this breathing pattern. Towards the last few reps, you may consider taking a few extra breaths at the top of the squat position as you are needing some extra rest.
2. Testing Muscular StrengthTHE SQUAT • Proper Squat Technique Tip 7: Depth of the Squat • The depth of the squat primarily depends on your hip flexibility. If your hips are very flexible, then you may be able to squat “below parallel” (hamstrings are below parallel with the floor) and if you have poor hip flexibility, then you will be “above parallel”. In general, try to shoot for your hamstrings about parallel with the floor, which deeply engages your thighs, hips, and glutes. If you can go lower than parallel that’s fine, just make sure you don’t experience any pain in your knees, or lower back, and always keep your lower back flat, to slightly arched. Try standing sideways towards the mirror to watch your form throughout the exercise.
Different Types of Squats • Easy: Sit and Stand • Intermediate: Bodyweight Squat, Dumbbell Squat, • Advanced: Barbell Front Squat, Barbell Back Squat, Overhead Squat, and Kettlebell Goblet Squat ** Try elevating your heels to increase the depth of your squat.
2. Testing Muscular StrengthTHE BENCH PRESS • STEP ONE: HANDSPACING • The perfect bench press rep starts without any weight on the bar. Most bars are already 45 lbs. If that is too heavy, start with a lighter barbell. The first thing you need to do is determine your proper hand spacing on the bar. Lie down on the bench and un-rack the bar as you normally would. Lower the bar to your chest and have a partner take note of the orientation of your forearms. For optimal power, your forearms should be as close to vertical at the bottom of the rep as possible. Adjust your grip accordingly and take note of where your hands are in relation to the smooth rings on the Olympic bar. Types of Grip: Wide Grip, Close Grip, and Neutral Grip • Neutral Grip is the “perfect Grip” …The reason for this is simple: if your hands are placed wider, some of your pushing power will be expended pushing outwards rather than upwards. If your hands are placed closer, power is expended pushing inwards. When your forearms are vertical, the vast majority of your power goes to pushing the bar directly up.
2. Testing Muscular StrengthTHE BENCH PRESS • STEP TWO: LOCKING DOWN • Now that you have your grip properly positioned, put some weight on the bar. Lay back on the bench and plant your feet firmly on the floor. • 5 Point Contact: Your head, upper back,Glute (buttocks) remain in contact with the bench and both feet remain in contact with the ground • Your knees should bent at about an 80 degree angle. DO NOT place your feet up on the bench, unless you have low back problems. You will lose stability and potential power by doing this, but will protect your back. Place your hands on the bar in the grip width that you determined previously. A technique that I like to use to lock my shoulders into the position for maximum strength and stability is as follows: Instead of placing your palms on the bottom of the bar, place them on the back of the bar.
2. Testing Muscular StrengthTHE BENCH PRESS • STEP TWO: LOCKING DOWN (continued) • Now, without removing your grip, rotate the bar down so that your palms are now directly under the bar. This is the effect of placing your shoulders into the most stable and strong position. It will almost feel as though you are “locking down” your shoulders, lifting your torso slightly off the bench and forcing your shoulder blades together tightly underneath your torso. This will force your shoulders back and puff your chest out, placing the pectorals in a position where they have a more effective line of pull. It also has the added bonus of making your torso thicker, reducing the distance you need to press the weight. Keep your shoulder blades squeezed tightly behind you for the duration of the set.
2. Testing Muscular StrengthTHE BENCH PRESS • STEP THREE: RAISING THE BAR • Exhale forcefully as you continue to push the weight up. This will help maintain your torso stability better than simply exhaling all at once. Keep your feet firmly planted on the floor even if you start to struggle with the weight. The moment you lift your feet off the floor, you break your base of power and the odds of you completing the lift diminish greatly. The bar should follow a slight backwards arc as you press it up, moving from your lower rib cage to over your face at the end of the rep. Be aware of your sticking point and try to drive the bar through it rather than letting the bar slow down as you come up to it. • STEP FOUR: FINISHING AND COMPLETING • Power the weight up to lockout. You have just completed the perfect rep! Now do it again!! Using these techniques can add immediate results to your bench press.
Testing Muscular StrengthTHE SQUAT and BENCH PRESS • TESTING (10 rep max): • Warm-up: 10 reps (easy weight) • 1) 10 reps moderate weight • 2) 10 reps heavy: Continue until you can not do 10 reps. The last weight you could do 10 repetitions with is considered 75% of your 1 Repetition Max. Example: If you lift 145 lbs for 10 reps your 1RM is 193 lbs Equation: 145 / 0.75=193 ** Rest 2-5 minutes between each set or until your aerobic system has recovered (decreased heart rate) Tip: Do not do too many warm-up reps or moderate weight repetitions because you are not testing muscular endurance.
Progression to Phase 4 Performance Phase: • This phase focuses on sport specific training for speed, agility, quickness, reactivity and power.
Skill-Related Components Skill-related Components of Physical Fitness (Sports Performance): Balance- an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. Agility- the power of moving quickly and easily or to accelerate and decelerate quickly Coordination- the ability to use different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently. Speed- the rate at which someone is able to move or operate Power- the ability to exert a maximal force in as short a time as possible, as in acceleration. (Strength X Speed= Power) Reaction time- the time that elapses between a stimulus and the response to it
Trying this out! • Lesson 6 will … • Introduce you to workouts from beginner to intermediate, intermediate to advanced, and advanced to performance. • Introduce you to different types of equipment. • Give you examples of periodization and workout ideas.
Lesson 5 Activity • Test your Muscular Endurance using the APFT. Where do you rank on the Push-up, Sit-up and 2-Mile Walk/Run?
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