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The Rotary snowpl o w. Made by Group 6 Since&David Hu&Ann&Andy&Doris. The rotary snowplow was invented in Toronto , Ontario, Canada dentist JW Elliot in 1869 The first rotary snowplow to be manufactured was designed by a Canadian named Orange Jull and built by the Leslie Brothers. What. Who.
The Rotary snowplow Made by Group 6 Since&David Hu&Ann&Andy&Doris
The rotary snowplow was invented in Toronto , Ontario, Canada dentist JW Elliot in 1869 The first rotary snowplow to be manufactured was designed by a Canadian named Orange Jull and built by the Leslie Brothers. What
Who Canada,dentist called JW Elliott. Orange Jull ofOrangeville, Ontario,expanded on Elliott's design,building working models he tested with sand.
When • The first rotary plow was designed in1869 • tested it in the winter of 1883-84. • Between 1885 and 1903 the Leslies had 62 plows • (plus 2 for export) built by several locomotive works. • Five homebuilt Leslie types (4 diesel, 1 electric) were built between 1950 and 1971. • The one plow constructed in 1971, by Union Pacific, was the last Leslie type built.
Where • Canada Toronto , Ontario • Southern Pacific rotary snowplow MW208 is preserved in operational condition at the Western Pacific Railroad Museum atPortola, California . • Union Pacific Railroad 's UP 900860 rotary snowplow currently rests at Union Station in Ogden, Utah.
Why Because the storm had an upside - it led cities to develop more comprehensive snow plans. Cities began plowing when storms started, rather than waiting until the end of the storm. Officials divided cities into sections and assigned different areas to different plow drivers.
How • Creating new problems and new possibilities for snow plowing. In 1913, New York unveiled the first motorized dump truck (complete with tractor tires), abandoning the traditional horse-drawn cart. In the 1920s, Chicago unveiled the snowloader, an "ingenious contraption" that "was equipped with a giant scoop and a conveyor belt.
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Sources Cited • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotary_snowplow • http://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A2KK_OdPWHdS4YMBFgWbvZx4?p=Rotary+snowplow&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-900 • http://www.google.com.hk/search?q=JW+Elliott&newwindow=1&safe=strict&hl=zh-CN&site=webhp&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=nqd7UvX6Oe6wiQfH2ICgCA&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1239&bih=605#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=kX8ZQDWTDUex6M%3A%3BM9f_iA0pCIPI9M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fimages.ourontario.ca%252FPartners%252FWhitby%252F46031.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fimages.ourontario.ca%252Fwhitby%252F46031%252Fdata%3B272%3B400 • http://www.google.com.hk/search?newwindow=1&safe=strict&hl=zh-CN&site=webhp&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=b6l7UtLtDY6dlQW-o4GABA&ved=0CCgQsAQ&biw=1239&bih=605&q=Canada%20Toronto%20,%20Ontario • http://www.theatlanticcities.com/technology/2012/01/how-we-plowed-plows-were-invented/1055/
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